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Draft of Caesars Palace International cookbook, recipe for smoked salmon



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Hors d'oeuvres and appetizers Page 7 SMOKED SALMON Few appetizers are more enticing than glistening wafer-thin slices of smoked salmon on a chilled small white plate without lettuce bedding^but with a classic garnish of lemon wedges and chopped parsley. Nearly, place capers, possibly thinly-sliced onions, and a pepper-mill filled with black peppercorns. A plate of thinly sliced and buttered pumpernickel is a perfect accompaniment as is, of course, ice-cold vodka or champagne. Expertw praise Scottish and Nova Scotia smoked salmon, but at Caesars Palace we are partial to unsalted Scandinavian dill-cured salmon. This, with champagne, is one of Frank Sinatra's favorite appetizers. Many times Frank would send his jet over from Palm Springs just to get some of the freshly sliced, dill-cured salmon from me. Sometimes called Gravad Lax, this Swedish salmon is marinated in the refrigerator in salt, sugar, white pepper,while resting on a bed of fresh dill with a weight on top. It is turned a couple of times a day. For a really gala occasion we twist small slices of smoked salmon into pretty little cornucopias and fill the centers with bits of fresh caviar. Or is this gilding the lily? Speaking of flowers, our Japanese chefs create lovely roses of smoked salmon for a platter of hors d'oeuvres. Smoked salmon is a great favorite in Japan. SMOKED SALMON ROSES Cut smoked salmon slices into strips, 2 inches wide by 6 to 8 inches Hors d'oeuvres and appetizers page 8 each strip long and with a sharp knife nick jp along one side at regular intervals. Roll the salmon slice around a wooden spoon end into a rose shape. Flatten the cut edges slightly. Arrange sprigs of watercress as a garnish on a silver tray. SMOKED SAmON-FILLED ECLAIRS Tiny bakery bought or homemade eclairs (recipe^page 14) filled with a mixture of half-softened butter, half-pureed smoked salmon, rubbed through a fine sieve, are welcome additions to an elegant hors d'oeuvre tray with cocktails. C