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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 \ m m m t h e public s s k y x c b or u m m * •••‘©Os***"' ZB THE MATTER OP INCREASED RATES P W m ) ) Z. k &, SX Docket SB. LAS VBBAS LMB> ABB M f l p COMPANY, ) wattrnm for REceatsuamABi^r LAB VBOAS LAUD M g HATER COSPAltT, Tour iMtltlwuiFi ItM Vega* Lead and Water Company re*peet-ftelXy petitions the Honorable Public Service Cownieeien or Nevada to reconsider it* opinion. order rad deei*lea aed* and decided Attgdet 28, 1891, la the* above entitled natter, ead particularly the following portion* ef eald opinion, erder and deeleioa: (a) That part of the Order reducing the reserve for re* placement otherwise termed depreciation, from 4%, the amount eitlatd by year petitioner, to 2$; (h) That part of the Order allcwiag your petitioner a valuation of only #8,000*00 for the water appropri-a ted, owned end eon erased end for water at all time* available for diversion and applieatlon to wunicipel uses at Lea Vegae, Bevade» by your petitionert (©} That pert ef the Order disallowing Kale 10 of your petitioner** Rules « d Regaletlone, for the reason* atatad in eald Order$ j Sd) That part of the Order reducing certain of the rate* I as filed by petitioner} I upon the following grounds i let* The uneontradteted testimony of your petitioner** -1-