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    % m Vsg&s * fitSPuaff % % 195© V 18-6-2 j Amman Ife 1. A* WhitSS lour fils SB 1-8* X show M m Inform. %im m mvmXlf submit % as­sist is mmplVLm @or annual report to th* Putolls Serris* mission of Sstads* whlel* should b« fllod with thus not Istsr than Karsh 15, 1950* 3X@nfc form# will b« forimrdsd to you as soon os reo#Iv»d from 7 Urn Goisaiaslott, (nsaalXtofctioa M of¥&tsr .flaaiiUttBit A* BtsidtntliJL » • * » * . . ? * < * * • Bi C onssrissl . « * • . * * » . . . « ?«9 0# Itidus trlftl . ft*. * . * • * * * * • • * * Consumption during year - 3,638.899,921 gallons, this lnoluds# waisr used by b o m ths Hailroad gifi has fsgas hand and water tatuny* (SOTXi OonsuaptloA ty olassiflog tion Is not av&il&bls a* motors sr« not used. ) A8** a* 8. Kstored Miss to gonsml oonsuitier* - flat rats sals# to gsnsral sonsuiasra Othsr wmtsr utilites «• Sons HiaoelX&nsous muatsipal sslsS - Hons - $196,289.25 (Conforming to lts» uaa&srs on fag# 13, *8#n«ral Statistlos*.) 1* dgants sf.jrstgg.snaailx< 11 Artesian **11» and 3 Springs. HS.i mU >5#I M P T O S i Actual eroduotion from @11 sourest; b. Ctillasd ty fell road 3,5^1,353»018 gals* IP# SIS SIS'