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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, November 2001



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM November 2001 a Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN Heshvan - Kislev 5762 Vol. 1,No. 8 Inside This Issue: Message from President Sandy Mallin 2 Question of the Month Men's Club Women's League 3 Under the Dome 4 Education Department Diabetes Awareness 5 Rabbi Elkins Presentation Chesed Committee 6 Preschool News Mazal Tov! 7 High Holy Day Thanks 8 Donations 9 Advertisements 11 Calendar of Events Schedule of Services 16 Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Man of the year - Freddie Glusman Temple Beth Sholom is proud to honor longtime congregant Freddie Glusman as our "Man of the Year" at a Gala Dinner on Sunday, Dec. 2. This black tie event will be held at the Temple and promises to be a memorable evening. Freddie will be "roasted" by his friends Jan Jones, Irwin Molaksy, Henri Lewin, Mike Sloan, Ron Lurie, Mayor Oscar Goodman, Manny Cortez and Rick Rizzolo. Freddie has been a member and major supporter of Tem-ple Beth Sholom for many years. He has also had a significant impact on our community's education and civic affairs for over 30 years, and his many years of service to Youth Chari-ties of Nevada are particularly noteworthy. The evening will begin with a fabulous silent auction at 5:30 p.m. Some items to be auctioned are a Lochman diamond watch, dinners at area restaurants, tickets to Las Vegas's top shows, a weekend in Napa Valley, a fur coat and much, much more. The auction will be followed by an elegant dinner prepared by Majestic Caterers. The Temple is creating a Commemorative Journal in Freddie's honor. Many Las Vegas hotels, businesses, institutions, professionals, politicians and other indi-viduals are advertising in this journal, to congratulate Freddie and to help Temple Beth Sholom continue the programs and services we have offered to our community for over 50 years. To advertise in the Commemorative Journal, or for further information about the Gala, call the Temple office at 804-1333. 1 S f i , ' " W < s What Would You Pay To Roast This Man? President's Message A Message from our President Sandy Mallin This is the text of the speech I had prepared for Rosh Hashanah but was not able to deliver that night. I thought I would share it with you in this issue of the Bulletin. Shehecheyanu is the prayer we recite when we celebrate a milestone - marriage, birth, b'nai mitzvah. It is the prayer we recite every Rosh Hashanah to thank God for having granted us the health and good fortune to reach this precious moment. Tonight it is even more meaningful...the events of last week - during which the unimaginable became reality and forever altered our lives and lifestyles - have made this prayer more important. Our synagogue and our community are suddenly more precious. Prior to the morning of Sept. 11,1 had the most upbeat news to report. Tonight we recite the Shehecheyanu to celebrate our second High Holy Day service in our new synagogue. Yes, this is a milestone - a milestone in which we all can take pride. As you entered the Temple, you may have noticed the Mel Exber Hall of History, which reflects over 55 years of Temple Beth Sholom's history. This "work in progress" captures the many heartwarming events that have made Temple Beth Sholom what it is today. We look back proudly to our history for inspiration and encouragement. Just as our founders built our first Temple in the 1940s and the second Temple about 10 years later, we too become part of the TBS history that will appear on these walls. Here in our third Temple - now in its second year - we have already increased our membership by over 100 families. The numbers alone are not as important as the fact that our members represent a vast cross-section of the United States and have brought renewed life to Temple Beth Sholom. I extend a warm welcome to you. Your involvement brings new strength to our Temple, and both the Board of Directors and the clergy look forward to getting to know you. You are extremely important to us. The Hall of History also displays pictures of past children's events. I wonder how many of those children are sitting here tonight, as adults with their own children. Today, more than ever before, our young families, their children and the stroller brigade of new babies regularly attend our Shabbat services, thus reaffirming our founders' vision of a vital and growing synagogue community. In fact, due to our rapid growth in membership, the Fanny and Joseph Goldberg school building is being expanded. In one year, we have outgrown the school facility, and we are planning an important addition of 10 much-needed classrooms. The Mitch Halpern Memorial Field - donated by Lovee and Bob Arum - has just been completed. This important addition allows our children to play safely on our campus. The Kronberg Memorial Hall houses our yahrzeit plaques as well as a memorial to the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Many of us have family names on these walls, and I have noticed how many members are observing the ageless rituals of remembrance. The yahrzeit notices are no longer just names on a list to be read by our rabbi. So many more of our members are actually present to remember their loved ones and to recite Kaddish. Our founders would be so proud of our mikveh, dedicated by Faye and Leon Steinberg. With the installation of our mikveh, we are offering the entire Jewish community the opportunity to observe this timeless ritual. With the formation of the Hevre Kadisha - a group of compassionate men and women who care for our loved ones after death - we have honored our founding members' mandate. The 50-plus Chavurah group has reached out to those elderly congregants living alone. They perform such mitzvot as driving them to Temple and appointments, and making weekly phone calls to check on their well-being. All these are acts of incredible kindness; these voluntary acts are part of what we refer to as Tikun Olam, leaving the world a better place than you found it. "Thank you" is not enough for such kindnesses, but please know how much we admire and appreciate you. However, we cannot rest on our laurels; to quote from Pirkei Avot, "He who does not increase, decreases..." This teaches us that the highest goals of mankind are not self-satisfaction, luxury or ease; rather the highest goal is continual accomplishment, for which we constantly strive. When we are satisfied with our present condition, we inevitably drift backwards, or to put is simply, "He who rests, rusts." Not to be a congregation that rests, Men's Club members Mark Scheiner and Irwin Goldberg are spearheading the development of a magnificent Warsaw Ghetto Memorial, to be located on the southeast corner of our property. Lillian and Henry Kronberg are chairs of this important project. Not only will this memorial be a moving and beautiful addition to our campus, there are also plans to integrate educational programs, lectures and tours. The plans are in the Temple's lobby area, and you will be hearing more about this unique project in the near future. In the book, Tuesdays with Morrie, the author writes, "The way you get meaning in your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." His beautiful words exemplify this congregation. L'Shanah Tovah 2 Nov. 2001 Question of the Month ? Men's Club ? Women's League QUESTION OF THE MONTH... Can you name all of Temple Beth Sholom's cantors and rabbis? I f so, send your answers in by fax, (702) 804-1370, or by e-mail to <>. We will acknowledge the winners in our next edition. A Message from Men's Club Irwin Goldberg Things are moving along with vigor at the Men's Club. The congregation will shortly receive a CD of our Friday night service as a gift from the Men's Club. The music is wonderful, and we hope you will enjoy it. Have you seen the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial display in the Temple's lobby? Don't miss it. Thanks to Mark Scheiner for his hard work. Finally, thanks to all the men in the Men's Club who ushered f during the High Holy Days. The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom Blanche Meisel Good Housekeeping has its "Seal of Approval." The teacher gives the young student a "star" on his paper. At graduation ceremonies "the best" are singled out and given recognition. Nobel Prizes are awarded. I applaud all these guidelines for achievement and what is good in life. However, that does not mean that the achievement equaled perfection. It means that the achievement is excellent and is an honest effort toward an honest goal. In Women's League we know that we can never be "perfect," for perfection B Nov. 2001 is an illusion of the ego. We work most diligently to establish an effective force of programming and events that reflect religious values and give community service. We support Jewish education on all levels, from preschool and religious school at Beth Sholom, from the Ziegler School of Rabbinics to the graduate schools of the Seminary. We seek direction in our lives as contemporary Jewish women who shoulder a myriad of responsibilities and levels of caregiving. We are, and will continue to be, a work in progress. < Wa A m^ New Events for the New Year 5762 - ? Rabbi Goodman to lead discussions relating to Jewish women. Thursdays at 8:45 am. through Dec. 13,2001. By reservation only. ? Craf t Sundays - Three Sundays a year to create crafts for upcoming Jewish holidays (babysitting available). For additional details on the events above, please call Shery) Honig @ 255-1081, Emily Goodman @ 367-4776 or Suriva Fischer @ 656-5451. I f you are interested in joining a women's bowling league, please call Morn Silverman at 248-8902. Security Update - The Security Committee is working hard to ensure the safety of our congregants and visitors. Many new policies and procedures went into effect during the High Holy Days, and we truly appreciate your cooperation. Thank you also to those who responded to our High Holy Day Appeal for donations to the security fund. For security purposes, we are asking all Temple groups and individuals who need to book meeting or event space in the building to contact Mary Ann King in the Temple office, at least ONE WEEK prior to the event. She may be reached at 804-1333, ext. 133. JACS Group - open to any Jewish alcohol/chemical dependant A family members or friends to explore recovery A spirituality using Jewish resources. Anonymity respected. Meets in the small social hall Thursdays at 7 p.m. Chavurah - For those who have reached the age of 55, the Temple offers an opportunity to meet new friends and extend your Temple family. About two and a half years ago, five Temple members met to discuss forming a Chavurah for our senior members. This group included Heather Saxe, Marlene Silverman, Joan Schwartz, Lauren Frumes and Lou Bouchet. We now have four active groups, three made up of couples, and one singles group. Each group plans their own activities. Recent events have included going out for dinner, seeing shows, taking trips and helping the elderly and less fortunate in the commu-nity. In October the singles group met at Buca di Beppo restaurant on Lake Mead. Everyone had a wonderful time, according to group organizer Lou Bouchet. I f you are inter-ested in joining a chavurah group, call Lou at 255-4150. Archive - Where was Temple Beth Sholom's first synagogue located? In how many places has the congregation resided? Who was our first president? Temple Beth Sholom is the oldest existing synagogue in Las Vegas, and we have a rich history that needs to be preserved. The Temple's Archive Committee is actively pursuing this goal. A pictorial taste of what the committee has been creating was on display during the High Holy Days. I f you have any pictures or other histori-cal materials that highlight our history, please contact Myra Berkovits or Joshua Abbey. Please keep the Temple informed! I t is always wonderful to stay in touch with our Temple members to share lifecycle events. Whether it is a happy or sad occasion, it often helps to share joys, problems or illnesses with someone. Please be sure to let us know if you or someone you know would like a visit or telephone call. A phone call or note to the Temple or clergy will assure that we know your needs. Please call 804-1333. L B "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Nov. 2001 Education Department ? Diabetes Awareness A Busy Fall for the Education Department September and October were extremely exciting months for the Education Department. Right after we finished celebrating the High Holy Days, we focused on building the most beautiful sukkah for our congregation. Many families from the congregation joined us on Sept. 30 to fulfill this wonderful mitzvah. To everyone who helped to build and decorate the sukkah, yeshar koach and thank you. A big "thank you" is also sent to Kevin Owens and Larry Brown for building the sukkah structure. On that same day, many congregants joined our Religious School students in dedicating the new Mitch Halpern Field. We thanked Lovee and Bob Arum for their wonderful contribution to our Temple with prayers, November is Diabetes Awareness Month. The Las Vegas Chapter of the American Diabetes Association is reminding area residents who have diabetes, and their friends and fam-ily members, to be aware this month and see their doctor. November is American Diabetes Awareness Month, a month-long campaign dedicated to providing the community the latest information about this disease. Diabetes education is a lifelong process. People with diabetes who receive ongoing education can learn to live well with diabetes. Diabetes is a silent disease; 16 million Americans have diabetes, and one-third of them do not know it. This killer disease is becoming too serious to ignore. Consider the songs, and red, white and blue balloons. The Mitch Halpern Field was put to good use the following week. We held a great soccer match between children and parents (the children won 3-2), followed by our traditional barbecue in the sukkah. Many families joined us, and we had a blast. To conclude this marvelous day, our Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah class met with students from Congregation Ner Tamid, a Baptist Church and the Islamic School for a lecture and discussion at the Islamic School. Together with the Adult Education classes and Family Shabbat activities - which began in October - we are looking forward to a wonderful year! B'vracha, Jacob ? h following: *One-third of the 16 million Americans who have diabetes don't know it; * Untreated, diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blindness and kidney failure, there-fore early detection is critical; *As many as 90 percent of individuals with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. During November, the American Diabetes Association, along with Temple Beth Sholom and local doctors, have partnered to bring awareness about this disease to area residents living with diabetes. Contact the Las Vegas Chapter of American Diabetes Association at 369-9995 for more information about free screenings during November. J F . f W " , " V A ' ? ? 1 Diabetes Awareness Month Nov. 2001 5 Rabbi Elkins ? Chesed Committee Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins' Presentations Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins - coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul - will give several presentations at Temple Beth Sholom, Nov. 16-18. On Friday, Nov. 16, he will discuss "Hasidic Wisdom and Modern Psychology," during regularly sched-uled 7:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat services. On Saturday morning, he will speak on the topic "How to Help Assure that Your Children and Grandchildren will be Jewish," at regularly scheduled 9 a.m. Shabbat Morning services. On Sunday morning, he will give a talk on "Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul." His presentation will follow morning minyan at 9 a.m., and a light breakfast at 9:30 a.m. Rabbi Elkins was born in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Gratz College for Hebrew Teachers, and received his B.A. in Literature from Temple University, and his M.H.L. from the Jewish Theological Seminary. He was ordained as a rabbi in 1964. He received his doctorate in counseling and humanistic education at Colgate Rochester Divinity School. He also has an honorary doctor of divinity degree from JTS. In 1997 he received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Gratz College. After two years as a military chaplain at Fort Gordon, Ga., in the 1960s, Rabbi Elkins 'mmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm became associate rabbi of Har Zion Temple of Philadelphia. From 1970-72 he served as spiritual leader of the Jacksonville Jewish Center in Florida. From 1972-76 he occupied the pulpit of Temple Beth El, Rochester, N.Y., one of America's largest congregations. From 1976-85 he maintained a private practice in pastoral counseling and was consultant to synagogues and many national Jewish organizations. From 1985-87 he was spiritual leader at Beth El Temple, Norfolk, Va? and from 1987-92 he was senior rabbi at The Park Synagogue in Cleveland. He is now rabbi at The Jewish Center in Princeton, N.J. A nationally known lecturer, educator, workshop leader, human relations trainer, organizational consultant, author and book critic, he has written for the Jewish and general press, including such journals as Reader's Digest, New Woman, The Christian Century, Judaism, Religious Education, The Reconstructionist, Hadassah Magazine, Conservative Judaism and many others. He served as editor of Beineinu, the national organ of the Rabbinical Assembly, as book editor of Torch, journal of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, and is a regular book reviewer for several Anglo-Jewish weeklies throughout the country. Most recently he was a coauthor of the bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul. Chesed Committee Temple Beth Sholom has started another session of our Bereavement Group. The purpose of this group is for us to share experiences, hold our hands together, and perhaps see a little bit of hope in the new day dawning after our difficult loss. The meetings are led by Dr. Ole J. Thienhaus, M.D., M.B.A., professor and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Nevada School of Medicine. The group sessions have been meeting on Thursdays, from 6:30-8 p.m., in the Lawrence A. Scully Memorial Library in the Education Building. If you would like to attend, please call Lorie at 804-1333, ext. 104. How Does The New Tax Act Affect Your Charitable Giving? Dori Blessing, vice president and wealth management specialist at Merrill Lynch Trust Company, will speak at a brunch meeting at Temple Beth Sholom on Tuesday, November 13, at 11 a.m. Call the Temple office to R.S.V.P. at 804-1333. 6 Nov. 2001 Preschool News ? Mazal Tov Preschool News The holidays kept us very busy here at the preschool. We've had many days off, but now we're getting back to our regular routine. The children had many activities in honor of the holidays. For Rosh Hashanah they were busy cooking a variety of apple dishes. They ate apples and honey and baked apples, and they made applesauce play dough and learned all about the color red. For Sukkot, the children ate in the sukkah, and each class made their own sukkah. All the classes made fruit to hang in the sukkah, and the Tigers class even made a vegetable soup in honor of the harvest. The children came to Temple for Simchat Torah. They each made their own flags and waved them passionately. The children had fun and danced the hora. We have lots of events coming up, so be sure to mark your calendar. On Saturday, Nov. 3, we will hold a Havdalah Pajama Party, from 6-11 p.m. Drop off your children and enjoy a night out! The evening will feature a Havdalah Service, crafts, movies and snacks. The cost is $25 for one child, $40 for two children. All children from ages 2-10 are welcome to attend. The next Parent Teacher Community Meeting will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 14. All parents are encouraged to come and get involved at Temple Beth Sholom. We will hold a Thanksgiving Feast on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 11 a.m. Come eat with the preschool! Please sign up at the Preschool desk. Mazal Tov! Temple Beth Sholom is proud to announce the graduation of the first Adult Bat Mitzvah Class, sponsored by the TBS Women's League. The 10 graduating students will be called to the Torah on two separate dates. Scheduled for Nov. 3 are Bonnie Bernstein, Sharin Bleecker, Sheryl Honig, Barbara Kenig and Dawn Lev. On Nov. 10, Renee Bassik, Belinda Donner, Susan Sanders, Stephanie Singer and Terry Weisbord will become B'not Mitzvah. "Some of the girls had absolutely no knowledge of Hebrew, while others just renewed their skills," said instructor Elke Sidranski. 'They had a wide range of previous Jewish education. It's a joy to see them reach their goal after working so hard." Rabbi Felipe Goodman and Cantor Daniel Friedman taught classes in Judaism, which included basic Jewish history and Torah B Nov. 2001 study. "Educating adults is always so rewarding," said Rabbi Goodman. 'They have such a wonderful passion to learn." Temple Beth Sholom offers a variety of continuing education classes. For information on upcoming Bat Mitzvah classes, learning Hebrew and other instruction in Jewish education, contact the education department at 804-1333, ext. 115. Pictured left to right Sharin Bleecker Renee Bassik Sheryl Honig Elke Sidranski Barbara Kenig Dawn Lev Susan Sanders Bonnie Bernstein Photo by Appenzeller Photography Eathan, Morgan and Sara help paint their Sukkah. ? Mrs. Shmuckler's class gives Tzedakah.^ ?4 Ben Glaser throws his bread in for Tashlich. High Holy Day Thank You's Our Sincerest Thanks to: Rochelle & Arnold Schneider for their direction of High Holy Day Honor recipients The High Holy Days Committee - Shelley Carroll, chair Lou & Margaret Bouchet The Ritual Committee - for their High Holy Day efforts Gene Greenberg, chair Ruth Goldfarb Irwin Kishner The Archives Committee Josh Abbey Myra Berkovits Nina Boshes Margaret Bouchet Nadolyn Karchmer High Holy Day Ushers - Marvin Alpert Carlos Banchick Jerome Blut Doris Bluth David Bluth Lou Bouchet Allen Brewster Larry Brown Howard Caplan Adam Carmer Mel Chervitz Rene Colen Karen Colen Zadick Eskenazi Bennett Fishbain Zena Fishbain Lauren Frumes Bruce Gale Stan Garber Irwin Goldberg Leon Goldstein Mort Goldstein Irv Herman Cathy Herskovic Abe Hodes Sheryl Honig Kenny Karchmer Brenda Katz Jerry Katz Henry Kronberg Jerry Lancz Murray Leitner Hy Levine Anita Lewy Rene Marino Blanche Meisel Phil Meisel Morris Menasche Roger Meyers Neil Ostrow Kevin Owens Joe Premack Renee Premack Terry Raben Neil Schwartz Ed Seltzer Sam Showel Joan Silverstein Ellen Singer Lew Stadtmauer Ronald Turshinsky Barry Vinik Jeff Zucker 4 N Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom Presents their HOLIDAY B00TIQ0E Sunday, November 18 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ^ Featuring: Judaica Items for Home and Gifts A Variety of Vendors: Artisans...Craftsmen...Potters Children s Activities Refreshments Raffle For Further Information, Contact Audrey or Blanche @ 804-1333 B Nov. 2001 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Prayer Book Fund In Memory of: Mort Galane Kenny & Lilian Glicken General Fund In Honor of: High Holy Day Honors Bert & June Colodny Leonard & Linda Eckhaus David Ginsburg & Deborah Mason-Ginsburg Irwin & Edythe Goldberg The recovery of Anita Shuster Kenny Karchmer Rosi Markewich's Birthday Herbert & Irene Kaufman Rabbi & Zipporah Marand's Anniversary Albert & Suzie Nahmias Alex Jacob/s Birthday Ronald & Adrianne Greenberg General donation Sylvia Garfinkel & Barry Berlin Misheberach for: Richard Aarenau Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Kenny Karchmer David Herman Harriet Herman In Memory of: Bernard Ogron Lee Singer Stuart & Flora Mason Irv Fields Philip Rosenberg Education Fund In Honor of: Hank Gordon's Birthday Bridget, Brian, Blake, Bentley & Bennett Shuster Nita & Harry Shuster Elaine & Irv Steinberg's 40th Anniversary Bonnie Berkowitz Marriage of Pam Linder & Lee Rothman Arlene & Joel Selznick Misheberach for: Richard Aarenau Les & Nina Boshes Preschool Fund In Honor of: Heather Basha Pearl bas Shaindel Keenan Minnie Turkish Tahoe Mack's Birthday Kathleen & Morris Menasche Birth of Rex Leon Mack Kathleen & Morris Menasche In Memory of: ChristineM Joangag &e rCs harles Silverman Rabbi's Discretionary Fund In Honor of: Birth of Arielle Julia Goodman Ruth & Allen Brewster Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Mimi Katz Hylda & Murray Leitner Anita Lewy Rose Raphael Arnold & Rochelle Schneider Morton Silverman Richard Aarenau & Doris Soroky-Aarenau Adin Tan- Linda & Herb White Naming of Arielle Julia Goodman Ed & Lee Devore Kathleen & Morris Menashe The Goodman & Raijman Families Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Rabbi Goodman Terri Susan Fine Ashley & Chelsea Levin Entering 4th Grade Louis Jay Levin David & Ellen Underwood's New Home Louis Jay Levin For High Holy Day Honors Adam Brustein Ed & Lee Devore Ellen Singer & Family For Naming Mary Esformes in Congregation's Prayers Nathan Esformes In Memory of: Julia Goodman Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Hillel & Susan Aronson Dr. Howard <S Bonni Baron Louis Levin Anita Lewy Jeff & Barbara Richardson Arne & Lynn Rosencrantz Bernard Ogron Louis & Jerry Appenzeller Joseph Moss Arne & Lynn Rosencrantz Building Fund In Honor of: Marcy Simon's Birthday Elaine Smith & Al P. Birth of Stan & Sandy Mallin's granddaughter Henry & Lilly Kronberg In Memory of: Mort Galane Jerry & Arlene Blut General Contribution: Scott Zacky Cantor's Discretionary Fund In Honor of: The High Holy Days Kenneth & Marilynn Friedman Capital Campaign For Fanny & Joseph Goldberg School Building In Memory of: Sara Baskind Smith Irvin S. Smith Yahrzeits In Memory of: Minnie Berenkrantz Hilda Stan Abraham Blatt Shirley Cohen Nov. 2001 9 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Morris Cohen The Miller Family Robert Lederer Harold & Debbie Lederer Sidney Walter Selver Rut he R. Spector Mamie Chupnick Stanley Chupnick Sidney Lewis Elaine Lewis Philip Shapiro Flo & Bo Sokoloff Sara Feit Israel & Lucia Feit Bess Litivin Anita Moll Sara Shinert Joanie Shinert Shirley Ferstein Sam Ferstein Etta Ferstein Dick Ferstein & Jennie Lipsey Harry Ferstein Fiderika Fleischman Fritz & Blanka Kohn Mort Galane Mona & Charles Silverman Harry Garber Isabelle Unrot Linda & Stan Garber Sanford Gershman Sheila & Jay Gershman Samuel Goldstein Mort Goldstein Donald Green Edward Lillian Kay Lillian-Green Jeffrey R. Gruber Sol Gruber Rose Hein Helen Wexler Nanna Herskovic Catherine Herskovic Sylvia Hill Ed & Lee Devore Ida Horowitz John Sala Bess Sala Louis L. Kravitz Shirley Kravitz Lottie Marco Sidney & Eve Marco Helen Marcus Julius Shafer Dora Shafer Evelyn Shafer Florence Markewich Gary Markewich Emrick Mason Dr. David Ginsburg & Debbie Mason-Ginsburg Russ Morgan Shirley G. Morgan Mina Nadel Adolf Nadel Louis Phillips Fanny Weitzman Max & Lily Phillips Regina Raphael Rose Raphael Toba Reites Phillip & Norma Wilensky Susan Ring Miriam & Walter Klein Lillian Roberts Michael & Ellen Singer Harold Sachs Joan Weil Bernard Schneider Arnold Schneider Morris Showel Sadie Showel Sam & Charlotte Showel Yetta Stasko Hyman Silkes Mollie Straus Samuel Straus Jack Straus Paula Tepper Bernice Lazar Sam Toscher Abe & Gerry Toscher Samuel Turshinsky Ron & Jackie Turshinsky Betty Waterson Anne & Max Ukeiley Betty Waxman Rene Marino & Family Maurice Weinberg Barbara Mogill Blanche Weiss Rochelle Thone & Barbara Don Anne Babner Weiner Lilyan Celata Wendy Coole/s Father Temple Beth Sholom Preschool Nov. 2001 Advertisements Gerald L. Gersten 702-562-1100 First Vice President - Investments 800-966-8146 SALOMONSMITHBARNEY SALOMON SMITH BARNEY INC. 1645 Village Center, Circle #80 Las Vegas, NV 89134 FAX 702-562-1111 A member of citigroufST' Member of Temple Beth Sholom When only the box do...IOH OF? INVITATIONS INVITATIONS Bridal Accessories and Calligraphy by Scriptations Bar TU: Mitrvah Invitations ? Skuli Caps ? Favors Balloon Oecor ? Theme Partes Please call for ar appoinsr.ent wr"Jj Karcr. ^chorr 702.257.7400 2600 ^Scst Sahara Siu. 103 ? .Mor.-Fri 11-6. Ui 11-5.- by AppcLnLxcr.i W i t h i n a g a r d e n o f stones, t h e memory lives on. For a preview of the materials, design, and spirit of our planned Warsaw Ghetto Remembrance Garden, please see the display case in the lobby area. f ^ o r d e d i c a t i o n o p p o r t u n i t i e s please call t he T e m p l e at 80+-1 Attention Advertisers! Please submit your camera-ready artwork to the Temple Office by the 14th of the month. Advertising rates are as follows: FOR ONE FULL YEAR! Full Page-$1,000 Half Page - $500 Quarter Page - $200 Business Card - $100 If you have any questions, please call the Temple office at 804-1333. Nov. 2001 11 Advertisements it- Have Your Next Event Catered at Temple Beth Sholom by: Majestic Caterers of Los Angeles Please Contact Paula Cohen at (818) 968-3581 CREATIVE CUSTOM rj^k CENTERPIECES & MORE Theme Parties Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Showers/Weddings Special Events Susan Schyman (702) 768-7453 ; ETC.; Now receive a free Social Dining Membership with home or homesite purchase Enter the Enclave at Red Rock Country Club and experience the vibrant lifestyle of Summerlin. A salute from the friendly guard heralds your approach. Once behind the 24-hour manned gates, the Enclave offers a secluded haven where gracious homes adom the streetscape. Each unique, with elegant features, these homes are limited. Colorful blossoms cascade over terrace walls. Gently swaying palms shade entry courtyards. Visit the Enclave at Red Rock Country Club and expcricnce the full prism of country club living. RED ROCK Country Club Summerlin Live Exclusive. Play Private. 702-360-3100 ? Luxury Homes priced from the $350 s to over $2 million. Only five minutes from Temple Beth Sholom, on Sahara al the foot of the mountains. ' Sunrise Colony Company. For Orer Thirty Years. Builder of America s Finest Country Club Communities. Winner of the Vrar 2000 National Housing Quality Silver Award fur Commitment to Quality P r im in Ibis id art effective date of publication dosing. All homesites are individually priced. See a sales professional for specific details. t z Country Club Membership is subject to approval by membership committee. SZ 12 Nov. 2001 Advertisements 5ll Red Canvas Place Las Vegas, NV 89144 7028692969 Fax No cliarge lo non-profit organizations (except for film & processing) (702) 655-5500 (800) 788-8368 ... mt Bus. Lie PO 000073-2 84011 Vou con hove oa MC/DJ or . . . o B R N D + DJ T o g e t h e r U I C D D I N G S ? B A R & B A T M I T Z V A H S ? S O C i n i & C O R P O R A T E CV6NTS ? ftclflx ond b e o g u e s t a t y o u r s i m c h o ! single & multi camera packages unobtrusive videography digital 600 line broadcast cameras computer editing ond digital effects / ^ T X projection shews ft romantic love stories ASAtRVWlCfO OfNT OAfQ NAKCW' SQ THAACHKMtE MUOSCN [ xrOVUAIIHDWEKTO J * " 1 VltXO JIlUflN (800) 788-8368 (702) 65S-S700 y ^ ' f NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES Q NCA 1 9 9 0 SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC, FACP BERGE J. DADOURIAN, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 512 Us Vegas. NV89109 (702) 796-7150 3150 N. Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 233-1000 Nov. 2001 13 Advertisements Rose Raphael Real Estate Consultant ERA Sunbelt Realty 3101 Spring Mountain Rd., #1 Las Vegas, NV 8910? Multi-Million Dollar Club Office: (702) 364-1699 Fax: (702)364-9603 Toll Fr