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I agree.I 11 MED. SHOT - LANIER examining his knuckles. LANIER We'll talk about it after I disinfect this. I don't want to get lockjaw. He's already heading for the bathroom. He goes in. 12 INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT> MED, CLOSE - LANIER Lanier runs the water over his hand, the SOUND is rather loud, then reaches for a towel and exits, carrying it. 13 INT. MOTEL - NIGHT - MED. SHOT - LANIER as he enters from bathroom, looking toward divan. l^f MED. SHOT - DIVAN Nick isn't there. CAMERA PANS to door, which is slightly ajar. Nick lies on the floor. M CLOSER SHOT as Lanier kneels into scene beside the body. LANIER'S VOICE (narrating) He had a split lip where I had belted him - and a broken head where somebody else had sapped him at least six times. Two would have done it. He wasn't quite dead but the difference was too small to count. Whoever had swung the sap might have panicked a little, but the job got done. 16 ANOTHER ANGLE w LOW SET-UP to include the door. It opens silently, (CONTINUED)