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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-341


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    All claims presented to the Board at this time in proper form were allowed as per Claims and Warrant Register on file in the office of the City Clerk. Reports for the month of June of the City Clerk and Municipal Judge were approved by the Mayor. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting then adjourned. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. JULY 5th, 1934. Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 5th day of July, 1934 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Absent Mayor Cragin. Roll call showed the following present, Commissioners Marble, Arnett, and Down, Mayor Pro Tem German, City Attorney and City Clerk. All claims allowed as per Claims and Warrant Register on file in the office of the City Clerk. Monies received for the month of June as follows: $31,646.86 Taxes 120.00 Sale of Cemetery Lots 1,182.27 Assessment #11 1,166.26 " #13 789.97 " #14 995.00 Municipal Court Fines 3.347.31 Fees, licenses, and permits 39,237.67 Monies proportioned as follows: $31,646.86 Taxes proportioned as per Budget 120.00 Cemetery Fund 789.97 Assessment No. 14 1,182.27 " " 11 1,156.26 " " 13 2,000.00 Police & Fire Fund 2.342.31 General Fund $39,237.67 Total At this time Linton Morgan, Attorney for Peter Pansey appeared before the Board in regard to the serving of liquors from the Paris Inn Tavern to the Paris Inn Cabaret. On motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Down it was moved and carried that a tavern license be granted Nick Lejan for 120¼ No. 1st St. Application being in proper form and money on file with the Clerk to cover the same. Vote was as follows: Commissioners Marble and Down and Mayor Pro Tem German voting aye. Commissioner Arnett no. Was agreed by the Board of Commissioners that the serving of liquors from the Paris Inn Tavern to the Paris in Cabaret was not a violation of Ordinance No. 203. No motion of Commissioner Marble seconded by Commissioner Down it was moved and carried that Peter Pansey and Wm. Sikes be granted a license for a tavern at the Exchange Club, 123 South 1st St. Vote was as follows, Commissioners Marble and Down and Mayor Pro Tem German voting aye. Commissioner Arnett voting no. The application of Peter Pansey for a retail liquor license at 110 Fremont St. was next brought before the Board for consideration. On motion of Commissioner Down seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved that the license be denied on the grounds that a sufficient number of retail liquor stores were operating on Fremont St. sat the present time. Vote was as follows, Commissioners Marble, and Down and Mayor Pro Tem voting aye. Commissioner Arnett not voting. On motion of Commissioner Arnett seconded by Commissioner Marble it was moved and carried that Peter Pansey be granted a gaming license for the following games at the Exchange Club: one poker game, one Crap game, and on Twenty-one game, publication being in proper form and money on hand to cover the same. Vote was as follows, Commissioners Arnett, Marble and Down and His Honor the Mayor Pro Tem voting aye. Noes none.