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This item has not been digitized in its entirety. The original ^^^Ssity^^j^l^ditionaMigMzation is available upon request: Pleavj?½ffi^^Special CoU^^^^lo request additional digidzatifflor with :anv|Questionsref^ding^ces^^^cial.collectio^^^^du.; 2E/Las Vegas Review-JournalfThursday, March 26,1998 ABOUT TOWN Activities in Las Vegas Toastmasters The High Noon Lectern Toastmasters meet at boon Fridays at . Denny?╟╓s Restaurant, 2201 W.- Sahara "Me' ?╟ Guests are welcome [ ,(889-8819)^- Support groups The Nevada Spinal Cord Injury Support Group will holckh-meeting Nit * 12:30 'p.m/?╟╓/Friday at West fCha'rleston Library, 6301 W. Charleston Blvd. (877-1598). Mended Hearts, a support group for heart-disease patients and their ?╟úfamilies, will hold its next meeting at 10 am. Saturday In the Magna Building at Desert Springs Hospital,; 20011 E, Flamingo Road. Eva Stork bof, trie University of California, Las Angeles ?√ß Research Network will speak on the seven warning signs of cancer (869-0661).?╟╓ WE Overeaters Anonymous offers a 12-step program, for compulsive overeaters. Meetings ?√ß ar?·--held throughout the area. The group will hold a public information flight from <,7?╟  to" 8f30 p.m. Monday at Clark-[ County Library, 1401 E, Flamingo i Road. Everyone is welcome.- Call 593-2945 for jnfbrmatiQ?·/-S-j* Narcotics Anonymous of Southern Nevada'is a fellowship of recovering addicts- who meet regu-/j'Tafly ,tq. help each other stay free from drugs.. There are no charges, dues or fees.'^CIkll. 369-3362. for Timore information. Nicotine Anonymous offers a ; 12-step program for people who wish to quit smoking. Cali 223-7139 for meeting times and localjons. | Southern Nevada Mensa Southern Nevada Mensa meets at'5;3Q:p.mrFridays at R-Bar, 6000 W. Charleston Blvd., and at 10 a,m. Saturdays at Barnes & Noble, 2191 Nt Rainbow Blvd, (735-7889). - Ski club The Las Vegas?╟ Ski arid Social Club will meet/for, TGIf--at 6 p.m. Friday at Santa Fes Mining Cos, 5201 N. Rainbow Blvd. (458-0469). Italian American Club ?╟≤?╟? .The Italian American Club hosts a buffet dnd dancing party at iI p.m. Fridays %t 2833 E Sahara Ave. Cost is $20 per person ?√ß (282-2391 Lecture The Nevada & Friends Lyme Group?╟╓Will sp'onsor a lecture by Dr. Ppseph T. Jclepfrit 7?╟╓,,p?mf y/aSW Kat.?·p|umbiaTSu^isa'i^untaihView] , Hospi}|l, and!fMedw:alf Center, ;31'00 j f,Jil.iIenava.WayAJ,b^.BUbliCgiSf.w.elJ ' cgme (256/9776) Dance clubs The Swing Dance Club of Las Vegas meets Fridays at?╟╓?╟╓Pepper's Lounge, 2929 E. Desert Inn Road. Lessons are offered1 from 7 to 8, Ifid&owed, by dancing (440-360) "N The B-Sharps Square Dance Club of Las Vegas meets/at 7:30 p m Fridays af*Bfe Knights of Co-?╟≤lurfibus hail, 9ff?╟╓/2'Cgdeo^Ave.'l K(870-T792f. 'f The Swinging Stars Square Dance Club offers classes/on Fri-gSaysfrlppiii ?╜&57-245?· for/mofeJ information jflH The Ballroom Club of Las Vegas- offers- gfeup-l^sons at Baker Park /Community SchoolJi 200 E.' SC Louis Avie Cost, is $40 for " adtilW Students undej/,18?╟╓ years of-age are Tree. <''Gatli'733-6599 for Pmore information. LVASevent The Las Vegas Astronomical Society Wilfhbid a ?╟  MessiaaMara-Tj thon?╟Ñ on Friday and Sattfraay at Tempts' B|rManna in Arizona The ?╟úpdfin^^TwIted Call 351-135$ for ': more!infbr!^fag Plant sale '--rThe Cactus & Succulent Society of Southern Nevada willjhold < its jannual "show and sale! from 8 fTam^,^ipt#i.^ap;aay.'e^5?║unday -at Desert Demonstratigb||?║tidens, |3Z01 Alta,Drive.;Admifsio?½ ffee. Karate championships iffXM, 1998 National Karate Championships, to befeit thej * Aroericgn Canper Society, yfili be I he(dJrtm'jifa:rh/t(>4-p-.rti Saturday naMbe Tropicana, 3801 Las Vegas r Blvd.-South, Martial-arts .?╟╓-students and instructors will compete in ail levels ?╟╓pf/fb^s, -board, breaking, weapons demonstrations and spar-I ring, Spectator .tickets are $t2 per 'person (263-2255). ?╟╓ Craft show Wilhelm Elementary School, , 609 W. Alexander Road, will pold'a craft show and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 3 pfo, Saturday. The event will feature drawings and a jump castle.'Also, Nevada Child Seekers |p(!-be present to?╟╓do fingerprinting. Computer club ?╟≤ The Commodore Computer Club.wijl meet at 9 a.m. Saturday at Nevada Power Co., 62,26 W. Sahara Ave. The,quarterly swap meet will be .featured. Guests are welcome (645-2402). Benefit Josefina Montoya twill speak to girls and their mothers about what it* was like growing up in New Mexico fin 1824. The 'event, sponsored by American/Girls Collection, will be at R11 a.m., 3 p.m. ahd 7 p.m/Saturday and 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., Sunday at Desert WillowGolf Course, 2020 W. Horizon Ridge . Parkway in Henderson. Cost is $17.$0. Proceeds will benefit the Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada (648-1990). ^ Beta Sigma Phi The Laurete Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will entertain Xi Alpha Gamma at noon Saturday at Bob Baskin Park, 2801 Oakey Blvd. (647-8928). The Laureate Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will meet at 1:30 "p.m'. Saturday at the home of Grace Huber. Call 363-2093 for more 1 information. Ukrainian eggs A display of collectable Ukrainian eggs and decorated ostrich, rhea, emu and goose eggs will be held from 2 to 7?╟ p.m. Saturday and April 4 and from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.-..Sunday and April 5 at Shrine of the , Most Holy Redeemer, 55 E; Reno Ave. The public Is invited (367-3688). Singles groups The singles group One, an informal group for singles of all ages, meets for dancing each Saturday evening. Call 736-5791- for more information.;. Dinner With Singles is a group of business and professional people who'Weetweekty fordinners atvari-1 ous restaurants New raefribers'a^^" i welcome, 12-26-40231^) Fund-raisers .................. The Las Vegas Valley Humane Society will hold its second annual' *Wag-a-tail Waik-a-thon on Sunday at Hills Park, 9002 Hillpointe Road. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. Call ?╟≤-'434-5083 f6r more information: ;v/ City of Hope, Sun City Summer-lin.Mspqnsor a Bowl-a-rama at 9 am. April 5 at the Gold Coast, 4000 W. Flamingo Road.^pall 255-9p,40 nor more'iriforrnat^n^^^ The Meadows School wi(| hold^a luncheohTMnd'Tashion show Tuesday at-Cninois?╟╓in the Forum Shops*7?╟╓ at Caesars, 3500?╟ Las Vegas Blvd. South Call 254-1610, ext 266,?fpf| ?√ßmore information,, : Softball Senior Women?╟╓s Softball, Sm ?╟╓ iliose.,mS'48md' ;dverl:rneets atj|| ?√? prm.^Sunday^f^ll skill levejs^are wdig6rneu[251 -9784^#/' Bridge club Bridgeworld II meets each week-' eiM6nd|y-/Jhr,oug|il Saturday at Charleston/ Heights Arts ??ahter, 8D$'S,?╟ Brush St?╟╓Call 735-3l"l4?╟╓*for r mote information. , About* Tdm} is *ko{npjled ?║y the& R0mW<loprnal as a public service far waders, interested imffie:me'et- -yogs, events and other activities 'prese^etggy local nonprofit orgini-izatbns^pd clubs. Quahfied^organi-;zktidp?║ are asked to submit com-iPJete, written ,nformatioh at least 1o4 days before the desired ffublication' date. For more information, contagt Jean Bkrd at 383-02?╟ 45 ?╟ dr.write &/o Lais Vegas 'Review-Journal, P.O., Box 70.LaSfVegas, Nev 89125$gf;i?╟  Breast surgeon speaks at benefit * Dr. * Siisan - Love, -j|pt-Belling '?╟╓author Jbreast surgebn and coL fbundqr of the/Natjonal ^je&st (Dancer speak April 14 at the ?╟ Las VOgas Hilton, (foot) Paradise RoacL. Sponsored thy the aTf <Ros^T-Dominican iHealth Foundation^the event fcjnll take place l-S'30 p:m. in the hotel?╟╓s Ballroom l In addition to Love?╟╓s talk, local* Geologist Dreary Ann K. Alli^ ftn will moderate a panel discus:? ^n with'br'easT.ian'cer Survivors' Kuding Las Vegas Mayor' Jan^ ?║es and former Congresswom-jBarbara Vucanovich.- KLAS-^fehannel'8 anchorwoman and ?√ß|en?╟╓s health - care "radvocate Sla, Francis will be - the. PHrator. WM ?√ß -fecjgde ^afcowJof LoveV breast-cpp| (booker $l5f without Bie boqJ/Juove wQl?╟úbe ayaifaKle,^er the' event Torooek signings J?½1 The'deadline for legistranon 1^ April O/^^^further infora^tion, call 566-7514. l|i 1&90, Lovembes^elling ?╟╓book, ?╟úDr. Susaii'^ove'i^reasfi Book,?╟Ñ was referred*to ai|?╟ the hi-^ ble of women with|brea?½lanc'er?╟Ñ ,by the New York Time^In J997,t she authored 7qnother||^t sjtjjlli ?╟úDr. Susan Love?╟╓s Hormone JBook.?╟Ñ ?╟╓ t Love is a clinician, researcher / and adviser ro the Woipen?╟╓s Health Initiative of the .National Tnstitut?·s nf Health. She has spent almost all of, her professional Jqarerei^ fighting breast xancer,, Titanic From 1E ?╜ learn to handle that ship pfoper-ly'l-'it,sinks every night, jokes Clause iluerguy, whosseen the make-believe Titani^Jpk for-17 of the 26 years he?╟╓s been a showroom maitre d?╟╓ at the-hotel. ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ has becobM famous - for its depiction of the Titanic, ' says Aaronson. j But he?╟╓s the first fofdmit the movie?╟╓s record-breaM^I populari-' ty hasn?╟╓t hurt ?╟úJubileel?╟Ñ ?√ß Attendance is climbing, hes says, attributing it in part to the ' current ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ craze|?╟úOverall, it?╟╓s probably word-of-jt|)uth. We haven?╟╓t embarked on ^copycat ad campaign.?╟Ñ And for those who npstakenly believe ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ is jtpiping aboard the ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ bandwagon to capitalize on the movie?╟╓s popularity, the show has a/16-year head start. Indeed, one of the showroom?╟╓s control panels boasts a commemorative plaque -reading ?╟úMGM Titanic, commissioned "1980,?╟Ñ Aaronson points out. Moreover, ?╟úTitanic^pjoduc- . tion team may have used the ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ'sequence as partial , inspiration, he suggests.. ; ; While the movie was in the planning stages, officials With ?╟úTifanic?╟Ñ diredhrf James Cameron?╟╓s production-company called to ask about ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ and its Titcjmc sequence, according to ! Aaronson.', ?╟?'9v 1 He never heard anything more from them, but when Aaronson saw Cameron?╟╓s movie, ?╟úI was awestruck with the parallels?╟Ñ between ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ and the ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ depiction of themsaster. ?╟úThere?╟╓s a scene in the engine room with the stokers --we do the identical set,?╟Ñ he notes. ?╟úI think it?╟╓s a direct rip-off of what we do.. And we have the tremendous prop of the ship that actually sinks jpto the stage.?╟Ñ Jeff Scheld/Review-JoumaL. Glamorous passengers celebrate,the launch of the unsinkable luxury liner Titanic jh ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ In addition, the movie?╟╓s inci- ! dental background music includes the ?╟úBlue Danube?╟Ñ waltz, featured in the show?╟╓s now- , excised Viennese sequence, v ?╟≤ which was still a part of ?╟úJubi- ' * lee!?╟Ñ when Cameron?╟╓s associates made their inquiry. . (Officials from Paramount Pictures and Cameron?╟╓s Lightstorm Entertainment did not return phone calls for comment.) ?╟úI was just struck by the weird coincidences?╟Ñ between ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ and the ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ version of the T sinking of the Titanic, Aaronson acknowledges. ?╟úGreat minds really do think alike.?╟Ñ ; Of course, the similarities between the-two projects make sense, considering the fact that both based their set designs on. ?╟úHie same models and photos?╟Ñ of : the doomed ship, Aaronson notes^, Both also attempt to depict the Titanic tragedy ?╟úin human terms,?╟Ñ Aaronson maintains. ?╟úThat?╟╓s where the movie suc- ceeds so well,?╟Ñ he says, praising , Cameron?╟╓s Oscar winner (which / he?╟╓s seen ?╟úonce, so far?╟Ñ) as ?╟úone of the best nioyies I?╟╓ve ever, seen.?╟Ñ As for the ?╟úJubilee!?╟Ñ version, Arden ?╟úenvisioned this in myth,?╟Ñ according to Aaronson. ?╟úHe envi- : sioned a statement on the stage -that?╟╓s Thought-provoking. It?╟╓s asking you to understand what happened ?╟÷ it?╟╓s bringing you in-?╟╓ tq an emotional setting where you can understand what the di- ?╟╓ saster was.?╟Ñ Israel From 1E and slightly nervous laughter from the American kids, Oren , , adds that ?╟úpeople who are not physically able, theySvillftoake -you physically able/1 Maya notes that compulsory military service ?╟÷* something American teen-agers haven?╟╓t : faced since the 1970?║ ?╟÷, serves as a unifying, force amopg lsrael?╟╓s / youth, forging a sense of community among Israelis who immi-.' grate from -other ?╟╓ countries. ?╟úThe army has a very import . tant job in (serving as a) melting pot,?╟Ñ She explain^. ?╟úEveryone?╟╓in ^rael hasapenSramilnafy5^ #seryice, ^so^gives'ieia ?√ßS^ught^^Lr' .p11^ To what seems to be at mast minoT amazement on the jp&rt..of. the American students, Maya* and, Oren say they1 don?╟╓t -resent having to interrupt their lives .between?╟ high, schopl and before cpl-.-lege for military servicp/ / . For OrOh,^military service is a practical-need. Israelis ?╟úsurrounded by enemies,?╟Ñ he says, ?╟úso we have to (have) a big and strorig army.?╟Ñ ?╟úI look at it as an opportunity to pay back to my country,?╟Ñ Maya adds?╟╓.?╟╓. * ?╟╓ The talk turns to polatic/ ahd the Middle Balt peace poetess. ?╟úIn my city, I?╟╓m very politically -involved. InTsrael, mos^f the youth are ver$ politiea|?╤in-volved,?╟Ñ Oren says, addifig that bn his^cit^.n^s chaiim?½pf the Labor Party youth" orgfMation. Israersfyoting^age is<l8, Oren ^s'ays;?╟ following up thafejpt with other chronological landmarks of Israeli youths; lives. 'JB N ?╟úThq driving age is 17V'," Oren 7 cgntinqil. ?╟úThe drmktfpage is * ' 18?╟╓?╟Ñ I I If ?╟úWtell, buying alcohmig 18/?╟╓ Maya mterruptsyas t ^Students laugh. ' Israel anniversary events Review-Journal The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada will sponsor a daylong series of events April 19 topelebrate Israel's 50th anniversary. Already this month, on March 16, Yehuda Levy, publisher of The Jerusalem Post, visited Las Vegas and spoke with University of Nevada, Las Vegas students. On April 19, the anniversary cb|ebration culminates with events at the ?╟≤: Sands Expo & Convention Center, 204 Sands Ave., afid New-York-New York, 3790,Las,Vegas Blvd. South. A series?╟╓'of' live performances, exhibits, crafts, information booths, children's activities and Israeli cuisine^ is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 4 -p.m. at the Sands convention center. Admission is.fme99B| ?Σ≤?╟úroiii 5 au toJ8"rb y Natan SnararisRy,?╟╓4staers minister of Industry and , trade,BviJiiLb^he featured -speaker during a dinnerjat the New York-New1 fcaSfo hsillfiagni-,!ickets afe'$d5?For reservations,-call 732-0556.*::. At p.m., Noa^onq^ Jsjg^ls most popular, contemporary musicau artists/ will perform in concert at the MADhattan Theater at?╟ New'; York-New York. The singer, songwrijer, composer'and percussionist recently! released herseebnd English-language album and her third Israeli dlbum. Tickets are $20, $35 and $50, and are available by calling 740-6815. The (students ask whether they?╟╓fe afraid of violence in the -streets in Jsratel, and how the?╟╓?╟╓*, % turmoil in .the Middle East af- . fects the students?╟╓ daily lives/ ; / * ?╟úTension exists, but it?╟╓s not like" 'hvefy day/?╟╓ Orpbi.answers. ?╟úI don?╟╓t wake unthinking aboutjtf Prlwalk downthe streett thinking Jof tiigjfeace' process.?╟Ñ I ?╟ YpU|don?╟╓t?╟ |?╟╓Maya,.laugh^, -interrupts iqtoock-surprise, Fear of;yimenbe-is ?╟úpart-of our everydajelife, ?╟╓/Dreh-?╟╓ ^ltirmbs^:. ?╟úhutl-?╟╓m$ ot j^rly/cpnqerned*'^ about it Ipiottj much live^i noi ^ ipallife'/?╟╓"/, I ?╟úWe?╟╓re'not afraid to take-buses. ?√ß: .op ap^hing like that,?╟Ñ Maya-"says.'?╟úI febl^sqfe in my country. I don?╟╓t feel like there is tension.?╟Ñ b Pre'n?╟╓/awho lived in Boston for a year Jiuing his"1 elementary ?╟╓schoqlmfys -?╟÷'hotel that lifq m Israel ^similar to life in thes United-States.?╟úYou know places you can go and cannot go,*?╟╓ he says. Generally, in its depiction of' i%eryday lifo in-Israel, ?╟úI think the media alters the real picture/ ?╟úor the violence//. j&aThe Israeli students say they are?╟╓ optimistic about the peace ^. process someday bearing fruit. ?╟úI think- thq*idea for peace is working,?╟Ñ Open:says/ And, Maya adds,?╟╓ the slot? movement?╟╓toward peace is. ?╟úa/veiy difficult pr(fcqs|^^S Maya^asks what the ^lea'dows ' students do |8r rawMows, the Las Vegmps answerWisiting with friends. Playing sports. Maya?╟╓s' desc|ifpon of her free , time soqm^sTf it could be com-mg fi om asMeadows student She (visits coffee shops,^sees friends /and family, hikes .And goes t'o// / mo\nes, even if she adds, -we see them- a year.aftqp you.?╟Ñ Israeli students attend school 'sixpqys a week ?╟÷ neWsThat . /-.j prompts at least one soft gasp' in the classroom ?╟÷ with Saturday, the Sabbath, their ohly day off, Maya says,' ??╟≤?·-- Asked for their impressions of 5 'j . the United States, Maya recalls ' :'': that the first thing that struck her when she arrived ?╟úwas the size. We were in New York, and j the airport was huge. It?╟╓s amaz- ;?√ß ing. It?╟╓s so interesting here.?╟Ñ . Later, after the end of the pen-Qd, Oren and Maya say the questions were typical of what they?╟╓ve heard from other teen-agers during previous stops. But they say ?╟≤/ -f! sbfnfe questions from-Miaows students were a bit more sophis-, & . '^tibated.,, , > The students weren?╟╓t surprisadL. findsthey?╟╓bf.vqfnpun!in ^~~r~' ?╟ common with American stiijjents; % ?╟úI think everyone inTsrael knows ?╟≤ ^ we have certain things in pom-. mon with American Mds,/T)ren-i/^ f says. ?╟úWe.seeja lot of TV, we seO{ < ?╟? ^American shp.w^?╟Ñ But, Maya adds, ?╟úwe stfihhave differences- Different culture, dif-Merjent attitudes/p*tife hi-, ?╟ Gary Handl^ advanced place-ment govemipem?^d European " history teachter The Meadows^ Schooldays Meadowsktudents r were- impressed 'with^ Die Israeli studerits?╟╓sense of obliggtion to their couhtiy. In fact, when talhf-mge about military/servic^Gren even offered a paraphrase of John F. Kenne'd^s "Ask not what ?╟╓j^r/lountry can"do for you * speech. ?╟úWhat wasTfritriguing' to ihe is that, in many ways, they fififill that call better than, American youth,?╟Ñ Handltey says:,1 The students also ?╟úseemed imv ^j pressed'by^qmaof the social/1:, similarities,?╟Ñ, H&ndley says." ?╟úEven though they?╟╓re halfway arouijSMie wbrld, they seeihlo^^ do .the sagiq thipgs American kidibkeTp doxo(have agpod time.?╟Ñ ?√ß Winchester center series to feature American film noir A series of films froijsthe clas-fmc period of AmencaWilm noir will//be pregfiMfed^g^rting Tuesday,?╟ at Winchest^p0minu. I. 3130 S. 'McLeod I Driyo? - I '] Each film will'be Jb?½dhced by critic Jeanhfitte ^atWlis., The, I scrip?╟╓s will run for fiyetqbn'secu- tiver Tuesdays. AdnussjSn is $2, and all showingsj|je at wm. J ?╟úFilm-Noir III?╟Ñ consist^of mo\-ies that emphasise ths^man in film poiq ?╟?l/?╜ //Thb sferies opens Tpil^iav.witb ?╟úPhantom, Lady?╟╓^fioml^.; g^. rang Frapchot-^ /lone .jand /?╟╓Ella Raines.^; is the -tale of ^Apan (Alap Curtis) falsely accqs^d of murdering his wifi' Theplpril -7 filin, ?╟úThCT^ango Lovg^bt- Martfia- IvergWfrom 194^| featur?½ Barbara Stapvvyck as a womb^\vHqfy?╜,ants^peave Heirhusban?╟╓d but cannot^^ause mf tier past. AnotbeT * 1946 film, ?╟úGfida,?╟Ñ schedmqdfor' April 14, stars .Rita-1 Hayworth''as a woman unfairly blamed for ?╟≤ the troubles-, of - two / ?√ß?√ßmen ?╟úThe;/Recklbss Moment,?╟Ñ scheduled for April 21/is the rare film?╟╓ nqir foqjosing e woman protagonist. The Tp49 film ^tarsl-/ The final film, on April 28, is The series is presented' -bv James Mason-nnd 'Joa^Bennett, ?╟úIn?╟ <a Lonely'Place?╟Ñ from 1^0/qQ^rk , County-Parks and with Betinett as an upper middlqllHumphrey,Bogart and C^oria Recreation?╟╓s Cultural Affairs Di-olq'ss mother suddenly enmeshed-IGrahameJplay partners'/whose vision. For more information call in killings and blackmail. L love is destroyed by suspicion.-:. ?╟ ?╟ '455-7340/'//l HEADLINES DELIVERED BY -ia^er route You II tee! like a kid I .'%am uWu^voullefids youjiave,a paper route Bjt dekerng the irnper l^fkid^vbrk, camersmrndependent contractor! oi||j thlfe?╟╓s infecting mvolv^o/youll have plenh/bf time ;: i:extra money on|he important thiKgs^|[e| Call now to find a route near you. / 383-0400 ?·ASV?·GAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ?╟≤ 'i w Jr