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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

FROM: PRESS DEPT. WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, INC, page 4 all over the country, and enlivened the pages of TIME magazine, LIFE did what amounted to a documentary picture treatment ofthe act, in x^hich Marguerite chan ges costume on the floor, sings, dances and talks without pause, A3 a Diva who did a mean Dixieland jazz as well, Piazza has it made! As the gentlemen of the press rushed to attest. For instance, Louis Sobol* "Marguerite Piazza was only sensational in her opening night at the Cotillion Room- they applauded and cheered for 10 minutes As effective as waving the American flag." Hy Gardner? "Marguerite Piazzafs Cotillion Room act is superbj she made the jump from the Met to supper- club complete." Dar ton Walker: "Marguerite Piazz^Tturns out to be a dazzling supper-club performer in her local debut at the Cotillion Room." Frank Farrellj "Marguerite Piazza's routines for the Pierre's Cotillion Room are the oomphiest, most show-worthy song stylings in town," Earl Wilson: "A rmarkably clever supper club act," Dick Kleiner(N?CA) "It isn't often you see a debut that rates a word like "TRIUMPH ANT" but that's the only word for Marguerite Piazza's first Hew York cafe appearance. She had the first nighters cheering for more." New York Mirror: "Marguerite Piiazza brought the fashionable Pierre Cotillion Room under her spell.... a repertoire that had patrons cheering." Journal-Ar. ericanj "The performance of Marguerite Piazza in her debut as a supper-club entertainer may well have been the event of the year in its field." Robert Dana, World Telegram and Suns "I don't expect to see a better cafe act this year....Marguerite Piazza simply overwhelms her audience with the sparkle of her versatility, her beauty of voice, face and figure and her warm personality." The raves from the West Coast, where Marguerite has taken the act to the Los Angeles1 Hotel Ambassador's Cocoanut Grove, equal these. (more)