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    STA N D A R D S P E C IF IC A TIO N . S -7 Standard specification S-7-covering detector check valves for fire services was submitted for consideration andapprovaI by the Board* In response to : questions, the Manager explained that detector checkVejves have been purchased to date from the Hersey Manufacturing Company which was believed to be the only company able to furnish them in accordance with District requirements. Hqwetver, it now appears that there may be one other company which can furnish them, but a detained specification w ill be required in obtaining quotations. . In response to further questions, the Manager explained that the detector check valve is used on a fire line to determine if water is being used for other than fires, and‘that the District purchases and installs the valves with the customer paying the actual costs involved. A motion was then made by Director Gedance, seconded by Director Pico, and approved by the seven Directors present, that Standard Specification S -7 covering detector check valves be approved. . . . . IN V E S TM E N T O F FU N D S The Manager requested authority to invest approximately $148,000 In the Bond Service "Fund in 90 day treasury bills or similar government securities since the funds w ill not be needed until August 15, 1959. Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Director Werner, seconded by .Director Pico, and approved by the seven Directors present, that the Manager be authorized to invest approximately $148,000 in the Bond Service Fund In 90 day treasury bills or similar govern­ment securities. PUBLICITY President Luce noted that M r. Phillips wished to discuss promotion of water canserva-tion month, as well as other public relation items. M r. Phillips .advised that he planned to use the month of June as water conservation month and requested approval of the Board to spend not more than $50 for appropriate cards which w ill be placed in business houses throughout the C ity . He explained that he had received verbal assurance from the Boy Scouts that they would deliver the cards and the Chamber of Commerce has agreed to send out letters to the various business houses advising that the cards would be delivered and asking the# they be used. In response to a question from Director Gedance, M r. Phillips advised that he planned to publicize water conservation month through a proclamation from the Mayors of North Las Vegas, Las Vegas and.Henderson as was done last year* -. - v A motion was made by Director W em er, seconded by Director Espinoza, ’and approved by the seven Directors present, that M r. Phillips be authorized to spend an amount not to exceed $50 in publicizing water conservation month. M r. Phillips then explained that most of the local utilities have a sign'or symbol which they carry on their equipment to identify them. He felt it would be a good idea for the District to develop some sort of a standard seal which could be used on its equipment. He requested authority from the Board, to obtain some artist sketches of*possible ideas at a cost not to exceed $25. A motion was made by Director W em er, seconded by Director Pico, and approved by the seven Directors present, that M r. Phillips be authorized to obtain artists sketches of signs at a cost not to exceed $25.