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I agree.SIAN P E D R O , L O S A N G E L E S A N D S A L T L A K E R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y a c c o u n t i n g d e p a r t m e n t H . I. B E T T I S , A u d i t o r . J . E . F A R R E L L j A u d i t o r F r e i q h t a n d P a s s e n g e r A o c o u n t s ? ..Wharfage and Handling Charges on Bxpress: Bos Angeles, C a l., Say 12th, 1913. B ile 40-6462 Mr. 1. 0. Butt, General Manager, B u i l d i n g . Bear S ir: Referring to ay le tt e r o f May siacth, advising the P acific navigation Company and the American Express Company that unless notice was received in w ritin g within fiv e days from the date o f my le t t e r , that they would pay the wharfage charges on express shipments, instructions would he issued to decline to forward shipments without prepayment o f these charges» Phis is to advise that 1 hare heard nothing from either company. W ill you please issue the necessary instructions to the Agent at la s t sen Pedro. Yours tru ly, CC—A.S.Halsted, General Counsel. Auditor.