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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    2515 K Street, N. W. Washington 7, D, C. September 24, 1960 Mr. A1 Freeman Publicity Director Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr.Freeman: The November 1??58 issue of THE CATHOLIC DIGEST carried a condensed article from the Minneapolis "Sunday Tribune" about you and the Angelita Bread Foundation. It intrigued me. We love good bread, and I often bake my own. The article went on to say that, "if the Angelita Bread is successful in Minneapolis, the foundation will work with bakers all over the country, using the Minneapolis technique as the model." Has it been Tsuccessful, and are we in the East going to have a chance to try Angelita Bread? Who here carries it? Sincerely* (Mrs.) Gordon E. Joslyn