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Chat with Chic, July 30, 1987



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Chat with Chic A Report from Washington FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Doug Fuller July 30, 1987 (202) 224-6244 THE IRAN INVESTIGATION: DANGEROUS AND WASTEFUL By U.S. Senator Chic Hecht Washington, D.C. ? I have voiced my opposition to the Congressional hearings into the Iran initiative from the very beginning. I continue to believe that they have been a waste of time and money, and have provided us no new information on the initiative or the people involved. The hearings have obviously provided interesting insights into the dangers of Communist activity in this hemisphere. Lt. Colonel Oliver North's brave stand before the biased Committee and his empassioned testimony have dramatically increased both public awareness and support for the anti-communist freedom fighters in Nicaragua. I'm also aware that the American people place a high value on knowledge, and that they appreciate being able to see what's happening in these hearings every day. But what about the costs of this investigation? The public abilities, and our contact people abroad have seriously damaged our national security and our ability to protect American interests all over the world. Further, Senators and Congressmen on the panel are taking time away from their important legislative duties to participate in the hearings. Obviously, no price tag can be put on this kind of damage. ? m o r e ? But the monetary costs of the investigation are also staggering. According to published estimates, the final cost to the American taxpayer could easily exceed $10 million. Expense reports filed by the committee for the first two months of operation, which ended March 31, show more than $600,000 in expenses and salaries alone, and the committee is scheduled to continue operation until the end of October. And Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh has so far reported spending $1.3 million on his investigation, which he claims could last three years. That's a total of $2 million so far, and they've just begun. I can think of better things for Congress to spend ten million dollars on, and the public harassment of an American patriot and military hero like Oliver North is not one of them. Nothing of substance has come out of these hearings that was not known after publication of the Tower Commission Report. There has been no 'smoking gun,' no other shoe to drop. So let's cut our losses and stop these hearings before more damage is done to our national security, and our national credibility. I have a good idea. Let's take the money we would have wasted on the continuing investigation and put it to a useful purpose. Let's give the eight million dollars or so we'd save by shutting down this circus and give it to the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters so they can continue the fight against communism. Let's stop this dangerous and useless public display of our covert intelligence operations and start rebuilding the capability to protect our interests abroad ? before it's too late. ###