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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 039


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    Application Gaming - Approved Shamrock Hotel - 11/29/1950
    Assessment Roll # 17-1950 Assessment Dist. # 100-4 - Resolution calling for Public Hearing adopted - 11/29/1950
    Application, Liquor Change of Owner - Approved Shamrock Hotel - 12/6/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 200- land 200-3 - Letter from Nevada Construction Co. Read to Board - 12/13/1950
    Appointment of building inspector - Harry E. Hatfield - 12/13/1950
    Application, Liquor - Denied Park Mkt. 4th Qtr. - 12/13/1950
    Application, Gaming - Granted Shamrock Hotel 4th Qtr. - 12/13/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 200-1 Assessment Roll # 15-1950 - public hearing adjourned until after construction contract is let - Jan. 17, 1951 - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 200-3 Assessment Roll # 16-1950 - public hearing adjourned until construction contract is let - Jan. 17, 1951 - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 100-2 Assessment Roll # 12-1950 - Public hearing adjourned until after construction contract is let - Feb. 17, 1951 - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. #100-4 Assessment Roll # 17-1950 - public hearing adjourned until after construction contract is let Jan. 17, 1951 - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 100-7 Assessment Roll # 14-1950 - Public Hearing - South Main Street Lighting approved - 12/20/1950
     Assessment Dist. # 100 3 Assessment Roll # 13-1950 - Public hearing adjourned until construction contract let Jan. 17. 1951 - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. 200-1 Advertisement for bids - Resolution 206 adopted - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. 200-3 Advertisement for bids - Resolution 207 Adopted - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 100-2 Advertisement for bids - Resolution # 208 adopted - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 100-4 Advertisement for bids - Resolution # 209 adopted - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 100-2 Advertisements for bids for construction - Resolution # 210 adopted - 12/20/1950
    Amendment to land use plan - Public hearing - Rezoning of Park Place Add'n. approved - 12/20/1950
    Appointment of plumbers Examination Board - Hyndo, Davis, Bates, Patterson, Swann, Bruner - 12/20/1950
    Application Gaming - Granted Hotel Elwell 4th Qtr. - 12/20/1950
    Assessment Dist. # 200-2 - Partial payment to Wells Cargo approved - 12/20/1950
    Application Pawnshop - Granted Ingell's [not legible] Jewelers - 12/27/1950
    Applications Gaming (Renewals) - Granted 1st Qtr. 1951 - 12/27/1950
    Applications Gaming (changes) - Slots - granted 1st Qtr. 1951 - 12/27/1950
    Applications Gaming (New) - Granted Irene's [not legible] Inn and The Skillet - 1st Qtr. 1951 - 12/27/1950
    Applications, Liquor (Renewals) - Granted 1st Qtr. with exception of Apache Bar - 12/27/1950
    Apache Bar - not allowed renewal of Liquor License - 12/27/1950
    Application (changes) - Liquor - Granted Mike's Liquor Stand upon Investigation - 12/27/1950
    Application, Liquor - Granted Irene's Drive In, Charleston In, and Red & [not legible] Cafe 1st Qtr., 1951 - 12/27/1950