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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE No. 32 DEALER NEWS Issued June 1,1959 1700 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Phone DUnkirk 7-5355 The Newspaper of West Coast Service Station Dealers Rates Effective Sept. 1, 1959 Established 1937 Published Bi-Weekly 1. RATE PROTECTIVE CLAUSE If, as and when new rates are announced, adver- tisers will be protected at their contract rates for 90 days after effective date of new rate. Orders beyond 3 months accepted at rates prevailing. 2. AGENCY COMMISSION 15% of gross billing allowed to recognized ad- vertising agencies on space, color, bleed and position, provided account is paid within 30 days of invoice date. Commission is not allowed on other charges such as backing-up inserts, trimming, printing of inserts, or split runs. 3. CASH DISCOUNT 2% on net (after agency commission) if paid by 10th of month following month of insertion. 4. GENERAL ADVERTISING RATES (See #14) Bulk Rates: None. Frequency Rates: Cost per insertion for adver- tisers using a series of advertisements of the same size or varying sizes. Rate earned is based on total number of insertions used within any 12 month period of 26 consecutive issues. Advertisements of different size than listed below carry the column inch rate of the nearest lower size unit. Multiple units of space in one issue are billed at individual unit rates. Multiple units of less than 40" (4 columns x 10") size in one issue count only as one insertion toward determining fre- quency rate. Units smaller than 7%" do not count as inser- tions in determining frequency rates for larger space units. RATES PER INSERTION (Rate per column inch in parenthesis) Size Unit Mi. 6 ti. 13 ti. 26 ti. 75" $450 $415 $380 $340 (6.00) (5.53) (5.07) (4.53) 60" 375 350 310 275 (6.25) (5.83) (5.17) (4.58) *45" 290 270 240 210 (6.44) (6.00) (5.33) (4.67) 30" 200 185 165 145 (6.67) (6.17) (5.50) (4.83) 15" 105 95 85 75 (7.00) (6.33) (5.67) (5.00) TY2" 55 50 45 40 (7.33) (6.67) (6.00) (5.33) i" 8 7.50 7 6.50 (8.00) (7.50) (7.00) (6.50) ^Recommended for magazine size 7"xl0" plate. 5. COLOR RATES (Other than Black) Standard A AAA second color shades available in red, yellow, orange, blue and green. Rates below are in addition to black and white space cost. Standard Red, per page or less?╟÷.....$60.00 Other standard second color.------ 75.00 Matched second color--------------100.00 Three and 4-color R.O.P. advertisements not accepted. 6. BLEED OR OVERSIZED ADVERTISE- MENTS Trim edge bleed advertisements not accepted. Gutter bleed available on spread units without extra charge. 7. COVER AND PREFERRED POSITIONS ?╟÷Non-Cancellable Back cover page only sold, extra.........20% Center spread, extra.....................20% Other specified positions................10%