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I agree.Las Vegas ** December 29, 1953 Mr. W. H. Johnson - Los Angeles co: Mr. Wa. Reinhardt Attached please find original copy of unsigned letter to Clark County Planning Commission dated December 22, 1953, relative to rezoning of Lota 1 and 2 , Block 1, Hinson Heights Subdivision, Clark County, Nevada. Mr. Bill Hinson, owner of the property who Is also the original owner of Hinson Heights Subdivision, called on me this date requesting that the Las Vegas Land and Water Company sign the original copy of attached letter as having no objection to the proposed rezoning from Ranch Estates to C-l zone. If you will refer to the city map of Lae Vegas you will see that the Hineon Subdivision 11 ee southerly of Charieeton Boulevard opposite our elevated tank whioh serves Hyde Park and Lots 1 and 2 of the first two lots westerly of Hinson Street with frontage on the south side of Charleston Boulevard. Prom the standpoint of the Water Company, 1 see no objection to signing the attached letter and if you oonour will you please elgn for the Water Company or if Mr* Reinhardt approves I will sign and return the letter to Mr. Hinson. L. R. Haag Sinai. LRMsrr