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man000007. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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THE BOULDER DcAM OFFICERS AL, HINMAN President PEM PEMBROKE Secretary CY WENGERT Treasurer CHARLIE SQUIRES Club Correspondent 8AM r.AWSON . . Sergeant-at-Arra* DIRECTORS A1 Hlnrnan Charlie Ronnow Pem Pembroke Frosty Mildren Cy Wengert Fred Hesse Ernie Cragin Issued Weekly by the LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB Lan Vegas. Nevada "The Best Town by a Dam Site" Roy PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Bill Pike. Chairman Martin Ernie Cragln Charlie Squires, Editor PAST PRESIDENTS Lcs Saunders Bill Ferron Ilaroh 25, 1926. v.'a meet Thursdays at 12:15, at Polos Pacific Dining Room Today the program is in charge of Harry Blanding. Next week look for a dandy from Cli&t Boggs. 35 Countries now Represented in Rotary kiterrati onai. Rotary Inter rational has added two mDie jewels to its crown. Rotary Clubs have been formed a c Stockholm, Swcdon, number 35.. also at Budapest Hungary, number 3<±<. Each, cl tho bacy Rctary Clubs will be roporesented at Rotc.ry International in June at Denver > "Creeds and Deeds in tho April number of THE ROT.IRIAN, by Father L. S. Baluta, portrays a rare understanding of Rctary, Father Baluta be-lieves that Rotary and Tuloranco are synonomous. His splendid article, in which ho designates oacn letter of tho word "Rotary" as having a peculiar reference to tho wcrit and spirit of tho organization, desorvos the thoughtful consideration of every Rct&ri&n. CAN"! J M CASHL1AN KS5P OUT 0? TR0U3LE£ Last Tuesday, au wo were coming out from our lonehoon, wo discovered a good Rotiirian from Las Vagus who had .just dcoyo up and he stated that ho did not know that our meeting day was Tuesday Ho «lso stated that Jim Cashuiaa failod to notify him that our meeting was on Tuesday. It has unan-imously voted that Jim be fined another dollar (From Needles Hell's Fire of March 23rd.) I DON'T KNOW JHB GAMS For twenty years two chess players met daily at Brown's Chop House, tcck their places silently, silently played their game, and silently depart-ed. For twenty years a third party had sat by silently and looked on. Then ono of tho players failod to show up for tho first time in twonty years. After waiting a few minutes, his partner said to tho onlooker: "I guvsa ho isn't coming today; will you play his mon?" "Sorry" was the answer, "but I don't know the gair.o." Ho ir>d followod every move for twenty years but he didn't know tho gaao. He h»d watched the drama of King and Castle for two decades without sensing a single motive, or anticipating a single coup. He had displayed infinite patience in looking at the game, but ho couldn't be bothorod in looking into it. Ho shewed e\ery symptom of life oxcept his first symptom was curiosity. Ho bclongod to that listless army of passive observers who cluttor up tho side linos of business - mon who look without sooing, listen without hearing, do without understanding. Placed in an office behind a counter ho would remain for twonty years ignorant of his neighbor's job, his superior's problems, his own significance. When tho opportunity for advancement camo ho would have to say: "Sorry, but I don't knew tho game." —ooOoo— 3d. Clark: Are you going to tho dancy Friday night? Young Lady: I don't know. You see I have only ono dross fit to wear, and mother says I must woar that or nothing, and I posi-tively rofuso to wear it. Bd. : Will you go with me. —ooOoo— Tho Rotary Club of Binghamton, New York, says: If you have a compotitofc cultivate his friendship and join with him in a common offort toward render-ing a real service to tho community in which you livo that you and your com-petitor and the community will bo mutually benefited. ON TO SAN DIEGO.