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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, April 1, 1954 8 0 - 1 1 i Mr. VS, R. Rouse: (cc - Mr. Wra. Reinhardt Mr. W. H. Hulsizer Mr. R. M. Sutton) You have a copy of Mr. Sutton's letter to me of March 18, 1954, attaching copies of statement showing his computation of the purchase price for the water system at Las Vegas as of January 31# 1954, pursuant to the provisions of Contract Audit No. 10862 dated June 1, 1953# and excluding prora­tion of taxes and escrow charges. 1 Inadvertently failed to send you a copy of my letter of March 23rd to Mr. Sutton* a copy of which I enclose. I also enclose a copy of Mr. Sutton's letter to me of March 30, 1934. Will you please advise if you have any objec­tion to my suggesting to the District that the wa­ter system be transferred to the District at an ar­bitrary figure subject to adjustment when final ac­counting has been concluded after the sale date. I Intend to suggest to the District that the arbitrary figure will be $2,297,116.14 or such other figure as can be determined by us and audited by the District by taking into consideration adjustments in the pur­chase price which occur subsequent to January 31,1954. If you have no objection to the procedure outlined in ray letter to Mr. Sutton of March 23, 1954, I will send copies of the statements which he has prepared to the District for auditing. 1 S. E. Bennett ECRsMSB Enel.2