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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2006



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future High Holy day Worship Schedule All High Holyday Services will be held at Green Valley Ranch. Erev Rosh Hashanah - September 22 Family Service 6:00 pm Traditional Service 8:15 pm Rosh Hashanah - September 23 Family Service 9:00 -10:00 am Traditional Morning Service 11:00 am -1:30 pm Teen Service 8>L Program 11:00 am -1:30 pm Kol /\Hdre - October 1 Family Service 6:00 pm Traditional Service 8:15 pm Yom Kippur - October 2 Family Service 9:00-10:00 am Traditional Morning Service 11:00 am -1:30 pm Teen Service Program 11:00 am - 1:30 pm ^ Healing Service 2:30-3:30 pm Afternoon Service 3:30-5:30 pm Yiskor Service 5:30 - 6:15 pm Gala Weekend Planned! Be a Part of The Celebration 4 \f;. One of the most glorious events in the history of Congregation Ner Tamid will take place Feb. 24th and 25th, 2007, when a special Gala Weekend ushers in CNT's new life at 55 North Valle Verde (at 1-215) in Henderson. The gala will pay tribute to the Greenspun Family, who donated the eight and one half acres where the New Temple Campus is being built, and to the wonderful and cherished history of the synagogue. To make this a most memorable event, we are seeking your photos, reminisces, and personal stories. Yvonne Gordon, along with her committee, will be collecting and writing the stories that will trace the history of CNT. We want members to share with us their fondest memories of CNT. The temple has played such an important part in so many people's lives and we want to remember those moments. Whether it's a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a wedding, a funny incident with the Rabbi, or a lasting friendship found at CNT, we want to know about it. The Memory Book Committee is requesting that each anecdote be no more than 100 words and if there is a photo to illustrate the story, send that also. Every effort will be made to use as many memories and pictures as possible although some may have to be omitted because of publishing constraints. All material can be mailed to Yvonne Gordon c/o CNT, 1728 Tangiers Dr, Henderson, NV 89012. Or email the story/photo to AUGUST 2006 VOL. XX NO. 8 AV/ELUL 5766 The Beauty at the End of the Path Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lee Olshein The trek up the hill wasn?t too arduous - the path had been worn by years of others making the same climb. At the end of the curved path, you see benches and what looks to be an open wooden Ark placed on stilts, with a gently flowing curtain covering the Torah... but this belt tcfillah has no doors, walls, or even a ceiling. Instead, only the sky above and the gentle breeze surround you. The waves of the ocean can be seen behind the cliff you are on, just behind the Ark. The naturally growing plants and the butterflies become part of your worship experience. The tenth graders have prepared today?s service, writing introductions, or iyyunim, for each prayer, stating their individual beliefs regarding how they relate each prayer to their own lives. They have choreographed ?their? sendee, including choosing the music they wanted to use. They have been empowered to adapt Judaism to their own lives. This describes what I saw this summer at Gindling Hilltop Camp, one of Wilshire Boulevard Temple?s camps, the other being Camp Hess-Kramer. (The Union for Reform Judaism also has amazing summer camps all across America, as do many of the larger synagogues.) Never having been to a Jewish summer camp before, I did not understand why so many of my classmates would say ?camp changed my life,? or ?Jewish summer camp is the most important Jewish experience a child can have?... but now I think I get it. The kids do many of the same things they would do at a nomjewish camp, such as swimming, hiking, ropes courses (both high and low), archery, arts and crafts, dance, and singing - but this experience is framed almost completely throughjewish eyes. For example, they study Jewish philosophy before doing the ropes course - Martin Buber?s ?I'Thou? and ?Ht? relationships are turned into lessons regarding how we treat each other when we have to work together as a team. They study Jewish values - lessons about how we treat each other and how we treat the world when they are learning to be future counselors to other kids. They learn Hebrew everywhere. Every place at camp has a Hebrew name attached to it and the counselors from Israel teach the kids modern Hebrew. They dance to the latest Israeli music and everyone learns how to folkdance. And then, at the closing session each night, the kids put their arms around each other in a huge circle to say the Shema and the Hashkivaymi, our evening prayer asking fort God?s shelter of peace. Camp models how to live a Jewish life. But we don?t have to go off to camp to live a Jewish life. Sometimes we merely need to reframe what we already are doing as being ?Jewish,? seeing our lives with a Jewish awareness and through a ?Jewish lens.? Others of us may wish to add more ?doingjewish? to our lives. It can begin simply by choosing to read a Jewish-themed book or playing Jewish music on our car stereos. We can say the Shema with our kids before they go to sleep or we can decide to read the Torah portion each week. We can come to services even when there is ?nothing special? going on (in other words, we can reframe our thinking so that we think of Shabbat as being ?special? all by itself). We can invite our friends over for Shabbat dinner and, after dinner, we can take a moment to say thank you for all the food and good we have in our lives. Even the little things can add so much to our lives. So, even if we do not get to go to Malibu for Jewish summer^^ camp, we can bring all the experiences of camp home.^P Connecting ourselves to our Jewish heritage helps us connect with more than the mundane experiences of daily life... we can bring holiness into our everyday lives so that living Jewish'ly can be the beauty at the end of the path. $ September Attractions $ 9/8 Prospective Member Shabbat 7:30 pm 9/10 First Day of Religious School And Confirmation 9:15 am 9/11 Adult B?nai Mitzvah Class 7:30 pm 9/11 Conversion Class 7:30 pm 9/16 Selichot Program/Service 6:30 pm 9/17 Men?s Club Breakfast 9:00 am 9/22 Erev Rosh Hashanah Services At Green Valley Ranch 9/23 Rosh Hashanah Services At Green Valley Ranch 9/24 No Religious School or Confirmation 9/30 Shakespeare in Park 6:00 pm T WWW.LVNER.TAMID.OltG >Temple Board (flB President- Marla Letizia VP Administration - Harry Sax hanydotcom@cox.nct VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindyjensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack clos Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz lllisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President C NTS Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY Co-President Rebecca Weiss, NTTY Co-President While in many other cities August is a time for barbeques and neighborhood parties we here in Las Vegas tend to cozy into the cool of the air conditioned houses and our temple, using the time away from the heat for deep reflection and preparation for the end of the year. Here at Congregation Ner Tamid, this time we share is full of anticipation for the many new things that are coming our way, and all of the incredible options that appear as we create a new home of prayer. Each choice from the color of the paint to the type of paper that we print this bulletin on is brought to you with deep concern for the ultimate well being of the congregation as a whole. What I do realize is the great honor that has been bestowed upon me in the measure of trust that you place upon my shoulders. I also realize that this task cannot be accomplished single handedly and for that I am grateful for each and every one of you, for your support, for your confidence in my ability to lead our board of trustees. We foresee a positive future full of vibrant life and solemn prayer, exemplary education and incredible music. A temple that speaks to the needs of each and every one of you, that becomes the place where you find solace and joy. This month is our cities driest season; let us not allow this to also be the case for the synagogue cash flow as well. This is a wonderful time to refresh your commitment with your Kol Nidre pledge, knowing that your gift is the gift of progress, new life and adding your voice to the many choices that we face together. I want to thank each and every one of you personally for the faith and the honor that you have bestowed upon me by electing me into the presidency at this incredible time in our history. Hand in hand, we face a wonderful future together. -( A ugust 2 0 0 6 3) B?nai Mitzvah - Religious School From Your Education Director New beginnings are often times difficult as we must honor the past yet forge ahead with a vision for the future. Coming to work here at Congregation Ner Tamid is very exciting for me as I join the staff of this dynamic synagogue and build upon the foundation that was laid down by my predecessors. While the new campus is being built, I envision the opportunities we can create and look forward to the many challenges that he before me. Being welcomed by so many people has made this transition from Santa Barbara much easier. I have left behind a wonderful congregation where relationships were formed and memories will forever be engraved in my heart. I look forward to new adventures and making Congregation Ner Tamid my new home. I am eager to meet you, get to know you, and work together with you. I intend to enjoy this honeymoon period as we get to know one another and I learn what is working and what may need some tinkering. Change will no doubt happen, and it will be done with careful thought and a lot of input from staff, teachers, students, parents, and congregants. In order for me to get a better sense of where we?re at, I would like to invite you to a series of meet and greet events this month. In preparation for these meetings I ask that you think about our educational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. Together we?ll have a chance to share these thoughts and continue to plan for the future. Each meeting will focus on particular grade levels, but if you cannot make it to your grade level meeting, please feel free to come to the meeting most convenient for you. All meetings will be held at the Temple office on Green Valley Pkwy. Please RSVP to Lynette at the Temple office by Wednesday, August 9. K'3 grade Monday, August 14 7:00-8:15 pm 4-7grade Wednesday, August 16 7:00-8:15 pm 8-12 grade Wednesday August 23 7:00-8:15pm Chazcik Chazak V?Nitchazck - May we go forward from strength to strength WWW.LVNtltrAMID.ORG Congratulations to this years Shomer Torah Award winner, Noelle Bailey\ Noelle will have the honor of carrying a Torah during a High Holiday Service. Nicholas Posin August 12, 2006 I My name is Nicholas Posin and I was born in Las Vegas. I attend the Alexander Dawson School, love acting, drawing, skiing, playing the piano and trumpet and video games (Nintendo only). I was selected twice to perform my monologues at the Showcase at the Cedar City Shakespeare Festival, am a vegetarian since the age of nine and am a great lover of all animals especially my two Springer spaniels, Digby and Tilly. I will be joined on the 12th by my parents, Anita and Mitchell, and my brother Russell on my special day. Michael Jacobs August 26, 2006 My name is Michael Jacobs and I will be an eighth grader this fall at the Del Webb Middle School. I am on my school?s lacrosse team, a member of the Krypto Math Club and an honor roll student. I am looking forward to becoming a Bar^^ Mitzvah on August 26. My parents Wendy and Wayne, my brother Jason and all my close friends will be there to help me celebrate.Just a ? Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist A study in contrasts, the Hebrew month of Av contains both the solemn fast day, Tisha b?Av (the Ninth of Av) and a holiday popular at the time of the Second Temple called Tub?Av(the 15th ofAv). Tisha b?Av is the anniversary of the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem, and by tradition, the anniversary of the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the beginning of the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and of many other events disastrous to the Jews. By contrast, Tu b?Av was an occasion of rejoicing and romance. The Talmud relates that on Tu b?Av, young women dressed in white and went out to dance in the vineyards. By custom, f|ey wore borrowed garments to minimize ompetitiveness over one another?s couture. Young men would come out to the vineyards to survey the dancing women and to select their brides. While the music, dance and most of the details of that festival have been lost forever, a more conventional approach to music and socializing happens at CNT at approximately the same time as Tu b?Av. Yes, I am talking about rehearsals for the High Holy Day Choir! While we can?t promise matrimony will result, we can promise that the experience of singing on the High Holy Days will increase your connection to the liturgy and enhance High Holiday services for you and the entire congregation. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. at the temple office. For more information, contact me at 733- 6292 x106 or Prospective Member Shabbat Friday, September 8! Bring your neighbors, Tell your friends! Share the First Shabbatone Service of the Season! Stay for an Oneg Under the Stars! 'Tf' August 2006 ~5)Excitement and Construction Irv Duchowny, Executive Director By now, you've either seen the construction of our new temple, or at least heard about it time for us all here at CNT. When I last drove by, I saw that we have walls up, beams up and major work being done. This is on-site, in full view of anyone and everyone who?s interested, and now that we have walls up, we have LOTS OF INTEREST - I?m getting a good number of calls, both from CNT members and potential members, and this is very exciting. I?ve been giving this some thought, and we?re definitely building - * Our new Temple * At our new Facility * On our new Campus What can you do about this? Several thoughts come to mind quickly and they are: Share the excitement - a. Tell your friends who are not affiliated, as we know that this is ?Shul Shopping Season?, and there are many people who are currently looking for ?their? temple. This is the time for us to grow our membership, and the best way is by word of mouth. b. When at any temple function, please be friendly - we are known as an open, warm, friendly and welcoming temple, and that means that anytime you see someone you don?t recognize, please ?be that someone who's warm, caring and involved? - this is the main reason people join temples (to be connected), and, we all can help others see this is for real, and not only words at work here. c. Help us with our plans for our Gala Opening Weekend festivities. We?re looking for volunteers for our various activities on the weekend of Feb. 25th and 26th, and we can use your help - either for Saturday evening?s festivities, or Sunday?s Torah Walk, Consecration of the Building or the food/entertainment portion of Sunday. Of course, we?ll also need ?hosts? to guide people or answer questions at the new temple. What else? Join us NOW for our continuing Adult Education classes, High Holiday services (at Green Valley Ranch Station), attend Shabbat Services, join our Adult B?nai Mitzvah class, join our Adult Choir, sign up your children for Religious School, and just come and join us as we move forward. Please give me a call or email me, and we?ll go from there, and THANK YOU to those who have volunteered so far - this is great! Excitement and Construction! Who could ask for anything more? High Holyday Tickets # To clarify the Temple?s policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year?s Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total is $2,500 (your full 5 year commitment), you would need to have a minimum of $375 paid towards your 2006 (current year???s committment) BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5 = $500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues is $1506, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,130 paid towards your 2006 Annual Dues ($1,506 X 75% = $1,130). In total, you would need to have $1,505 paid towards your 2006 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts may differ.) If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office. CNT STAFF Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbak@lvnertamid. org Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Pgoldstein@lvnertamid. org Executive Director Irv Duchowny Director of Education Craig Rosen crosen@lvnertamid. org Program Director Roberta Unger Runger@lvnertamid. org Rabbi's Admin. Asst. Karen Levine Klevine@lvnertamid. org Executive Director's Asst. Lynette Solomon Lsolomon@lvnertamid. org Receptionist Mary Zone Mzone@lvnertamid. org Bulletin Editor Laura Bailey CNTbulletin@cox. net Educator Emeritus Jacqueline Fleekop 6 WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORG Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class $ Begins September 11 It's not too late! Come join with other adults who are yearning to be called to the Torah. This two year class will begin focus on learning Hebrew, reading the prayers and preparing you to read from the Torah. For more information contact Philip Goldstein at 733-6292 x106. ------------------------------ Adult Education Conversion Classes Begin September 11 Do you know someone who is interested in conversion? This class will teach everything from Lifecylcles and Holidays, to Shabbat. Learn basic Hebrew and talk about Israel and our history as a people. This class will be taught by Ayelet Blit. For more information or to sign up contact the temple office at 733'6292. CNT Sisterhood Judaic Gift Shop Large Selection of Tallit Special Order Kippot Jewelry Wedding Gifts B?nai Mitzvah Gifts Any Simcha! Open Thursday Evenings 6pm - 8pm Other Days by Appointment f o make an appointment, call Laura Bailey at 46L7925 or the temple office. Join CNT at Nevada s Shakespeare in the Park! Saturday, September 30 Grab your beach blankets & low-backed chairs and join your friends for an evening of fun and laughter under the stars when we see Shakespeare?s hilarious play ?The Comedy of Errors?. Meet at 6:00 pm at the Wild Horse Country Club, in Henderson for dinner. Dinner and play packages available for only $15 per person. The boxed dinners include a sandwich (turkey or veggie), cole slaw, fruit, cookies, and bottled water and must be ordered and paid for to CNT before Sept. 15. Members who wish to bring their own picnics are also welcome to. Just look for the Blue Balloons! Join Arts Council Executive Director, PAMELA POSTER, for a brief discussion before the play begins. Theater tickets are FREE and available around the city at public libraries, Barnes and Noble stores and information booths at the Las Vegas Outlet Center and Premium Outlets. RSVP your dinner order to Roberta in the office at 733-6292. For more information about the 20th Anniversary Celebration of ?Nevada Shakespeare in the Park,? visit the website at or call PAMELA POSTER at (702) 221 -7431. ?( A ugust 2 0 0 6 7 ) TELL & KVELL August Birthdays 1st-Mrs. Sheila Grossman Mrs. Delores Katz Ms. Marilynn Mack Ms. Cari Marshall 2nd-Robert Bowman Mr. Vinny Celano Ms. Ivy Cohen Mrs. Yvonne Gordon Jordan Greenberg Mrs. Jacky Rosen Mrs. Dorothy Wanderer 3rd-Zachary Capp Ms. Jerene Friedman Mr. Howard Gothelf Mrs. Elaine Siegel 4th- Mr. Neil Beller Mrs. Jane Berns Katie Fine Ross Fremer Marcie Goldberg Mr. Gerald Gordon 5th - Mr. Jeffrey Markewich Adam Weiss 6th - Mr. Arthur Berger Mr. Lou Buffman Mr. Richard Isen Mrs. Helen Mack 7th - Mrs. Amy Christensen Mrs. Toby Edelman Aaron Simon Mitchell Weinstein 8th- Ms. Michal Bloom Mrs. Stephanie Friedman Mr. Harold Glasser Mrs. Sharon Glickman Madisan Greenberg Jordan Levine Mrs. Susan Rodin 9th - Dr. William Denton-Pratt Joel Feldman Aaron Volpone 10th- Mr. David Cadish Tamar Diaz Dr. Steven Sanders Mrs. Mindy Wadkins Mr. Marvin Zindler 11th-Mrs. Lexy Capp Lauren Henry Sarah Lieberman Mr. David Polis Rachael Watman 12th-Justin Finkelstein Mr. Herman Rabinowitz Mr. Harold Roberts Brandon Spector 13th- Dana Schwartz 14th - Lauren Epstein Mrs. Shirley Gellin Rory Holladay Mr. David Nathan Mr. David Robins Michael Swezey 15th - Mrs. Lisa Beresid William Tyler Dobbs Mrs. Sheryl Goldstein Erica Melville Ms. Maxine Molinsky Sarah Shiroff Melissa Simon Mr. Leonard Stone Noah Wachs 16th - Mr. Roger Ewan Mr. Stuart Ingerman Stephanie Joseph Mrs. Eve Marco 17th- Daniel Capp Sam Goldstein Mrs. Joyce Mack Mrs. Simone Schwartz Brenna Yahraus 18th - Mrs. Elana Appleyard Ms. Elissa Cadish Mr. Alex Gottlieb Dr. Dennis Lardent Kayleigh Lindemuth Robert Malvin Ms. Erika Mathers Mr. Jack Silas 19th - Carey Levy Aaron Nitzkin Mrs. Marian Rosenblatt 20th- Mrs. Laura Butwinick Kelly Chenin Nicholas Dreiman Mr. Albert Glickman Dr. Robert Shiroff Ms. Betty Strauss 21st-Amanda Gordon Mrs. Wendy Meoz Mrs. Rosemary Tuzinski 22nd-Mr. Doug Cohen Mrs. Kim Forni Mr. Herman Stone 23rd-Rachel Alterman Charlotte Carlson Mr. Burton Cohen Mrs. Marilyn Miller 24th- Dr. Stephen Chenin Mr. James Wadkins 25th - Mr. Richard Fiumara Andrew Glyman Mr. Morris Janovitz Mr. Gerd Sternberg 27th- Spencer Henry Zachary Lapidus Arielle Lewis Jacob Peck Jennifer Watman Leah Yaffe 28th - Joseph Epstein Addison Heit Mrs. Marian Moss Mrs. Carole Shapiro 8 WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORG 29th - Mr. David Applebaum Mr. Evan Bredlau Courtney Goldstein Mrs. Lois Green Mr. Jerome Matz 30th- Mrs. Marilyn Brill Dana Pomerantz Madison Shaine Jaime Wikler 31st- Mr. Ray Gordon Dr. Stephen Kollins Mazel Tov to Howard and Nancy Laefer on the birth of their granddaughter, Sidney Paige Parker, born on June 22 in Atlanta, Georgia. She weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. Proud parents are Jennifer and Jason. Sharon and Ray Gordon proudly announce that their daughter-in-law Jessica received her degree from the Pikeville College school of Osteopathic Medicine. Mazel Tov to Sharon and Ray Gordon, proud grandparents, Selma and Harold Katz, proud great-grandparents, on the birth of Logan Scott Joseph Gordon, born June 14, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz., 20 inches long. Proud parents are Jessica and Matt Gordon. Mazel Tov to Brett Primack and Shelly Rounds, on being named to Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Leadership Las Vegas Class of 2006. Mazel Tov to Robin and Danny Greenspun on the recent graduation of their daughter Moira Stevens Greenspun from Bowdoin Col?lege at the school?s 201st commencement. August Anniversaries Avjgvj?* 1 Mr. 0 Mr?. TVI Aco?fa Avjgvj^f 4 Mr. & Mr?. Alan Barneff AvjgM^f 6 Mr. 0 Mr?. G e-a/ge. /Aocr'a Avjgsjjf 7 Miller AvJgVJjt 8 AV.&AVj.W ayne Balbavjm Avjg'o?! 9 Mr. ? Mr?. T^Bli* Avjgvj?! IO Mr. 0 Mr?. Bavid Ghri?len?en Mr. 0 Mr?. Trichord F rock! Mr.OMr?.K errnelk [Herman Mr. & Mr?. Ira Levine AvigVJ?f 11 Mr. 0 Mr?. [Harty After Mr. 0 Mr?. T revor Cm rran Mr. 6 Mr?. L e?lie TVmn Mr. & Mr?. ~Pkoma? Mek/ille Mr. 0 Mr?. "David Mendel?on AvJgM^I 12 Mr. ?j Mr?. Gerald Ein?obn Mr. & Mr?. Trichord Gold?lein Mr. 0 Mr?. Lawrence3^mdell A\ig\j?l IS TV. & Mr?. 5^wai4 Btamenfeld TV. O Mr?. Benni? Lardfird Avjgvj?f 16 Mr. O Mr?. K ennefk Ep?lein Mr. O Mr?. Brett Primack Avjgvj?! 19 Mr. & Mr?, laager Gasper Avigu^f 24 TV Ss Mr?. Mark Breaker Avjgvi?! 26 Mr. O Mr?. ^Jerald M. Coh en Avjgvj?! 27 TV. O Mr?. Lynn Greene Avjgvj?! 20 Mr. O Mr?. K^^y Berman Avigvj?! 29 "f^abbi O Mr?. 3 anford Ak?elrad Mr. O Mr?.5iV\ey Marco TV. and Mr?. Larry T^o?en A>ogvj?f 30 Mr. & Mr?. T^ager E wan Mr. 0 Mr?. Gary Lieberman Mr. 0 Mr?. Mel Weinberg Avigvj?l 31 Mr. 0 Mr?. Ira Miller Mr. 0 Mr?. ^)ordan3'a^lCOLDUICLL BANI<j3Rl3 MEL & DEBBIE HALLERMAN Broker / Sales Associates 3C OXMVaA, g>. ti tile id ?detect / *956 Creating Corporate Identity From Business Cards to 4-Coloring Process and Beyond 384-5072 Specializing in Personalized Rosh Hashanah Cards On-Time, Within Budget Greg Cindy Goussak (702)458-7070 BUSINESS (702)458-6253 FAX (702)596-6400 MEL CELL (702)596-2520 DEBBIE CELL 10120 S. Eastern Avc., #300 Henderson, NV 89052 ? f=> ?Your Perfect Partners? ? MLS Each office is individually Owned and Operated THE MAIN event ^ Creative Memories That Last Forever (702) 36-PHOTO (367-4686) ? ____:__________4.1__________________________________ Weddings ? Bar/Bat Mitzvahs * Sweet 16?s ? Corporate Events <702 >3(19-3322 FA X:< 702 >369-4995 855 East Twain Ave., Vegas, NY 89109 ADVERTISING DULL CDT SECTION Hang it on the frig, set it by the phone, put it in your phonebook. Keep these numbers handy so you can support the many businesses that advertise in our bulletin. MMsi YOUR AD COULD BE HEREI ~CAugust 2006 9) CHEYENNE INSPECTION GROUP HOME AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSPECTION SERVICE JEFF COLEMAN INSPECTOR. OWNER PHONE: 702-286-3889 CIGINSPECT@AOL.COM ITA CERTIFIED. NV LICENSED, INSURED Book individual services or One call, will book il oil! MC/DJ'S ? BONDS VIDCOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS* MITZVAHS 655-5500 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE1 WWW.LVNEKTAMID.ORG} MAt>etyv? R Custom Invitations & Announcements for All Hand &. Computerized Calligraphy Donation to Temple with Every Order By Appointment Only to Serve You Better 702 254-7891 702 257-7891 (fax) MadelynR13@hotmail.comL/Dor V'Dor, Yad B^Yad - From Generation to Generation/ Hand in Hand Now's your chance to be a part of history, OUR history. Naming opportunities are still available for several areas of the new Temple. Anyone interested/ or for more information/ contact Irv Duchowny at 733-6291. Courtyard Patio $300/000 Swimming Pool $250/000 Exterior Tile & Glass Mosaic $150/000 Religious School Courtyard $150/000 Sanctuary Main Doors $100/000 Basketball Court $100/000 Audio/Video Center $100/000 Board Room $100/000 Judaica Museum $100/000 Beit Tifillah Seating $100/000 Main Ark Curtain $100/000 Beit Tiflliah Bimah $ 75/000 Preschool Director Office $ 60/000 Auxiliary Board Rooms $ 50/000 Asst. Rabbi Office $ 50/000 Cantor's Office $ 50/000 Teacher Resource Center $ 50/000 Executive Director Office $ 50/000 Donor Wall $ 50/000 Childcare Room $ 40/000 Sanctuary Wall Hangings $ 40/000 Garden of Remembrance - StaT of David Planters $ 36/000 Children's Education Classrooms $30/000 Preschool Classrooms $ 30/000 Adult Classrooms/Conference Rooms $ 30/000 Garden of Remembrance Benches $ 18/000 Major Gift Donor Board Recognition $ 5/000 Major Gift Donor Board Recognition $ 7/500 Phase 3 Phase 2 Available 3 Available 12 Remaining 6 Remaining 8 Available Phase 2 7 Remaining Until October 5 Beginning October 9 There are also some larger naming opportunities available. If interested/ contact Jerry Cordon at 873-1402 or 796-5555. ?( A ugust 2006 F) Ongoing Monthly Programs Rosh Chodesh SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH 6:45 pm at King David Memorial Chapel Join us before services as we gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Now Available! Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Roberta Unger in the temple office 733-6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. This program is coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community /Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. For information on the Alzheimer's Support Group please call 617-6430. r?--------------------------------------------------------------------\ An Oneg Sponsorship was pledged by: July 14th - Linda & Ron Ellen in honor of their 46th anniversary Sisterhood thanks you for your continued support. JFSA will once again be accepting food donations at the temple office. Please drop off your non-perishable foods during office hours. Do You Get All Our Emails??? The best way for us to keep you informed of everything going on and where is via e-mail. If you're not receiving the Shabbas e-mail, Roberta doesn't have your address. Please e-mail her @ or call her at the temple office 733-6292. Don't miss out! WWW.LVNEILTAMID.ORG AUGUST 2006 ) Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday Thursday 2 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 Adult Choir 7 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 Adult Choir 7 pm Rosh Chodesh @ King David 6:45 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Posin Bar Mitzvah 10 am 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 am Men?s Club Board Meeting 6pm Adult Choir 7 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am > 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Adult Choir 7 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Jacobs Bar Mitzvah 4 pm 27 28 29 30 31 Sept. 1 2 Adult Choir 7 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OFFICED CLOSED Adult Choir 7 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am * Labor Day { " A ugust 2006 13) Yahrzeits August 4 Helen Bossak Leroy Cherry Elaine Cohen Julius Louis Cohen Max Cohen Karoline Divvald Anna Feldman Milton Ferber Nina Fields Alex Fox Max Friedman Vivian Hap tor Anita Harris Leonard Herzog David Hirsh Sylveajoelson Clara Jolcover Benjamin Kishner Lucille Levenshon Carlos Levy Robert H Levy Jose Lugo Edith Margone Dorothy McDougall Gussie Newman Leo Rakov Esther Shore AbeTarnofsky Matthew Wagner Judith Wikler Sidney Wikler August 11 August 18 August 25 Charles Bendit Fanny Charach Hortense Alper Rachel A Cherry Simon Chenin Dorothy Anhaltzer Harry Eisner Addie Fox Corn Rebecca Benedict Syna Leah Fischbein Alfred Correia David Brunner Albert Friedmutter Blanca Del Valle Alfred Butwinick Jennie Goldberg Samuel Fessler Max Meyer Cohen Albert Goldstein Sally Glassman Moe Cohen Ida Goldstein JosephJacobs Gertrude DeStefano BeverlyJ Horowitz Eugene Kirshbaum Barbara Fadem Sophie Katzman Edna Krassenstein Bessie Freiden Lilly Rollins Jeanne Levy Stella Gittelman Albert LeNoble Hyman Marco Henry Henkin Miriam Lewis Myra Meyers Ari Holladay Rose Lewis Abraham Nash Jack Hooker Pinchus Moyal Donald Olshein Ronald Klinger Anne Rabin Dean Peskin Sonia Lee David Sendrow William Schultz Claire Lewis Lee Singer Harry Sendrow Judith Liebert AlWexler Mary Simonetti Beatrice Lipkin Margaret Wolf Gerald Sloane Alan Joseph Martin Donald Yahraus Ruth Solomon Abe Saltzman Miriam Watman Emil Schwimmer Marie Shapin Lillian Silver Jack Singer Geoffrey Smith Alma Spector Anne Wasserman Barney W eingardt Shirley Werber Michael ?Mickey? Wright Harry Yaffe Julius Yarchever IN MEMORIAM: Sue Kabakov, beloved sister of Nadine Cracraft