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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2006



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future .... Worship Services MARCH 2006 VOL. XX NO. 3 ADAR/NISAN 5766 Friday Services King David Memorial Chapel Saturday Services New Temple Offices Friday, March 3 '7:30 pm Shabbat Services K-3 Grade Shabbat Saturday, March 4 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study 4:00 pm Spencer Blank Bar Mitzvah @ Gold Coast Friday, March 10 7:30 pm Shabbatone Service Saturday, March 11 BO am Jeremy Unger Bar Imivah @ Anthem 10:30 am Tot Shabbat @ GVL 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study 12:00 pm Second Saturday Talmud Study Friday, March 17 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, March 18 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, March 24 7:30 pm Music Season Shabbat Saturday, March 25 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, March 31 7:30 pm Shabbat Service 4-5 Grade Shabbat Saturday, April 1 ^:00 am Sebastian Garner Bar ^Avah @ Desert Willow ^K)0 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study 2006 Music Season Sabbath Featuring Dan Nichols March 24-25 Dan Nichols is one of the most popular and influential Jewish musicians in North America. His music has become an important part of the Reform Jewish movement, with synagogue youth and clergy alike incorporating it into their curriculum and services. He was born in 1969 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended URJ Goldman Union Camp in Indianapolis for 10 years as a camper and since 1994 has returned yearly to facilitate as the camp's artist-in-residence. He attended the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, where in 1992 he received his Bachelor of Music. After leaving college, he formed the Jewish rock band. Eighteen, and released their first CD, Life, in 1996. Over the next 6 years they released Be Strong, the band's most popular CD to date, and Kol HaShabbat. Dan was also a featured performer for the prestigious adult enrichment conference in 2002, Limmud, in Nottingham, England. Check out Dan and his band Eighteen on the web at You can see photos and hear sound-bites from his cd's. For the past five years, Dan has served as artist-in-residence for High Holydays and Madrichim retreats as Temple Shir Shalom in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Also, since 2002, he has been on facultyfor Hava NaShira, a national song-leading program sponsored by the URJ, which serves over 180 rising song leaders throughout North America. He has also served as artist-in-residence at all 12 URJ camps. Last year he was the Music Director at NFTY National Convention. Join us in welcoming Dan at our Music Season Shabbat Friday, March 24, at 7:30 pm. Then, on Saturday night, March 25, at 7:30 pm he will perform a concert at the Flamingo Library. Tickets available in the temple office. New Campus Update! See Page 6From The Rabbi As I write this rabbi?s message, I have watched with growing dismay the increasingly volatile reaction by the Muslim world to 12 cartoons which portrayed the Muslim prophet Mohammed in a small Danish newspaper. While it is difficult to fully understand a I culture and a religion to which we are not a part, every fiber in my body speaks to the g|||| inability to justify this type of response. As Westerners, we support the right of a free press. And yet, the right to express one?s opinion comes with responsibility. There is EgSlg. . little excuse to purposely use ?political cartoons? to purposely malign any religion. To do so would be an affront and the response would be letters to the editor, meetings with the publisher, perhaps even a boycott of the newspaper if a group were truly incensed. But mm/Mi every respect. But that is not the case. Constantly, the Muslim press has published cartoons that have been offensive to Christianity and Judaism. As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, the Muslim Press exercises almost no self-censorship in the publications of cartoons which involve gross stereotypes of Jews. Not a week goes by in the Arab world without a ?political? cartoon portraying Jews as either blood-suckers, Nazis, or the indiscriminate killers of Palestinian children. The Anti-Defamation League points out that: the U.N. designation of January 27 as Holocaust Memorial Day, was an occasion for many Arab newspapers to run cartoons and columns that denied or downplayed the horrors of the Holocaust. Additionally, many newspaper articles accused Jews of using the Holocaust to justify the persecution of others. In an interview with the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, analyst Joe Kotek writes ?The main recurrent motif in Arab cartoons concerning Israel is ?the devilish Jew?. This image conveys the idea that Jews behave like Nazis, kill children and love blood.? A major theme in Arab cartoons is the blood-loving or blood-thirsty Jew. This originates in Christian anti- Semitism. The Christian anti-Semitic libel alleged that Jews needed Christian blood for their Passover service. It?s claim is that the Jew is evil, as his religion forces him to drink blood. In today?s Arab world thi image of unbridled hatred has mutated into the alleged quest for Palestinian blood. Blood-drinking Jews are frequently shown by Al Ahram, one of Egypt?s leading dailies. On April 21,2001, it printed a cartoon showing an Arab being put into a flatting mill by two soldiers wearing helmets with Stars of David. The Arab?s blood pours out and two Jews with kippot and Stars of David on their shirts drink the blood laughingly. Clearly the Arab world sees political cartoons that are extreme in nature as acceptable, unless the target is Islam. Imagine if you will an article in the newspaper that went like this: Associated Press: Hundreds of thousands of Jews rioted across Europe and the Middle East to protest anti-semitic cartoons in the Arab press. Hundreds were hurt, embassies were destroyed, stores looted in protest.... Associated Press: Millions of Hindus took to the streets to protest ads in newspaper selling beef. As cows are sacred to Hindus, this offense resulted in the rioting of Hindus throughout the world. Supermarkets were burned. Police were futile in their ability to control the angry mob.... You won?t find any such stories because they will never happen. Jews, Hindus, Christians do not respond this way. Increasingly we live in a world that is fractured and viewed as pitting one culture against another. It pains me to write this. But it would be naive to suggest otherwise. One of the sacred values of democracy is that of a free press. With that freedom comes responsibility. No source of media should purposely seek to defame or misrepresent the truth, religious or otherwise. But if the press is forced to cower, it is no longer free. History has shown us the fate of societies that silence their press rioting? We might make some sense of the Muslim world?s response if they felt this way in Or B?shalom Rabbi Sanford Akselrad 2 WWW.LVNERJAMID.ORG Adult Learning Adult Education i. Remember Whem: Recoilctiohs From Jewish Las Vegas Leaders (iHJMDED in PART BN m VADA UUMAMI'IICS) Sum Cily Amti iem Rec Cemter / Arlimgtom Room BeGIMMIMG AT 8:00 PM Second Saturday Talmud Study Second Saturday of the Month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Following our customary morning Minyan and Bible Study RSVP to the Temple 733-6292. March 13, 2006 Robim Greemspum & Dammy Greemspum April 10, 2006 hOMORABLE MlCHAEL A. ChERRY May 15, 2006 Susie Molasky & Irwim Molasky March 11 * April 8* May 13* *At Temple Offices Located at 2920 N Green Valley Pkwy, Bldg 5 Ste 521 Imterviewer ~ Michael Geeser Videographer ~ Popey Productioms ?Ti ie Educated Jew? begims at 6 pm. R MORE IMFORMATIOM COMTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE 733-6292. It?s Net Tee Late! Saturday, March 18th Progressive I inner Appetizers at one home, salad at another, dinner at still another and everyone will gather at one surprise home for dessert! Eastside and Westside will be represented. Free door prize at each home with a Chinese Auction at the Dessert home! All the proceeds from the Chinese Auction to benefit Fund-4-Youth and Campership. All this for $18 per person! Your check is your reservation, payable to CNT Sisterhood. Mail to Maxine Gratz, 1102 Ration Lane, #101, Flenderson, 89015. For more information, contact Maxine at 566-1959. ^ Committees / Auxiliaries Menopause the Musical SUNDAY, MARCH 5? AT 2:00 PM $55 per person - Tickets are linml^L. Contact Brenda Tishk for tia^^imormation at 914-3694 Gift Shop Open for Business Stop by and See Us! We will now be open on Tuesday evenings from 6-8pm. Or you can make an appointment, contact Bessie Levy at 413-5171. March 2006 3 Philip?s Message Just a This month is the Music Season Sabbath, on Friday March 24th. Our guest artist is Dan Nichols. You can read about him elsewhere is this bulletin so I won't reiterate his information here. I just wanted to make sure you put that date on your calendar. We will have some extra special music, our choirs will be singing and some extra musicians will be playing in the service. This will be a wonderful service and the music will be awesome. On March 25th Dan and his band, Eighteen, will perform in concert at the Flamingo Library. The music is upbeat and lively, and this will be a great evening of modern Jewish music for all ages. Please plan on getting your tickets as soon as you can, as they will sell quickly. Call the Temple office at 733-6292 to get your tickets. B'shalom, Philip Our annual Purim Carnival will be held Sunday, March 12th, 11am - 2pm at Silver Springs Park (next to Gibson Elementary School). This is a great family event with food, games, a raffle and a silent auction, Megillah reading and amusements! Most off all, it's lots of FUN! This is a major fundraiser for our Religious School so we appreciate your support. We are always in need of parent volunteers. If you?d like to help, please contact Beth Falk at 360-5639. s__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4 TNT Update TNT, the junior high youth group at CNT, is off to a great start this year. The group has had two events so far, and has two more slated for the spring. The social calendar began in October, with a ?movie and lunch? date. Approximately fifteen 6lh, 7th, and 8lh graders shared pizza and the film ?Holes,? and made some new friends. In January, the group spent the afternoon at Sunset Station?s ?Strike Zone,? where 19 teens enjoyed an afternoon of bowling and a feast of chicken strips, fries, pizza, soda, and enormous cookies. Later that day, TNT elected its new Board members. Congratulations to President Michelle Chenin, Co-Vice Presidents Paul Chenin and Gabrielle Giancaspro, Secretary Aryn Bordman, Treasurer Teimey Torchin, and Historian Jamie Edelman! Save March 19 for an afternoon of indoor rock climbing at the Nevada Climbing Center. Then start thinking! about the year?s finale on the evening of Saturday, May 20 - a Regressive Dinner! New members are encouraged to participate. Contact the CNT office for more information. 4 WWW.LVNEHTAM1D.0HG B?nai M itzvah & N ews Tot Shabbat Saturday Morning! March 11, 2006 Green Valley Library 10:30 am - Noon (Sunset & GV Pkwy) Open to everyone ages 2-5! Half-hour service followed by a craft. Bring a brown-bag lunch; we've got dessert! Best of all - it's FREE! For information contact Ellen Cropp at 499-0015 or Dolly Farrow at 638-2071. Spenser Blank March 4, 2006 My name is Spenser Blank, and I will be called to the Torah to become a Bar Mitzvah on March 4. I attend Kenny Guinn Middle School and I am an honor student in the seventh grade. I am in JV band playing percussion instruments such as the drums and bells, a member of the National Junior Honor Society and on the bowling team for my school. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends, playing video games, golfing, and watching sports. 1 have one sister, Sarah. My family and I are very excited about my Bar Mitzvah and we have been looking forward to the day for a long time. Jeremy Unger March 11, 2006 Hi, My name is Jeremy Unger and I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March 11. I am in seventh grade at Del Webb Middle School where I enjoy Advanced History and Advanced Reading classes. I play the clarinet in the Intermediate Band and enjoy playing Lacrosse, video games, riding my bike and hanging out with friends. My family is very proud of me and are excited about my upcoming Bar Mitzvah. Sebastian Elijah Garner April 1, 2006 My name is Sebastian Elijah Garner, son of Jason and Celia Slcoboloff. I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzah on April 1. I am a seventh grade student at Warren Walker where I enjoy playing trumpet in the Concert Jazz Band. I also play defender on an award winning soccer team in Green Valley. Please join our family on this special day at 10:00 am at the Desert Willow Community Center in Green Valley McDonald Ranch. March 2 006 5 Your Executive D irector Building Excitement.... And a Synagogue As everyone knows, we?re in the process of building our new facility at the 215 and Valle Verde. As with every construction project, there are small bumps in the road. The good news is that we have built in for these contingencies, both in time and financially. We?re still looking at the end* of 2006 or January 2007 for our move-in date. Meanwhile, life continues here at CNT. ? We are having wonderful and warm services at King David every Shabbat (please, join us if you haven?t yet!); ? We are having our Religious School classes on Sundays at Gibson Elementary (and thank you to both our teachers and theirs, for allowing us to do this); We continue with our Adult B?nai Mitzvah and Conversion classes here at the offices; We are having our students come in and meet with Philip and Rabbi for their B?nai Mitzvah studying, espe?cially as each student gets close to their special date; We are having ongoing B?nai Mitzvot at various locations, helping each family to celebrate their child?s coming of age; We have held our annual Leadership Development sessions, for those hand-picked congregants who might like to be more involved in temple goings-on; We are having our ongoing Adult Education classes, both in our offices and offsite, depending on the various programs. Scholar-In-Residence continues for us on an annual basis, as we?ve just finished having Professor Susannah Heschel here. Our Purim Carnival will be held at Silver Springs Park, right next to Gibson Elementary on March 12th. Our Gift Shop is open for business, here in our offices. We will have our Passover Seder at Green Valley Ranch on April 12th, and all are invited to join us. As you can see, and the list can go on and on, we are having all of our usual, normal activities, and will continue to do so until we can move into our new facility. This is an exciting time for us, and we invite EVERYONE to continue to come to CNT events, programs and services. Join us! to be continued...... Irv New Campus Update! Last October we celebrated the commencement of construction of the Greenspun Campus For Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal. Since then work has progressed toward a completion of construction and occupancy of our new facilities in January of 2007. We had hoped to be able to occupy the new facility by December 1,2006, but, with any project of this size and scope being constructed in the Las Vegas Valley, we experienced some delays. We were required by the City of Henderson to raise the height of a retaining wall on the north side of the site. This required a larger footing for the wall which required the preparation and submittal of a revised drawing for the wall. Several weeks transpired while the drawings were prepared, submitted to the City of Henderson and then approved. In the meantime, site work on the sanctuary foundation came to a halt because the retaining wall foundation had to be built before dirt could be moved, etc. You have the picture. However, we are back on schedule. The additional costs were minimal, and, in any event, were anticipated when we prepared our construction budget. While access to the site is restricted, please drive by and watch as the new facility becomes a reality. This is an exciting time in our Congregation?s life and I hope all of you can share this marvelous experience. Jerry Gordon WWW.LVNERJAMID.OHG President?s Message Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President scott_stolberg@yahoo.coin Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention Cindy Jensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendell, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President C NT Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President k Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President Way back in 1999, in the last century, our congregation undertook the challenge of creating a FIVE-YEAR PLAN. When the board was presented with the final plan it was not what we expected and we spent a lot of time debating before adopting it. The plan has been our guide for the last five years. Now if you were around back then you know that the biggest conclusion was that in order to be a synagogue for the new century we were going to have to move. But it had been just five years since we built our sanctuary. But move we must. There were a lot of other specific plans and ideas but many were predicated on CNT moving to a location with room to grow that was convenient to our members. As you know it took a little longer to achieve that central requirement of a new home than we originally planned. However it is reality now. Walls will be going up, roofs going on and before you know it we will be moving into our new home for the 21st century. But what happens now to all those other goals and ideas? Well I am going to tell you. The board has begun the process of creating a transition team/ committee. We have not figured out how big or small this group will be nor the make up of the group. It may be similar to the group that did the five-year plan - we had a CORE group of individuals who then brought in other congregants who worked on a specific topic. By the time they were done, over 75 people had contributed in ways large and small. This time again we will look at all facets of our organization. Worship experiences will be looked at to see how we can enhance them. We want to know how and where to use technology to better serve the congregation. We need to know what our adults or seniors or post B?nai Mitzvah teens want to learn about and then provide that. We have the best staff in the world right now but with the influx of new members to serve we need to decide what our staff will look like in the future. Also we need to plan our budget based on living in our new home. You will hear more about this in the months to come. If you are asked to help please do so, this congregation belongs to all of us - the board needs to hear your thoughts and ideas. Our goal is to have a plan in place so we can begin implementation when we move to our new home. I also this month want to give one more plug for the Rabbi?s trip to Israel this coming June 10th to 20th. If you are on the fence about going time is running out. There are almost 30 people registered already and we are going to have a great time. If you have never been to Israel or you have been before, this trip offers something for everyone. Please contact the temple office and they can put you in touch with the tour operator to make your reservation. I know my family is looking forward to the trip and I am sure if you come you also will have an excellent experience. B?shalom Scott March 200 6 7 Yahrzeits ~ Memoriams ~ Simchas IN MEMORIAM: Richard Waxier, beloved father of Alan Judi and Alene Allen Shapin, beloved father David, beloved father-in-law of Juliann, beloved grandfather of Ian, Marie and Kaitlin TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Ira Tishk for becoming the Pharmacy Manager at the CVS Pharmacy located across from our new campus on Valle Verde at 215. Mazel Tov to David and Melissa Chenin on the birth of their daughter Ava Katherine born January 20th. Ava weighed 6 pounds and 13 ozs. Proud grandparents are Stephen and Linda Chenin, Theresa Riggs and Betty Matter. Proud great grandfather is Joseph Chenin. Mazel Tov to J aki Baskow, this year?s honoree at the Las Vegas Oscar Night celebration at the BellagioonMarch5. The event is sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. March 3 Herminia Barreto Bruce Mark Barrie Max Blumenfeld Jeannette Bradfield Ruth Brodsky Sylvia Brown Lillian Bulavsky Sarah Barr Charnis Ruth Cohen F. R. Cracraft Phyllis Crohn Rudolph Elman A1 Epstein Seymour Esbin Eva Faberman Irving Fenster Sheldon Franks Maurice Friedman David Geller Myron Glichouse Belle Goldberg Max Gordon Leo Hallerman Daryl Heller John R Herman Leana Isenberg Dorothy Kirschen Galatz Ernest Lander Bob Leonard Gladys Michaels Katherine Moffet Doris Moss Gayle Nathanson Lenora Newman Regina Newman Leah Lepler Noyek J ames Edward Ohriner Lee Pearson Ruth Pessin Dorothy Plant Nathan Polasky Rose Rubinson Lillian Schulman Regina Schwimmer Hilda Sherman Pauline Silas Rebecca Sommers Sarah Stine Michael Elliot Suppe Emilie Wanderer Aaron Wasserman Daniel Weinberg Elizabeth Yaffe Bayli Zuck March 10 Deborah Adler Milton Bayer Neal Bergman Samuel Best Charlotte Birch Louis Budgar Robert Eisner Maurice Epstein Yahrzeits March 10 cont. David Ewan Sidney Fried Anna Gabelman Rita Levy Gayer Ruth Getzler Sadie Glickman Morris Goldstein Morton Gottesman Lillian Heely Jacob Kahn Hyman Kaplan Ida Katz Syhia Katzker Francis J LaMagna Adam Benjamin Lewisohn Norman Mark Brandon Markewich Dr. Marvin Miller Frances Mocugni Eduardo Murillo Louis Pearlman Saul C Primack Bessie Rachild Leonard Rachild Julian Rivkind Leonard H Rosenblatt Harold Salinas Morris Saperstein Pearl Saperstein Sylvia Schampe Michelle Schlesinger Annette Schultz Marvin Shein Leo Solomon Jennie Stillman Gertrude Tiffany Jenette KatzTilchin March 17 Harold Anson Marc Belfer Sol Bloom Carol Cohen Fritzie Dresher Nadov Lee Engel Herman D Everakes Lona Feldman George Felszegi Sara Gottlieb Joseph Greenberg Jack Greenwald Bernard Hooker Rose Ingber Larry Joseph Louis Katz Esther Krentzman SolLevenshon Rose Lite Ethel Litt Benjamin Litwin Julia Mattes 8 March 17 cont. Phyllis Matz Emily Mclnerney William Radoff Josiah Sacks Irving Saleman Sarah Scher Nettie Schwartz Emanuel Scolar Kay Segal Hyman Sperling Max Squire Vittorio Zuri Vaturi Bessie Zuck March 24 Barbara Altshuler Charles Amira Jack Bennett Moe Berger A Sam Bloom Harold Carter Julius Corn John Elman Ivan Fisher Celia Goldstein Seymour Goldstein Morris Goodman Joseph Gordon Arnold Gross Williamjones Uoyd Katz Rebecca Klinger Herman Laufbaum Shirley Malamud Maureen Moss Harold Okinow Gertrude Phillips Rose Rakov Joseph Ritchie Annabel Rivkind Ceil Rostek Miriam Sacks Louis Schnitzer Hy Schwartz David Schwimmer David Siegel Rose Stein Morris Zerlin March 31 Rebecca Aim Dorothy Bark Lena Benisch Lily Board Milton Isreal Buchman Natalie Budgar Rose Gabrieleff Jennie Gerstler Simie Green Muriel Heytow Regina Horwitz WWW.LVNERTAM1D.ORG March 31 cont. Samuel Leigh Phil Light Rose Lite Henri Magalnik Esther Miller SolomonJ Mink Anna Moskowitz Robert Plascove Larry Rutman Leonard Schiff Isidore Schuman Bradley Snyder Elizabeth Snyder Ada Solomon Hermine Markowitz Stem Noreen Sternberg Florence Weinstein Julius Weitzman Ashley WilliamsADVERTISING PULL-CUT SECTICN > Hang it on the frig, set it by the phone, put it in your phonebook. Keep these numbers handy so you can support the many businesses that advertise in our bulletin. Photo Fovors By THE MAIN event -jgyJ ' Creative Memories That Last Forever r'?ti?&AS (702> 36-PHOTO (367-4686) Wed dings ? Bar/Bat Mitzvahs * Sweet 16*s * Corporate Events MEL & DEBBIE HALLERMAN Broker / Sales Associates (702)458-7070 BUSINESS (702)458-6253 FAX (702)596-6400 MEL CELL (702)596-2520 DEBBIE CELL 10120 S. Eastern Ave., #300 Henderson, N V 89052 ?Your Perfect Partners? Fiich oflice is individually Owned and Operated BOB WATMAN REALTOR* Certified Summerlin Specialist Multi-Million Dollar Producer 4730 S. Fort Apache Rd., #100 Las Vegas. NV 89147 Bus: (702) 933-4500 Cell: (702)321-3498 Res: (702) 869-2265 Fax: (702) 920-7649 www realest824x7 @ aol .com Realty Executives of Nevada - Independently Owned and Operated & SURGICAL WEIGHT CONTROL CENTER Barry !.. Fisher. MI), FACS .1802 Meadows Lane Las 1 i?gtts, XI' 89 t<r CO2) 313-H446 www.huitdandbypass.vom err vJLatieo )ytrvaA Creating Corporate Identity From Business Cards to 4-Coloring Process and Beyond 384-5072 Specializing in Personalized Rosh Hashanah Cards On-Time, Within Budget Greg <Sr Cindy Goussak March 2 0 0 6 9 MC/DJ'S OR BAND & DJ TOGCTHCR DIGITAL VIDCOGRAPHV ON DVD DIGITAL & FILM PHOTOGRAPHY DCCOR & CCNTCRPICCCS PROJCCTION SHOWS (702) 655-5500 f\ 'Roman's TAKE ON VIDEO and photography too! hy Jill tan ? ? * HK/WS ^?*AND 6 AK/DJ TOOCTW* CHEYENNE INSPECTION GROUP HOME AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSPECTION SERVICE JEFF COLEMAN INSPECTOR. OWNER PHONE: 702-286-3889 CIGINSPECT@AOL.COM ITA CERTIFIED. NV LICENSED, INSURED Sandaistle Vidua 'Productions "far special times in life" Weddings ? Anniversaries ? Reunions Bar and Rat Mitzvahs ? Photos to DVD Rick or Traci (702) 645-6562 Claudio Dreiman Mortgage Banker 270? E. Sunse! Roid, Suite D-32 Las Vegas, NT 89129 Gaudieyi Desert HilbMortgagv.coin Direct: 702-378-2183 Office: 702-966-5901) Toll Krce: 1-877-774-7788 Apply Online - H Conventional - FHA - VA - Refinance - Bilingual - Spanish TO ADVERTISE IN OUR BULLETIN, CONTACT ROBERTA IN THE OFFICE AT733-6292 Libertv RFAITY CELL 702 $78-2183 OFFICE: 702-735-5052 F ax: 702-914-2378 1: i 1 AlJtHO.tVsl INIANc-T NR 111 I l.\k.\- I 1055 S. SPfNCI K Si. Sri. IDS I AS VFC.AS. NV 89119 WWW.LIBERTYRtAI [ V.LOM CLAUDIO DR I! I MAN RLAI TOR* ^ ^ x 24-hr line (702) 858-6333 Culinary Pros Provides professional Servers, Bartenders, Chefs, Couks & General Kitchen Help Fur: Special Events* Private Affairs* Corporate Parties To Book Your Staff Call (702) 735-6644 Email: David D. Weinstein Bar/Bat Mitzvah?s Weddings Family and Pets Theater and Stage Affordable Photography For all my clients Please call 566-t> 168 E-mail: MAbdvjH R Custom Invitations & Announcements for All Hand &L Computerized Calligraphy Donation to Temple with Every Order By Appointment Only to Serve You Better 702 254-7891 702 257-7891 (fax) 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.OHG I Know Who www. di adistributors. com 702-733-9650 Hint: YOU WILL SAVE GAS & TIME!!! 20% of your total purchase will be donated to CNT Building Fund in your name! (Enter Coupon Code ?CNT" at checkout.)Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.......... King David Memorial Chapel Friday Shabbat Services Sun City Anthem Adult Ed Classes Special Programs Flamingo Library Special Programs Temple Office Saturday-Minyan, Torah Study, Talmud Study Committee Meetings Adult Ed Classes Confirmation Choir Rehearsals Gibson Elementary ______School______ Sunday Religious School Tuesday Satellite R.S. Green Valley Library Tot Shabbat Special Programs Ober Elementary _____School______ Thursday Satellite R.S. King David Memorial Chapel ~ 2697 E. Eldorado Lane, Las Vegas Temple Office ~ 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 521, Henderson Green Valley Library ~ 2797 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson Cibson Elementary ~ 271 Leisure Circle, Henderson Ober Elementary ~ 3035 Desert Marigold Lane, Las Vegas Flamingo Library ~ 1401 E. Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas Mark Your Calendars! Temple Seder April 12th, 2006 Green Valley Ranch See Flyer For More Information^ Reserve Your Place Today! 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.OR-G Special A nnouncements March Birthdays Is^Pantha Alterman Mrs. Sandra Alterman Dr. Goesel Anson Mr. Michael Bailin Darla Chenin Keely Lewis Mrs. Karen Polis Mrs. Denise Shapiro Glanz Justin Thuna 2nd - Ms. Vicki Cassman Ms. Cindy Jensen Hannah Lardent Ms. Patty Nasser 3rd -Mr. Jack Bulavsky Mrs. Karen Levine Jacob Rosenberg Michelle Slotnick Aaron Unger Jacob Woodard Mr. Roger Wroobel Ms. Lois Zellers 5th - Mr. David Edelman Mr. Gerald Einsohn Sherese French Mr. John Helms Dr. Richard Lapidus Pollero Mr^rosan Watman 6th - Mr. Jerald Cohen Brianna Conklin Jennifer Etcoff Amy Greenspun 7th - Adam Bromberg Ms. Marion Brooks Rebecca Chalfin Jason King Emalee Rayburn Mr. Donald Ross 8th- Jesicah Danto Mr. Brad Friedman Mr. David Mizrahi 9th - Benjamin Rosenberg Mr. Ron Worth 10th - Mr. Sandy Hayman Mrs. Marjorie Lieberman Mrs. Faye E. Peresman Sydney Thuna 11th-Mr. Michael Adler Moira Greenspun Mrs. Mary Levine 12th - Mr. Kevin Bailey Mr. Scott Benedict Mrarternice Hirsh Jew-evy Mr. Daryl Nasser Jeremy Unger 13th - Matthew Gordon Mr. George Swezey 14th - Gregory Celano Mr. Drew Levy Mr. David Lugo Mr. Alan Mann Jess Molasky Molly Rosenberger 15th - Mr. Mark Goldberg Lynn Kantor Sara Ross Mrs. Julia Torchin 16th -Tracie Birch Mrs. Linda Chenin Mrs. Janette Goldstein Mr. Donald Mazer Max Miera Mrs. Lynne Moore Mr. Kenneth Schnitzer Mrs. Helene Unger 17th - Dr. Russell Gollard 18th - Mr. Philip Berns Jacob Mann 19th - Mr. Gary Beresid Mrs. Roney Buffman Mrs. Yvonne Greenfield Mr. Michael L. Levy Mr. Michael Mehr Mr. Jerry Polis Michelle Stuart 20th - Mr. Bernard Deutscher Mrs. Sandi Fried Mr. Michael Radojevich Josh Weiner 21st - Jason Jacobs Mr. Joseph Kahn Mr. Morris Katz Dr. Roderick King Mr. Joel A. Levy Dr. Winifred Meyer Ms. Ann Roque Mr. Jason Skoboloff Mrs. Mary Sue Weiss 22nd - Evan Barnett Jaelyn Eisenhart Joshua Fisher Mr. Frank Friedlander Ms. Melissa Lemoine 23rd - Mrs. Marla Fiumara Dr. Leonard Raizin 24th - Ms. Judy Cornett Sarah Karasik 25th - Mrs. Dorothy Finkelstein Mr. Lee Friedman Mr. Vic Hollander Ms. Maris Pollero Dr. Richard Schwartz Brenna Stahl Mr. Scott Stolberg 26th - Carli Corpodian Kathleen Friedlander Matthew Friedman Mr. Gilbert Hyatt Julia Smith Stephanie Watman 27th - Mrs. Myreen Aschenbach Mrs. Bernice Diwald Jordan Gutstein Angela Plotkin Sara Plotkin Eric Rowland 28th - Michael Glanz Mrs. Ruth Rachild Mrs. Sondra Schwartz Ms. Cheri Shaine 29th - Mrs. Ethel Beigelman Richard Crighton Mrs. Beila Kunis 30th - Max Berger Mrs. Teri Diaz Conrad Lewis Mrs. Janet Schlesinger 31st-Noah Charles Jeremy Curran Sebastian Garner March Anniversaries March I Mr. & Mrs. Richard Isen March 2 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Aschenbach March 5 Mr. Michael Radojevich & Mrs. Rea Dantzig March I0 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Alterman March II Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Raichelle March 15 Mr. Douglas Webb & Mrs. Sheryl Chenin-Webb March I7 Mr. & Mrs. Herman Steiner March 19 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fleckner Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mann Dr. & Mrs. Raul Meoz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sloane March 22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hirsh Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Marks March 23 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Katz March 24 Mr. & Dr. Steven Charles Mr. & Mrs. Eric Pollero March 25 Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo Werner March 26 Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Forni Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Kamm March 27 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Milton March 28 Mr. T.J. Coon & Mrs. Sheri Cohen Dr. Larry Lehrner & Mrs. Shelley Berkley March 200 6 13 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm At the Temple Office Are you a Jewish alcoholic or chemically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Do you have a family member or