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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, October 1997



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    October 1997 - Vol. XVII No. 1 29 Elul - 30 Tishrei 5758 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Jill Ginsberg Executive Director Education Director Program Director October Brings H15J1 Holib^vjs Anb KXuch More! October 17 1PWCJP * Sukkot and Simehat Torah Family Services! Come join us and share your company on Friday night, October 17 at 6:00pm for our 2nd Annual Sukkot Potluck Dairy Dinner. Bring a casserole dish for 10 people and some fruit to hang in the Succah. Please RSVP to the Temple Office at 733- 6292 no later than October 12. The Rabbi and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman will then lead a special service filled with Sukkot melodies. Following services, the congregation will have an opportunity in the Sukkah built by the to enjoy the Oneg ii Brotherhood, the Rabbi will explain the meaning of the symbols of Sukkot. Then plan to attend the most exciting holiday of the year - Simehat Torah! On Friday, October 24, we will celebrate this holiday with our Torah march and the unrolling of the Torah for all to see. On this special evening, we will also bless our new Consecrants (new students in the Kindergarten through first grade) and enjoy songs by our junior choir. October 19 Religious School Parking Lot Sale A little snug? Out of style? Not you any more? Bring these items and more to the 2nd annual Religious School Rummage Sale. All items will be accepted! Donations will be accepted from October 1 through 17. We will be able to pickup LARGE items only (TVs, furniture etc.) Call for a pickup appointment by October 8 at the office 733-6292. 1997 CoNqREqATioN Ner TAMid StaFF Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from the President 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News 5 B?nai Mitzvah 6 Yiskor - Yom Kippur 6 Auxiliaries & Committees 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 9 NTTY 10 Tributes 11 Yahrzeits 14 ( J (S p e c ia l r()ta c c TJo lie lo ta / ^Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman October I Erev Rosh Hashana 7:30pm October 2 Rosh Hashanah Morning Service 10:30am October 3 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood October 10 Erev Yom Kippur 7:30pm October 11 Yom Kippur Morning Service 10:00am Youth Service (Ages 5-11) 10:00am Toddler Services (Under 5) 10:00am Healing Service - "Service of Renewal" 2:30pm Afternoon Service 3:00pm Yiskor Service 5:00pm Concluding Service 6:00pm October 16 Sukkot Morning Service 9:00am October 17 Sukkot Family Services 7:30pm Sukkot Pot Luck Dinner with Tot Shabbat Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood October 18 Erin Levin Bat Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Levin Family October 23 Yiskor Services 9:00am Office Closed October 24 Consecration / Simchat Torah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood October 25 David Eckert Bar Mitzvah 1 0:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Eckert Family October 31 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood ?The Deaths of a Princess, a Mother, and Friends Unknown? What follows is an adaptation of a sermonette that I wrote on Sep?tember 5th in response to the sad events of that week. I offer these remarks to the entire Con?gregation as a tribute to these beautiful people who changed our lives forever... From the moment 1 learned of the death of Princess Diana I have felt a vague sense of numbness, i don?t know about you, but in my household Diana was a per?son who intrigued us, who we watched, who seemed a part of our lives, if only a distant rela?tive who visited now again, the relationship was nonetheless close. Her life and our relation?ship taken for granted, because after all, she was so young, she would be around "forever." I, well, ?we,? my family could never imagine a world in which she would not be a part. Perhaps the relationship was only one way. It wasn?t after all as if she was going to be coming over to the house for dinner, or spend?ing the holidays with me and my family...but nonetheless, in a way that television, magazines, and newspapers seem to bring celeb?rities into our lives, she nonethe?less was an object of conversation, her actions watched, her words listened to. And especially for the women of my family she was looked up to and respected. Maybe I never really paid as much attention or felt the same kind of fascination, and so my own response was puzzling to me. Numbness, shock, disbelief. I called my folks, as if someone 1 knew had just died, and we talked. Over the next few days, I like millions of others have watched television and listened to the news as to the impact of her life ?her legacy if you will. Not to mention the lessons that we will learn from her life. All of which seems to change on an almost daily basis as new revela?tions about the circumstances surrounding her death are made public, and as more people come forward and state how much Diana?s life meant to them. So what can we learn from the immediate tragedy of Diana?s death? 1. If you drink, don?t drive. 2. Remember your seat belt, wear it. 3. Gossip, rumor mongering can kill. Watch what you say. 4. Don?t rush to judge. Wait until the facts are known. 5. Every, every moment is precious, cherish life. Each lesson, trite, each lesson, powerful. Trite in the sense that we have heard these lessons before. Yet, powerful in ti^B sense that when someone ymr love, dies because of an acci?dent you will always be playing, the ?what if? game. Wondering what could be done differently to have saved that persons life. And too, you will be wondering who to blame. Others, the driv?ers, perhaps even the victims, or yourself. As a nation, as a world community, all of us are going through those stages?trying to come to terms with the death of someone so young, so beautiful, so much a part of our lives that we always just assumed that she would be there. She will grow each year in our memories become more saintly than real life could ever make possible. And in so doing her memory will inspire us to do bet?ter in our lives. If there is any lesson to be re?membered, it is the last. Life is precious. Cherish every moment. Pursue justice, make a difference because you have lived. ThatJ^ (continued on page4j A A CoNQREQATiON NeR TiM /d OcrobER 1997 Jo ob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration David Mendelson VP Ways <6 Means Ira Spector VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Robin Greenspun Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Sol Tolpen Golden Chai Dustin Tiep NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President jMichael Cherry Past President PiUGENE KlRSHBAUM* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor *Deceased TEMPLE DIRECTORY CREATED During the week of October 14 - 21, represen?tatives FROM THE VNITEB Chvrch Directory will be HERE TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS OF TEMPLE MEMBERS FOR 1NCLVSION INTO OVR FIRST ever Temple Directory. Mow YOU CAN NOT ONLY HAVE THE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES OF YOUR FRIENDS AND OTHER MEMBERS OF Congregation Mer Tamid, BUT THEIR PICTURE WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE WITH IT. The Vnited Church Directory will also HAVE AVAILABLE FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH PACKAGES. __ ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT The High Holidays are upon us. Dur?ing the next few days we will all experience first hand the effects of the rapid growth of our Congrega?tion. For our longtime members, this experience will be both rewarding and troublesome. Many of our long?time members feel a sense of great pride as a result of the wonderful success of Congregation Ner Tamid. Just ask any longtime member and they will tell you now different it was during the struggling years. At times there was no Rabbi, while at other times a shortage of membership was the problem, and always, there was no money. Our family joined CNT about eight years ago so I have no "struggling years" stories to tell but I do remember joining a small Con?gregation of under 300 families. The first year 1 attended High Holiday services at Congregation Ner Tamid, the "crowd" filled about two-thirds of our present social hall. The larg?est service, Kol Nidre, drew about 500 people. This year, over 1100 people will attend our Kol Nidre service. As a result, many of our longtime members will, along with their sense of pride, will also feel a bit nostalgic and will miss the inti?mate days of our Congregation?s past. Our task must be to keep the intimacy of our Congregation strong. We can begin achieving this goal at High Holiday services. Tor our long?time members, please make a special effort to meet and talk with newer members. Most are new to Las Vegas and new friends are a blessing to newcomers. Any concerns about the Congregation being overrun with new members will rapidly disappear with the mak?ing or new acquaintances and the creation of new friendships. To our new members, please do not feel uncomfortable as a result of not knowing many people. Our great?est strength as a Congregation has always been the ease or which friend?ships are made at Congregation Ner Tamid. Please make an extra effort to talk to people around you before and after services. I, along with our Officers and Trustees, will be wear?ing a small blue badge. Please look for these badges and introduce yourself to our Board. We want to know what you think about the ser?vices, our programs, our policies, or anything else you like or hate. But most of all we want to know each of you. If your only contact with the Temple is during the High Holidays, then I want to be sure it is a positive experience. Only then can we have a chance at getting you more involved and making you realize the real potential of your relationship with our Congregation. Another way to help make the in?timacy of our Congregation con?tinue through this period of tremendous growth is to make it easier to actually know who ev?eryone is. Yes, I mean EVERYONE. During the second half of October, just after Yom Kippur we have made arrangements for every member and family to have pic?tures taken for a full color mem?bership directory. The pictures and directory will be available AT NO CHARGE to members who partici?pate. The company providing this service to us is, of course, hoping many families will use the "studio opportunity to purchase additional pictures, but there is no obligation to do so. It is very important to the success of this directory project that you schedule an appointment and show up for your pictures. This can be a wonderful tool to be used by all of us in our effort to keep close to each other. You won t have to wonder who that was who said hello to you anymore. PLEASE CALL TO ARRANGE YOUR AP?POINTMENT and participate even if you hate having your picture tak?en. After High Holidays, we must con?tinue to work hard at getting to know each other. To olct and new members alike, please get in?volved. Try our Sisterhood or (continued on page 11) ---------------------------- A c l (S p e cia l rP la c e CTir? Jie lo a cf A 3 A OcrobER 1997 This year we are celebrating the High Holidays, Sukkot and Simchat Torah all in the same month! As if that weren?t enough, Religious School has begun and Junior Choir Rehears?als will officially begin on Sunday October 5. The choir will make their debut performance at SimchatTorah/Consecration Ser?vices on October 24. Through?out the year the choir will be accompanied on guitar by our veiy own Dustin Tiep. Dustin is this year?s NTTY President as well as the Regional songleader for SWFTY (Southwest Federa?tion of Temple Youth). Danny Gross, who was last year?s SWFTY songleader, will contin?ue assisting me on Sundays with Religious School music. I am very proud that this Temple has produced the last three SWFTY songleaders! We have quite the reputation for turning out good musicians. This is Danny?s third and last year working with me. Both Danny and Dustin will help lead Jr. Congregation Services with Melissa Roth for the High Holidays. I would like to thank them both for their time and talent. This month you will also hear from our wonderful Adult Choir during High Holiday Services. We have so many participants this year, I had to order additional robes! All of these dedicated volunteers have been working all summer long making beautiful music and they sound incredible. If you enjoy what you hear, which I can almost guarantee, please take the time to thank some of the members of the choir for all of their hard work. A happy and healthy new year to everyone. 'Beth Rabbi'/ Aer/age (continued from page 2) Feel disconnected? Get connected to Jewish campus life: CJDWLEH filtf EOJIiCP Monthly Shabbat ShaBang Holiday Celebrations Community Service Social Events Friends CALL 736-0887 Hiiiel at UNLV is a program of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas the lesson of Princess Diana?s life, and the lesson of the life of another saintly woman who died, Mother Teresa. In sharp contrast to the opulence in which Diana lived her life, Mother Teresa lived a life of poverty amongst the poorest of the poor. Many have not taken her death as hard, after all, ?she was old.? She lived her life. But though I can assure you that while it is much more shocking, and perhaps even tragic when a person dies in the prime of their lives, it is no less sad for those who mourn. Age does not matter, what matters is the graciousness of the soul and how they led their lives. Two women, as different in appearance as night and day. Yet, in their commitment to use their lives to help others, to use their fame to bring attention, not to themselves but to causes, made them soulmates. And what of those who died senselessly in Jerusalem. Yet another tragic act of terror ironically thrown into the mix of this weeks emotions. An act designed as if by Evil itself to remind us that though there are beautiful people working for peace?there are still tnose bent on destroying the peace. For those Killed in the bombing attack there wnl not be a massive Rineral watched by millions. No there will be friends and family gathered together crying their eyes out asking the same questions that those who loved Diana and Mother Teresa are asking this very moment: Why? They were so caring. Why them? And from the depths of their tears they will search for those to blame...and those to forgive. But hopefully, with time, they will find comfort in not everything... but that which is most important....That the ones they loved will be with them always, as long as they continue to remember and continue their legacy with acts of love, not hate. Whether death occurs by the pursuit of the paparazzi, the actions of a drunk; the bomb of a terrorist...or the stealth of old age...grief is grief...and we find comfort in sharing our loss with each other. So speak fondly, tenderly about all those who nave died. And remember them and their deeds for the good. !RgBBiSanjbr(CStf? 'sefadto A a4a Cohqreqa rioH (Vr* Tam id OcrobER 1997 chool News Todah Rabah: Staff, parents and students returned to school in September with the awesome spirit that makes our school special. The month of October is one of reflection and joy with the High Holidays and many activities for families to experience together. It is so important to remember our traditions by physically attending services, programs, and financially supporting our congregation throughout the year. Last year many of you helped make our parking lot sale a great success and so we will be doing it again on October 19th, please check your flyers for information. I wish to invite everyone to attend our October family services for Sukkot and Simchat Torah. During Simchat Torah service our new students will be consecrated. If you are a parent, or just someone who likes to see Judaism live, then you should attend our family services. Seeing our students smiling faces, hearing them sing and read Hebrew will give you a sense of wondrous pride. May you have an easy fast and a healthy year full of love, friendship and spiritual growth. L?Shanah Tova JadfeTkefgp Come AW AS SISTERHOOD PRESENTS... An ExTRAORdiNARy Book RevIew by RAbbi SANfoRd AksElRAd "Who NEEds C-d" by HARoLd KusIiner ThimsdAy, NovEMbER 20, 1997 7:50pM at CNT in tNe libRARy You ARE Also iNviTEd TO US For CoFFeE ANd dESSERT plus InFormaI ouESTioNs ANd answers wiTh tFie RAbbi FollowiNq ThE book revIew. PIease RSVP to DEbbiE HaLLerman at 265-7968. "ThERE is A kiwd oF NOURishMENT OUR souls CRAVE, EVEN AS OUR >odiE5 NEEd ThE RiqhT Foods, suNshiNE, ANd EXERcisE." KushNER ..........rHnnmilMnmmiHini ern 11 ml :,;:w ? ??I >? -?; :ym\ i-mm ?'km MM I M ? mm I tm. ? I 111 i i iYiV . . . ? i i ii ?1 $ ? i ? i II ii >u III m ? iii 1 ? Yi?W ii ii i nl ii iYiV 1 1 *1 ''Ip * si WWW 1 Wh% 'W i i;cim 1 V&K i i '\0, i imi 1 1 i ii i>i: I SCRIP ',?Mh Any questions, 1 > < < please call Monty at 11>|w| 733-6292. No cred- lll1'l,1 it cards please. < ? ? ? We have expanded k: our Scrip Program |! to offer a larger and $ i'i'r;i| broader variety of ,7,7 gift certificates. ^ These are ideal for # dining out, back to ^ school purchases 7 and much more. We 11 will order them twice a month and have # them available in the 7 office. As always, you can reduce your Temple dues up to % a MAXIMUM of # $100.00. For every $100 purchase, 7 $2.50 will be applied |i toward your dues reduction. % No extra cost to w;',1/,' you, an excellent i7m7i fundraiser for the TemPlf ard a money teVi ? vffl saver in dues. siAWn Ii- Make gift giving and rewards easy by purchasing SCRIPfor families, friends or employees. II 1 1 1 1 wm1 mi mfl mi i i i i i i i ii i i i mm ? 111 ii iVUM I I III 111 11111 tiih i n ?Vij i ii is if i ii i MH11 ilia i. 11 IIIIMIHI III....................................I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIH1 It ? >< I I IMI I I I It I I I I I I II II II n i ii II . .......................................... i ii i i ii................ ,........ii........... i i i i i i i i ffl# ft i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i V i it WmAtti 11111111111 ii i ii 11 V )iP)tit 1111111111111111111 J ? 111111111111 ii ii ........... ? .................................................................................................... ' 111111?11??111111111111111111 ii ? i iiiiiniiiiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiiiii OcrobER 1997 o l S p e c ia l ^p la t-v b e lo n g . a 5a Mazcl Tov to our October B'nal Mftzvah Students .........Please come as we are called to the Torah * * Erin Levin My name is Emw Levin, I am an EiqhTh cjRAdr stucIent at Grant Sawyer MiddU School. I pUy soccer, Fast piTch soFrbAll, ENjoy qoiNq to ThE Movies ANd beiNG wiTh My FRiENds. My Bat MItzvah is OcTobER 18,1997. My FAMily ANd I iNviTE you TO shARE wiTh US This SpECiAl OCCAsioN. DAvid EckERT Bar MItzvaIi - OcrobER 29 (PICTURE ANd ArtIcIe Not AvAiUbU) ?0 you have a family member or friend wfio is Rospitofizecf? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Yiskor/Shemini Atzeret 5758 - Yom Kippur Kenneth Altose Jean Ames Elaine Barnett Sophia Bazbaz Milton Bayer William Becker Charles Bendit Freda Bierman Bernice Carroll Joseph Carroll Milton Chenchinksy Lillian Chinitz Ben Cohen Ruth Cohen Rose Cowan Adele Deakin Michael Edelman Irving Eichner Esther Epstein Marvin Frank Robert Frankl Toni Frazen A 6 A Al Friedlander Andrew Schampe Ruth Friedman Ann Schwartz Sidney Gelber Annette Schwartz Esther Genin Sam Seltzer Louis Glatzer Norton Shapiro Andy Grayner Sewell Susler Gregory Helpern Bradley Snyder Ari Holladay Rebecca Snyder Morris Kaufman Elizabeth Alm Snyder Lee Krumholtz Michael Suppe Alvin Levy Herbert Tiep Frances Lipshaw Jerry Uretz Celestine Malchoff Thelma Weidenfeld Celso Maldanado David Wert Herbert Massen Helen Mendelson Julius Wolfson Dorris Moss If you have the name of a Shirley Newman LOVED ONE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD Regina Pierce TO THIS LIST, PLEASE CALL KAREN Kate Pollins at the Temple. Yiskor Services Betty Rakita WILL BE CONDUCTED ON SATURDAY^ Morton Sager Sara Saltzman October 11 at 5:00 pm. 1 CONQREQA TiO N N e R TAM /d OcrobER 1997 AUXILIARIES & Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, As the New Year approaches, I thought I would let you know what has been going on in Sisterhood, and remind you about some im?portant dates to mark on your cal?endar. 1 am very proud to say that at this time we have 24 new members for a total of 200 ladies belonging to our wonderful Sisterhood! Dotty Henkin and Bette Stahl, our Mem?bership VPs have done an outstand?ing job. As a paid up member of Sisterhood, I would like to invite you to our annual luncheon on Sun?day, Oct. 5th at 1:00PM in the So?cial Hall. It is always a lovely event! This year it will be especially nice A the President of Western Feder- ^ftion of Temple Sisterhoods, Dis?trict 24, Cherie Half, will be a guest speaker. Following the luncheon, will be an optional workshop on establishing a women?s Rosh Hodesh program on women?s is?sues relationships, or mystical and spiritual areas of Judaism as they relate to women. This will only be a 1 hour program but should be very informative. So, RSVP for the luncheon to Dotty at 798-4100 or Bette at 735-8104 TODAY. It is not too late. You can join or renew with a check at the door. Watch this bulletin for more infor?mation on the following upcoming events: Nov. 20 - Rabbi's Book Review Nov. 23 - Chanukkah Bazaar Jan. 21 - Speaker on Breast Cancer Feb. 8 - CPR Class Feb. 14 - Sisterhood Sweetheart Night March - Fiy-a- Way to Nordstrom's San Francisco (date to be announced) Have a wonderful happy and 'aealthy New Year and until next lonth......... JonisRpunds As we enter the Fall social season, Golden Chai is a busy and active organization. We have over 100 members. Our $2.00 lunches of bagels, cream cheese, fruit, muffin, coffee or tea, are followed by entertainment ranging from bingo, singers, dancers and musicians. We meet the first and third Thursdays each month. Annual dues are $7.00. Following the meet?ings, pan, mah jongg, bridge, etc. are available. Join us Tor our Sunday, October 19th card Party. Love and Shalom, Sol Tolpen JT5CARD PASTY TJMS1 Golden GHai Senior; Sunday, October J9th 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Refreshment; - Donation $5.00 We welcome congregation member;, friend;, & the public, per information and reservation; call: Helen: 436-5JSS or Sol: 341-7963 5 otimoo D MZuffM by Jeff Markewich, Brotherhood President ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS ARE NOW ON SALEH WHEN YOU GET YOUR 1998 EN?TERTAINMENT BOOK, MAKE SURE IT IS PURCHASED FROM CNT BROTHERHOOD. TOP 10 REASONS WHY YOU NFFD TO BUY YOUR BOOK ASAP: 10) WORLD PEACE 9) You will make your Mother groud because of your thrift. rotherhood needs your finan?cial support. If you buy now, they are only $30.00. (I might charge you more later?) Just because you?re a nice person. You can be the first person on your block to own one. All proceeds go to benefit your synagogue. SAVE $$$, $AVE $$$ Dining &. Entertainment INCLUDED in one glove box size book. You should get out more. If you don?t buy from us, I?m coming after you!! 8) 7) 6) 5) 4) 3) 2) 1) Congregation Ner Tamid Brother?hood is an auxiliary that provides stellar programming for you and your family. The only way to get in on the fun is to join now. Look for a MONDAY NIGHT FOOT?BALL PARTY coming up the next few months. Food, fun, Football!! Sincerely, Jeffreys. MarfguHcfi P.S. Did you send in your membership check in yet?!?! a ' a OcrobER 1997 c l (S p e cia l r( ) la c t Q ?o- (B e lo tu f, HAVARAH PR06RAM 6EARIM6UP A Havarah is a group of people who come together to share similar interests while supporting the Synagogue and the Jewish community. Interested people are combined into groups of between six and 9 couples based upon information received from the Havarah Profile sheet. Congregation Ner Tamid's Havarah program is gearing up for a wonderful new year. If you are in an existing Havarah or are interested in creating a new Havarah, please join us on Sunday October 19 at 6:30pm for our annual Havarah Pot Luck Dinner. The Pot Luck Dinner is free of charge. Please contact Ira Spector 798-4333 or Jill Ginsburg at 733-6292 to coordinate food dishes. If you are not currently in a Havarah, you are still welcome to attend, please coordinate with Ira or Jill. TELL & KVELL Harper KLamIan, dAuqhTER of Frances an<1 RichARd KLAMiAN RECEivEd AN HoNORAblE MENTioN ScholARship iN tIie RAMpAqE CloThiNq DEsiqNER Contest. Harper ATTENds TIie FAshioN Institute oF DEsiqN ANd MERchANdisE iN Los ANqEUs. To my Ner Tamid Family and Friends! Thank you for all your cards, tributes, phone calls, visits and above all your prayers and good wishes during my recent surgery and recuperation. You have no idea what you all mean to me. Love, %(ataGeSfunU "New Faces on the CNT Staff Myrna Strasner Myrna has been hired as our new Receptionist. Myrna moved here from Southern California two years ago with her husband Dennis and her son Michael. Myrna has many years experience as a secretary and receptionist and was a telephone volunteer with the American Can?cer Society on their Life Saver Hot Line. Myrna is an artist and was an owner of a cooperative art gallery in California. While she is not involved in the gallery any more, she still finds time to pursue her love of art. Please make her feel welcome. She is replacing Phyllis Freid. Phyllis is assuming tne duties as the Admin?istrative Secretary for the Executive Director and the Program Director. Jill Ginsburg Jill has come to us from California having spent the last two years working with B?nai B?rith, the oldest service organization in the world. Jill has worn many hats with B?nai B?rith including accounting and membership services, working with the 12,000 members that com?prised District Four. She has a BA in Sociology from California State University, Northridge. Part of the reason Jill wanted to work with Congregation Ner Tamid she expressed, ?the warmth the congregation has shown me since I started attending services here.? Jill was married at the Temple on August 24; which happens to be one year to the day and the same place where she met her husband. Jill is delighted she has been selected as the new Program director. She sees great opportunity for the Temple to make inroads in the process of building a Jewish community. She understands the natural difficulties where the Jewish population has doubled in the last five years; and will probably do so again in the next five years. One component that makes the position highly interesting, is the congregants great need and desire for varied programs. Jill looks forward to working with the board in implementing their visions for the ima^^ Congregation Ner Tamid will project in the next century. ?/ CONQREQATioN N er T uttid OcrobER 1997 $ ?J irtfufai fs 4 Anniversaries P October 1 Michael Saltman October 21 Andrew Gratz Joan Zimmerman Mona Goldsmith Harper Klamian Shirley Kravitz October 1 Casey Miera October 10 Myra Zelikovics Mark and Deanna Levin Breauna Rounds Luis Domincuez October 4 Martin and Ronnie Grower Jason Smylie Michael Treat Megan Galane Dania Lugo October 27 Caitlin Koger Karsten Koger October 5 October 2 October 11 Phyllis Lewis Robert and Angie Shiroff Lisa Kollins Stephanie Cohen Scott Ober Jessia Lally Lori Emptage Marc Pomerantz October 7 Helene Pollins-Bard Joshua Flushman Brian Robbins Jerome and Rae Countess Cecilia Friedman Jordan Slocum October 8 Drew and Janis Rounds E. A. and Florrie Sasner October 7 Martin Kravitz Cheri Gale Judi Krakaver October 24 Marilyn Lehrner Travis Sherman Loryn Dunn Robert Rice Alvin Esbin October 9 October 12 Ronnie Grower Andrew and Carol Hommel October 4 Richard Glasser Debra Hallerman Selma Altose Brandon Glawz Ira Levine October tO Doreen Gust Eric Kornstein Jonathan and Debbie Goldner Erik Lizar Richard Sturman October 22 Robert and Sheryl Goldstein Esther Sherman David Eckert October 11 Joe and Nadine Cracraft William Yaffe October 1J Lindsay Joseph October 26 October 7 Christopher Roth Harry Ehrlich October 13 Mary Ales VlKKI FLORES'KOGER Wendy and Carl Green Stephanie Dias October 14 Ryan Goldberg Irene Gold Nancy Daniels Michael Gust October 14 Martin Litt k Freema Robbins v Aimee Worth October 6 Sally Feldman Elayne Latter Harry Rubinson Thomas and Merrie Bigham October 15 Randy and Lisa Goldhammer Melvin and Helen Krauss Allen and Laura Lichtenstein October 19 Steve Gratz Jane Schorr October 27 Sanford Akselrad October 16 Jonathan Goldner JOLIE ALHADEFF Philip Engel Lauren Vogel October 16 Robert Polasky Maxine Gratz Ivan and Mona Goldsmith Jeffrey Schyman Richard Klamian October 28 October 17 David Ober George Barnett October 7 Jay Poster Jerald Friedman Andrea and Victor Miera Branon Fleisher Mia Rankow-Escoto October 19 Matthew andlessica Dushoff Jamie Greenspun October 17 Barbara Shulman Mitchell Posin Lewis Etcoff Janis Rounds October 29 Ruben and Rita Goldstein October 8 Sandra Snyder Alma Covitz October 21 SUZANN DENTON'PRATT Frederick Treat Amanda Newmark Gary and Sherry Mayman Martin and Patricia Sokoler Charles Etcoff Roxanne Rowland Ramona Fessler October 19 Bob and Aydie Unger Richard Pearson Don Schlesincer October 70 October 25 Alan and Liane Perlmutter Jim and Mindy Wadkins Alison Schuit Stephen Wershba Rebecca Zuckerman Gary Zimmerman October 20 Beth Fischman Mel Hallerman Kristy Kerner Hallie Fisher Joshua Litt October 26 October 9 Richard Frockt Denise Schnitzer Thomas and Gerri Perna Joshua Cole Jane Gale Scott Yahraus Wayne and Lois Peterson McKenzie Cornett David Glovinsky Melissa Kaufman Micah Goldsmith October 71 October 27 Michael Levine James Jacob Richard Allan Mitchell and Debra Cohen Rebecca Mann Miriam Novick Cynthia Crichton Michael and Michele Levy Jaime Michelin Jim Rosenberger David Schwartz October 30 Michael and Carol Milano ^ Michael Newman Midge Rubinson Shawn Scott i Ismael Rivera Marlene Sherman Dean Trueworthy Q A A OcrobER 1997 d S p e c ia l rp i ace Q 'a (B elong, NITTY has had a great start!! The month of September was fun and exciting and we are getting ready for the upcoming events. On October 5th we will be having a program at 6 p.m. at Congregation Ner Tamid in the youth lounqe. We will be preparing for our creative service in November. On October 12th we will continue working on the service and have a very special program. This meeting will also be at 6 p.m. in the youth lounge at Congregation Ner Tamid. There will not be a regular meeting on October 19 because NTTYites will be in Albuquerque New Mexico for the regional Social Action Weekend. To wrap up the month of October we will have a car wash fund-raiser on October 26. Details will follow. It?s still not too late to be a part of NTTY. If you have any questions, please call the president, Dustin Tiep, at 451-3027 or the advisor, Aaron Liebman, at 657-6295. Rabbi Akselrad will once again lead a Temple sponsored trip to Israel which will take place in the middle of June 1998. Fly El Al Airlines on an exciting 10 day, 9 night trip which will include 5 star hotels and visits to Jerusalem, Galleli and Tel Aviv with stops at major historical sites including a day trip to Masada and the famous Dead Sea resort area at Ein Geddi. Full Israeli breakfasts, Shabbat Dinner and a farewell dinner will be included. For more information, contact Ken Schnitzer at 798-7988. Save The 9,1998 win be Rabbi Akselrab?s Bar Mftrvab! Interfaith Council Congregation Ner Tamid to Co-sponsor Forums with National Conference There will also be a full explanatory meeting more details at the Temple on Sunday October