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    VALLEJO, CALIF. NEWS-CHRONICLIL ' Circ. D. 22,515 .^?║g& roche^r^inn. >^^t-toliSw _ circ. &yiife& iRtta, Singer Plait 'Eastern Honeymoon-: By LOUELLA O. pARSONS f ; $S HOLLYWOOD?╟÷(INS)?╟÷T"he ^honeymoon gofi Rita Hayworth and -Dick Haymes will be spentL in PliTladelpliia'"where. Dick goes to'-fulfill..^?·S engagement at .th^Xfttin-'^^arter night clu&^'- As itvnow'rsta^fe,v^bfeW^giets his divOpee: h L&| Vegas on Septg^. Hellnd R|!a will marry Si^.; 23\ fend l^ye o-immediately lor^jgathe East. agg ^^a^flSB- W. Rita'lpst had expecfjp|?·rto Del Mar where tii^Was, appearing, but changed "her plans when she received those letters threatening the life of herself and little ^^TOingjher daughter by Prinpif &ly Khan. Then she decide^} $o stey at The Sands Hotjfl ?╜fc|Ja8<&$M. CSJT^i^sons *vM itom ALLEN*PGfWN, PA. CAM?-?* Circ. D. 61,053 SEP 25 A MUST BE A R3|A,fe:Sp' matchbetween Alan I p.d.d and Warwick -pyodajscttons.''" Already Alanl \% hir-de ictiigfesii^fe^ff w? the'co.-igap?-*, which \ k g3d hv ctey JLscco:i, ^iWi;::?Σ≤ at for ,Golcl," which I0.rk * Robson will direct. W This one mugt wait for "The Black Knjght," which Alan films in ^England. And speaking of waiting, that's what?╟÷'The Black Knight" .com-j p^ny has had to do, shooting around Alaji. un-| til lie; completes "Saskatcftliwan" in Canada. That too. has-been a hectic race against^time, \^jhat with; ^|^eather fouling up the shooting schedule./'SwgL BACK^FIIOI&aMEXICO CITY, Ray Driscoll the designe^'-'^n^ttways has something to reports says a.^ia^*t|fe; figures of the* American -Iwornen are the ;WorJSt ?√ß'.jm^Spe .world. "Women in Mexico,t^??e-Saya,\'^iave rrt^re sex appeal because their .W0 developed hips and off a dres^^-better. advantage. ] "I canribt accustom n^reelf to short haircut^ and the mahish' look ^llromen,'' he says: "I, have designed clothes fo1|i?║por:es Del .Rio, Evan- gelina gElizondo, Tongolele, Maria Victoria and others, and they all have the'*"proportions of a femme. f atale." jYet, >, Ray says Dolores dieted s&^ehuousiy Ineihade herself ill. VlpEL^ND, n. j. TIMES JOURNAL Circ. D. 11.121 SEP 25 1953 MARRIAGE UMWUi^M^S^^es and ra^T.Haystorth 6mileh?║i|roily for 2&yfctes& BhotograBfcm |oll6wp$ tMh^ed- ding in the famed Sands Hotel m Las Vega^Ney. Only ten gilests sanded the7H^*eiS!F?╤*fc^ two daughters,- Rebecca, 3,'- and Princess Yasmiite, ?>fi years. The marriage, No. 4 for both the singer and..Mi?║s?╟?Hay,.yovfch; i took place only 20 hours after Haymes- obtained ga ^uick six-j week divorce frpiii Nora Fly'rift. ' ' '* .. '"'' 'v' <up)f _D$NYER, COLO. mM^' MTN. NEWS ifflSfflfraNBiii - S; 132,637 tne Dic^ Roll Nearb'fP|S Rita, Hay^sGim^ Agait^ith M0fiage I LAS VEQAS, Nevv (?·>)?╟÷-White nearby crapshooters tried to Inake sevens and elevens,' Rita Hayworth and. .Pick Haymes today gambled once more with ipatrimony. . > 'The 34-year-old actress a&d hef ebponer, 35, were to recite vows e$bh bas said three times belgfjeg in the Gold room of^|nW'Jlai}ds hotel. PERU, IND. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 8,481 ~SE&*ISlK& Crooner Signs ter ^^Hi^Sp|P^hoanceag^djay he .has"-signed,a pact with actress ^^Hiywd^te^at protects <<Mlftof hj^earninga and holdings^p^ ^'^^^^h^.debts he may, ppir a|fei^^^^6^rriage. -jaj^.^r'jHti ^a^sne^^ho plans to?? marry the re^ainej^^^ress after his Nevaia divo^^osajd, "I intend to stand on i^ljown two feet and tako cape of aMi^ij^own troubles, whe^r they^te^P'tney, legal ^o#|??rs^al diffic!jp3|iL?·, I'glBP "Hms^i^B had. "ordered'^piak reci^opa^MeHnuptial pact #f|?" &./Wq?P8|eet>:^Eita fromalmy clan^Jsfaats^ver against nie^?½^,. Mea^Wle^Jrs. Nora' Eddin^gSp Flynfe^Jajni^ received her dwh Cahf&pbJ^^Piw:ce decree fromafiej han(^o^^^^er Friday. ~~j_m_i Hayroe^3Sa|d the agreement w$$$. dravpn^u^;^^pyLSS.. Hs^worth's*^:^ tor^^^. Ba^^^^um, and sigl?½! by^S^pNj^i^ta late:Fri^^ ni#t atrt^^ands Hotel herel^^p QrclNl^s^s'iihe "^tt "states that MiSEE^Ifeyworth' s earnings Jiafflk prOpeil|$?║l would be^protected ^ thet gia^iise'i^.ite^ttj.:^her children s^'her olm, tra^';l(fes: Hay- wortH^fgned a^/^mtlc^-d^cu- me^^elinquisl^i^^iw right rto HaytiSfcs' assets, Mtww'^ "_\.^P^ ?╟≤ H^pi^s^i^::;-a^ii^i^&/ deporta- tidf^nearing in Los^lbfeeles on' government ch^fe?Θ╝|^^ .^|g?╜ffiline-. bo|^^ger iriej^yj^8^lr^,thisj cdffiW^^^Ser.'iJvi^BpE^^ 'Mi^^ir^P^afi.^a^^iTt^fe|?ear.1 gSndf^rks,%d. HERALD &te. D. 23,696-,- S^f|4^ DAUGHTERS SEE RITA WED?╟÷rRita* jaay^E^--Sjda^hte^ (left) and R?╜j|ecca, watch as she becomes bride of crooner J^^/Ma^mfea^^as Vegas,; Nev. The ceremony is performed by Judge Frank MacNamee. Haymes' best man, Jack lEntratt^' stands behind him. (AP Wirephoto.) |flayworffif Haymes I ?√ß To Wed Thursday I LAS VEGAS, Nev. W ?╟÷ Ritaj IHayworth, who married Aiy 'Kahn| ?√ßamid scented swimming pools andi I international society, will wed Dick if ?√ßHaypies in a.,jsimple . cei-vmony[| Thursday wfejing. '.iTbeoV^rmer princess and %e ?√ß 'crrj'oner will be I married by a-Nevada.'--jpdge in a | three-ijiinule cer.emony'3 attended j oniy'a:by- i their gta^ferig^ie>, 4wo j daughters J^ tH^pr'^s^Miss'ltay- worth said" the event wi}]^a.l?╜a^acej in tha Gold Room Of thousands Ho-I :tel ' .?√ß>?√ß!???╜?╟÷.??- J; District?╜ Judge Frank ;'ffic- Namee was asked to officiate at the five-minute cere^ipny. Jack Entratter, general manger of the Sands, was named |be only attendant. Photographers and reporters |ig^i;t6. pu^umber the invited gue^. three toope.l:;' ?╟≤:'The ii?╜^etentious^ffMr :^as quite a coh^ast tof^e screen star's la$s%toench weddiag to Prince Aiy J^ah in 1949. Miss HaywortBt -planned not even to have a n%3'weddin "%Own. She said she would wear $fjjlue linen street dress ttwhicflpe^he. has worn before. Her head was to be covered by^ a toast-colored hat of tulle and ^lvet. Only guilts invited were business andj&gal associates of the couple. The only relat^vW"6h hand?╟÷the bride's tvsfo daugl^grs. They- are Rebecca;:yj^&ia" off-: spring of Miss Hayworth's marriage^ to Orson Weil|<?·*%nd the Princess Yasmin, 3%, like her Mo^Mi|lather a direff^des?╜??nd- pta>fr the prophet Mohammed. j Final barrier to the wedding was el^^pd yesterday m:wh?║n Hayme&vfcppped a seven-minute divorce decree from >fora Edd|pg- ^;ton Flynn .Haymes. Less thanjian |hour later1, he brflfti^ggita hjkek :to thS Courthouse, where' both [nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and "Rita carried I permanent residence^ :|jj?ada, 8 but said they will sob'$ ,movJnear I Greenwich,'Conn., where tw are i looking for a house. ;! "All m-g-^vork is In the^Bast," I the crooner explained; ?║K [ Miss Hayworth saidrsh,e%lans I to commute between th^gEast I and Hollywood foir ^^ u r e I making. i Should the govemmlfiit'win its I deportation, case against the Ar- I gentine-born crooner, what coun- 1 try will ho "and Rita then Jtife in? "I'm not goirt^ ti'be deported," I be answered. "We^both intend to I live in the U.S.A." The erooner s&m he will move Unto Miss Hayworth's suite at the iSatnds'right after the wedding. A I reporter asked him if he had ever I tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth [for cooking?" the singer asked. RUSSELL, KAm^ #?EWS Circ. D. 2,050 ?√ß SEP 231953 ?√ß Htiyworth-Haymes Wedding Is Tomorrow I LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film i ?√ß star Rita " Hayworth,jthd croohei, .] Dick HayniM7' today plai-ned afl | "simple wedding" w^fctrf^lteifei^ |?╜ and newsreel cam-era^|i g'rind.ih'-' / away-... , dbh4 iiT'?╟≤?√ß Then they'll ^^^'4^^^.^ v:hat they hope^^rb^p:^^^,^i life as subui-barfflB^t in ^Peeiiwick,' Conn. The ceremony toroof^ow will be I held in the Gold Room of fe<. aa.m.ia. K^mmlmm-only nine gfffMs. 4r avrtedTbutnewis^nd eamera nleXCs were tolo> y^y-?╜ould attend. ?√ß j The red-haired beauty sighed r happily that she and Haymes/'.^e I i finally getting married after 30 \ inany difficulties.'-' ^3^".'^ R Among^their recent troubles have : peen an attempt by the government | J?? deport Haymes, a citizen of Ail |fent-ina, and death thrf|??,ts^again^l,: ^Kss Hayworth and ^?╜a-vy?╜imgest?╜ Love Wins 4th Round p Rita, Dick Wed -g''jEttjWStvHaytt?╜ ahd Rita Hayworth after their marriage. ?╟÷United Press Telephoto. ?╟≤/M&;!8!j*A& Nev., S?╜>t,m?╟÷(UP)?╟÷Redhaired Rita Hayworth aad Crooner Dick Haymes, with all the aplomb of professionals going through a well-rehearsed scene, were married here in the Gold Room of a gambling hotel. Rita added drama to the scShe -~ by quivering slightly at the close of the ceremohy; but otherwise they stuck to the script* Their performance g went off with the smoothness of one"of%ie bride's starring roles in Hollywood. It was the fourth marriage for both. The press outnumbered the guests by?&early three to one at the floodli|fhted ceremony which was delayed 45 minutes because District Judge Frank gM?·$ai!iaee was fled up in his court bf a jury trial. DAUGHTERS POSE While the guests, pres&Mnd principals Raited, Rita's "t^/children by former marriages,rxlsmin and Rebecca, patiently posed^for cam- eramen. fettle Yasnuj&y3, |daugh- ter of ^rr&ce Aiy Khstn,! finally got bored and cried out, "I want my mbmmiep??√ß]'.& &^i|^fy'j|i!>% Judge McNamee" fteaily rushed I s in and took his placaJ^Jhe Gold Room of the Sands H^eli Rita and Haymes, who had been waiting, in an adjoining -office, athett^^ymarcht^Mftwfeile cameras ground. -1 The film star hesitated a moment, leading di^v ??f the photographers to sing out: "Come right on in, foflteu"5 1 With, Yasftgn^B^&e?╜ IbJ^sis^ ter, Rebecca, parked on a couch, Judge MclN|amee qwckly read the marriage 1$$f8 and bbt^liidi&eir 'T do's" in'clearly audible,, tones. Rita, wearing a blue linejri &ess, carried a bouquet of wldW-br- chids, She trembled slightly as Haymes slipped the ring on her finger. Later she put a ring on his finger also. The whole ceremony <i|S?║*iSbput two minutes. At the conclusion of the rites, the pair kissed twice with Rit^a^yhispering: "I love . you" asgs^^toked soulfullj^lpSjl Haymes' ^y^gKljgfe^ ^^' But little Y|^iin almost brought down ^^vb.ouse- as she let out a yeU,3*T|^f|j$ a ring, too, mommie." ^m^ "1 am very, v^^.#aapy," Miss , Hayworth told lepo^^ra as the I bridal party headed for the hotel dining room tot a champagne breakfast. "I feel relaxed for the first time in a long while." Joining the 10 guests and nearly 30 reporters and photographers at the dining "room, Rita and Haymeg posed in front of a four-tier caramel-colored wedding cak?╜ |aa which the hotel got in a publicity blurb by having it inscribed, '^TheS^dj wishes Rita and Dick happiness." DAY AFTER DIVORCE The ceremony, came about 20 hours after the Argentina-boril^ crooner shed his third wife, Nora' Eddington Haymes, in the courthouse here on grounds of extreme cruelty. | mm^ The third Mrs. Haymes had received a California divorce last week'but that does not become final for a year, leading Haymes to get the'Nevada decree so he and his fourth ,lady love- might wed immediately, ?╟≤!&?║&%' Jack Entratter, manager of the hotel, acted as best??man. There was no official matroo^of honor, Jdthough the wfagp of both ?√ßpaymes' and Rita's la&vers were in the party along with their husbands, Bartley Crum and David Marcus. '<M_~ -*?%}iW_ Others in ^^ eihtoi^tge included 'accompanists and theatrical agents forttjfce pair. | The couple will honeymoon here until Monday and then? fly to Philadelphia where Haymes is scheduled to open a singing engagement. He also has an engagement In Los Angeles, before :'3a^^?? portation hearing. Haymes is fighting govel! charges that he should ^^fed on groundl^he slL?Σ≤ avoid . military- S^vic^^B . His ,pre$?½f|gj^isr6s1!" m^kdefi^^. to" Nora Eddingioa} gss^l^^oahnel Dru, film star, and JoanSia^ Mar^l shall, night,club singer,' o "o^s^%iyw6rth's" former hus-fl tond^lf^ere. Prince Aiy, OrsOnlj Welles and Oilman Ed Judson. ] H??g:hter;;s^aree-year-oht: Y