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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    53 CONTINUED (2): They watch Kelly and Scott go as the Woman hands Man One her shoe. LAP DISSOLVE: INT. MOTEL ROOM- NIGHT 5^ To see. Keegan sitting on the edge of his bed. KEEGAN I gon't get it. You're .calling me at this hour just tc see ... INTERCUT: EXT. GAS STATIONPHONE BOOTH - NIGHT 55 Kelly on the phone, Scott leaning against the door,. KEEGAN'S VOICE (filter) ... if I've stayed put? KELLY That's right. KEEGAN (annoyed) As long's I'm a pigeon, I'm not going to budge. Call me in -the morning if you- have to check. Keegan hangs up. EXT. PHONE BOOTH - NIGHT 56 As kelly hangs up, exits the booth. SCOTT Did he .sound sleepy.when you called? KELLY (nods, then) He couldn't have bopped us ana made it to the motel in time to get the call. (CONTINUED)