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    Mr. Jeffers: #3 Oct. 31, 1941 However, we are faced with a situ a tio n where we have spent considerable money, with no b en efits from such Investment* I b eliev e we have found a p ractical solution of the problem, at a very nominal c o st. Dr. Wallace 1. White of the State Board of Health was here yesterday on h is regular Inspection of f a c i l i t i e s , and we spent considerable time a t the Open Spring. We had previously planned to purchase a Wallace & Tiernan hypochlorinator for use on the waters from th is source, together with two concrete or s t e e l tanks to be alther* n atsly f i l l e d and drawn, in order to obtain the required retention period. However, White suggested i t would not be necessary to provide the tanks but we need only oonneot the hypochlorinator in the pumpline and the necessary chemical action could be obtained by the water passing through the transm ission main; sim ilar arrangements at Heno worked very s a tis fa c to r ily . The hypoohlorinator oosts about #375, and Wallace & Tiernan w ill send up th eir man from Los Angeles to supervise the In sta lla tio n . We w ill, of corpse, sub* mlt samples of the treated water to both Dr. Barr and the State Board of Health before using i t in the c it y mains. Ho additional housing w ill be required for th is small device, as i t w ill f i t very n leely in the present pump house at the Open Spring. X should lik e your permission to try out th is arrangement which, i f su ccessfu l, (and X know of no reason why i t should not be) w ill d e fin ite ly dispose of the troublesome situ a tio n at the Open Spring. Tours very tru ly , R. feftACKfcH, Tice President. oo \ Mr, ^ Mr. B. H. Prater Frank Strong.