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I agree.P^RiErY JUdson 2-2700 154 WEST 46th ST. New York 36, N. Y. New York Jan* 2* 1968 Mr# Jack Bntratter Th?╜ Sands Hotel ^ las Vegas* Nevada 89109 Otar Jacki 1 weald topraeiate It If you would kindly block ??at the same aeeomatod aliens for Oract and ayself, and Mrs# Marge MaKnight, (widow of Tom MeKnight)* who chauffeurs us on the West Coast * as In the years past* that is the one In "your house*1 - I never reaeaber the section name* but It Is In the same house you are We expect to be on the West Coast starting Jan# 31 - and will be in Las Vegas on Feb# and Id. We arrive in Vegas on Tuesday morning * Feb# 13? and depart Saturday morning Feb#17# Per annual custom* wa will probably make our debut at dinner at Tie Sands# I will be on a Caribbean Cruise from Jan# 3 thru the 17th* so kindly drop me a note to my heme at $5 Central Park West* Penthouse 19A* HI 10023* Other than that* trust all is wall#?╟≤?╟≤and we are most anxious to meet the bride and naturally see you. A11 the best for a Vary Happy New Tear# And Many Thanks# Abel Green Editor