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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 9, 1994






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 24 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000768. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENATE MEETING 24-12 MOYER STUDENT UNION ROOM 201 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1994 7:00 P.M. I. SENATE PRESIDENT BUD BENNEMAN CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 7:06 P.M. II. ROLL CALL CAMPBELL CHELLINO DINOTO FOX GORDON HADDOCK JOHANNSSON MARTIN MCMILLIN SCHWARTZ VODRAZKA 14 Present; 3 Absent; Quorum set at 13. Override of Senator Popick's 3rd un-excused absence. Senator Haddock said Senator Popick was going to resign and he asked that there be not action taken. Senate President Benneman stated that the Senators could call extension 3644 before the meetings if they are not going to attend. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Senate President Benneman asked that there be no action taken on the approval of minutes 24-10 and 24-11. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Benneman announced that the gavel that he had was Student Body President Joel Kostman's. He stated that along with the gavel his license plate disappeared. He noted that senators needed to spend more time on their work. He said there wasn't enough production and he didn't like working in that type of environment. He also mentioned that the license was needed for a photo shoot and asked that these items be returned. He apologized for not being in his office and said that PRESENT ALLISON BLOCK BOIXO ABSENT PIDA (Excused) POBST (Excused) POPICK (Un-excused) 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 • ( 7 0 2 ) 7 3 9 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 5 9 7 - 4 6 0 6 PAGE TWO SENATE MEETING 24-12 ANNOUNCEMENTS (cont.) was due to the mid-terms he had that week. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports Senator Gordon had no report. Senator Schwartz announced that everyone had a copy of the rules and he would talk to the Senators later. Senator Johannsson said that the Health Center would be starting their move into the new building during Spring Break. She also mentioned the Wellness Expo would be on April 20, 1994, in the MSU Ballroom. Senator Boixo said that she needed to speak to Senate President Benneman. She noted the Rebel Yell was in serious financial condition. Senator Martin said that he hoped to have a meeting soon. He apologized to Director Marshall for not making the last meeting. Senate President Benneman asked that the Senators leave reminders in his box for items to be approved. B. Executive Committee Reports Organizations Board Director Marshall said during the last Organization Board Meeting, funding requests that they thought needed to be approved were approved up to $500. He mentioned Senator Vodrazka was a lot of help. He also stated that he was serving on the Union Board and the upcoming Blood Drive would be on April 20, 1994. He asked that any senators that wanted to help out should attend the meeting on March 10, 1994, at 4:00 P.M. He also announced that the Senator Volkert, Director of the Union Board, wanted to put a survey together to find out what services students feel are most needed. Director Marshall noted that the Organization Board wanted to help with the surveys. Assistant Director of the Elections Board, Senator Johannsson, announced that there were two candidates for Student Body President; two candidates for Student Body Vice President; and one candidate for Senate President. She mentioned that the primary PAGE THREE SENATE MINUTES 24-12 BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) elections went well. Senator Vodrazka asked what the total votes were. Senator Johannsson said 1,189 Director of Student Services, Ted Greenhalgh, said there was nothing new thus far. He noted that the Hockey tickets sold well and those senators who didn't attend wasted seats that could have been sold. Senator Haddock asked of Director Greenhalgh had any more difficulties with the shuttle service. Director Greenhalgh said no. C. Business and Management Reports Business Manger, Lori Callison, said that Susan apologized for not making the meeting. She also noted that Larry Shirk, the next candidate couldn't make the meeting due to a family illness. D. Public Comment NRS 241.035(1)(d) There was not comment from the public. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Ruled out of order due to difficulties in finding an agreeable date for the artist. Items B, F, and G are also ruled out of order for the same reason. C. No nominations were made for the vacant senate for the College of Student Development. D. Motion to approve $1,000 for the Womyn1s Festival to occur on March 26, 1994, was made by Senator Campbell and seconded by Senator Fox. Senator Boixo yielded the floor to representatives of the Womyn1s Festival. The representatives explained that everyone was welcome and stated that it was a cultural family day. They mentioned that it was not just community event, but was for the students also, and that they were making a tremendous effort to work with student groups. Senator Martin expressed a concern that they may have trouble with attendance with a Saturday event. ( One of the representatives responded that they PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) had no trouble with the previous years turnout. Senator Martin asked how the funds were going to be used to get more students to attend. The representatives said they were spending more money on student advertising this year. She also stated Friday's performance will have a fee charged which will enable the rest of the events to be free. Senator Martin inquired about the events for men. the representative said there were speakers and booths for everyone. Senator McMillin asked if the booths were campus organizations. The representatives said there were community as well as campus organizations. Senator McMillin said the women engineers were not informed about the booths. Senator Block asked how many people attended the sock last year. The representative stated this was the first year for the sock. Motion to approve the funding request was carried 1 6 - 0 - 0 . E. Motion to approve and discuss $5,931 for ARA food for Career Day, Wednesday, March 2, 1994, was made by Senator Gordon, seconded by Senator Fox. Senator Martin noted that he had no idea that $6,000 was being spent on the food. He yielded the floor to Director Greenhalgh. Director Greenhalgh affirmed the price on the food. Senator Martin asked why the paper didn't come before the senate two weeks prior to the event. Director Greenhalgh noted that he couldn't get in touch with an ARA representative beforehand. PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Senator Boixo asked if the reception was by invitation only. Director Greenhalgh said no. Senator Boixo asked when the decision was made to have open invitations. She stated that she didn't like the way Director Greenhalgh did his job. Senator Anwar noted that there was a lot of alcohol at the reception. Director Greenhalgh stated the Alumni Center was responsible for the alcohol. He also said the event went well, but all the money went to Career Placement and Planning. Additionally he noted that $1,000 more would be needed to make it better. Senator Fox asked what would happen if this item was not approved. Business Manager, Lori Callison, said if the item was not approved it would become a legal matter. She noted that the contracts were already signed. Senator Dinoto asked why the open invitation was not announced early. Director Greenhalgh stated that he did not want too many people in attendance at the reception due to a possible fire hazard. When he noticed that the attendance was small he decided to open the invitation. Senator Boixo stated that her constituents were displeased with the event. She felt that the Senate was purposely ignored and she concluded by saying she did not support the approval of this item. Business Manager, Lori Callison, stated that she didn't encourage fighting between CSUN and the University. She also mentioned that there was no malicious intent in the approval of the amount before the Senate got a chance to approve the item. Senator Block said that she supported the item Senator Haddock stated that there is no way to require a company to come and offer specific jobs PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) for Career Day. He said the major emphasis was on Business and Economics and Hotel Administration due to the area in which we live. Senator Haddock concluded by stating that he was in favor of the funding of the Career Day. Senator Schwartz noted that his constituents felt they benefited from the event. He also stated the ARA rips people off. Director Greenhalgh mentioned the shrimp were $1 each. Senator Martin stated the senate was legally bound to pay for the event He also stated the event was a success, but the manner in which it was handled should never happen again. Business Manager, Lori Callison, stated that this was only the second time a situation like this has ever occurred She said the double checking procedures usually work well, and she felt encouraged that this type of situation will not happen again. Senator Martin stated he worked with Director Greenhalgh on the event and he also felt that this year's even, and last year's event were both good. He said there could be improvement in general. Senator Fox asked if every senator had a chance to get an invitation. Director Greenhalgh said there was a limit to the amount of invitations. He also said that he gave tickets to those Senators that were in the office. Director Greenhalgh continued by stating that due to his coming in the middle of the term he was only able to do what he could with the time limits. He also mentioned that ARA had done the event before and there will be changes in the future. Senator Campbell inquired on the amount of tickets that became available for the reception. She also said that there were enough tickets for each senator. Director Greenhalgh said the amount of tickets did not reflect the Executive Board. PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Senator Haddock called for the question. Motion to call the question carried 11-5-0 Motion to approve the funding of the Career Day even carried 10-4-2. H. Motion to approve Organizations funding for the Student Association of Latinos for the amount of $500 was made by Senator Block, and seconded by Senator Schwartz. Senator Martin mentioned the date of the event was May 27, 1994. He stated most students would be out of school at that time. Senator Vodrazka stated the time frame was during summer school. Senator Martin responded by saying there were not many students that attend summer school. Senator Gordon stated the organization was just trying to have an end of the year bash, and that they were entitled to their $500. Senator Haddock asked if the organization had requested funds before. Senator Martin stated that this was their first funding request. Senator Boixo said she was tired of the Senators referring to funding requests as if the amount was very minimal. Motion carried 15-1-0, Senator Dinoto against. I. Motion to approve Organization funding for the Public Relations Student Society of America for the amount of $500 was made by Senator Schwartz and seconded by Senator Gordon. Motion carried 16-0-0. J. Motion to approve Organization funding for the Students Conscious of Protecting the Environment for the amount of $500 was made by Senator Schwartz, seconded by Senator Block. PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Motion carried 16-0-0. M. Motion to approve Organization funding for Lambda Delta Lambda in the amount of $50 was made by Senator Campbell, seconded by Senator Block. Motion carried 15-0-1. N. Motion to approve Organization funding for the International Club in the amount of $100 was made by Senator Schwarts, seconded by Senator Chellino. Senator Fox asked if the funding request was for the organizations to go to a hockey game. Senator Vodrazka yielded the floor to Director Marshall. Director Marshall said yes. Senator Campbell said that she also wanted to go. Senator Block asked when they were going to the hockey game because the request was dated for February 22, 1994, and there was no date for the game. Senator Schwartz expressed his concern with CSUN paying for hockey tickets twice. Senator Martin noted the Ways and Means Committee checked to se if the requirements were met for the funding request. They were, so it passed. Senator Campbell yielded the floor to Business Manager, Lori Callison Ms. Callison stated the tickets were not for the last game. Senator Vodrazka moved to table the item, seconded by Senator McMillin. Motion carried 15-1-0, Senator Allison against. 0. Motion to approve Organization funding for Phi Delta Theta in the amount of $100 was made by PAGE SEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Senator Schwartz, seconded by Senator Vodrazka. Senator Fox stated the advertisement was not made toward the students. She yielded the floor to Director Marshall. Director Marshall stated it was open to all students. Senator Martin stated he guaranteed the event was open to all students. Senator Fox asked if Senator Martin wasn't a senator would he have known about the event. Senator Johannsson asked when the even was to occur. Senator Martin stated the event was to occur on March 14, 1994. Motion failed 6-8-2. VII. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator Haddock stated he was on campus during the Womyn's Festival last year. He noted that it was a good event. Senator Gordon apologized for missing the hockey game. He said he was at the Doctors, which was also the reason he missed last weeks meeting. Senator Schwartz stated it was good to see the seats full. He also mentioned that he needed more people on his committee. Senator McMillin congratulated the Senators also and said she was sorry she missed Senator Vodrazka as a Blood Drop. Senator Chellino had no comments Senator Fox said March 26, 1994, was going to be paint day for the pre-school. She asked for help with painting the equipment at the pre-school from 10:30 - 1:00. Senator Johannsson stated Career Day was a great event, she said inviting more companies would be a good idea to the diversity of the majors. She stated she agreed with Senator Martin in that they were forced to pay the $6000 for Career Day. She said she didn't receive an PAGE ELEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 OPEN DISCUSSION (cont.) invitation that day for the reception. Senator Volkert stated his first meeting was enlightening and thanked Senator Johannsson for showing him around. He told everyone to have a great Spring Break. Senator Vodrazka noted his Blood Drive produced 55 pints of blood. Senator Anwar sated he was glad to be at the meeting, and he was glad the meeting didn't last until 10:00 P.M. He said he agreed with Senator Johannsson that the $6000 for the Career Day event was too much. He also said Carrot Top was a good idea and there should be more entertainment for students like that. Senator Boixo stated she didn't agree with Senators calling the question during approval of an item. She also said the spelling of women's in the Womyn's Day Festival was annoying. Senator Martin stated he agreed with Senator Boixo with the calling of the question. He said it was disrespectful. He also stated the practical jokes occurring in the office were a waste of time and didn't look good. He noted at his Parliamentary meeting they handled a case dealing with plagiarism and stated it was a serious problem. He stated he had a problem with directors lecturing senators, and he apologized for not making the hockey game. Senator Dinoto asked about the trip the Lambda Delta Lambda Fraternity was planning. She said she was glad to be at the meeting. Senator Block said she faxed dates to the affiliates of Carrot Top and didn't receive a response. She also mentioned those who missed Jane Elliot missed out. She stated the hockey game was a blast. Senator Campbell stated she didn't like what happened with the Career Day event. She also said she agreed with Senator Boixo on the spelling of women on the Womyn' Day Festival She stated there was difference with practical jokes and stealing. She mentioned that for the extra hockey tickets left over President Kostman would give them to families, enabling them to move closer to the front. She commended Senator Martin for taking tickets, rather than wasting them. PAGE ELEVEN SENATE MINUTES 24-12 OPEN DISCUSSION (cont.) Senator Allison good luck to Senator Fox with the pre-school paint day. He noted the pre-school was an excellent establishment. He stated the spelling of women in Womyn's Day Festival was STUPYD. He also mentioned the hockey game was great even though the Thunder lost. Senate President Benneman stated he voted against the Womyn's Day Festival, but didn't want to make that known before the Senators voted. He noted funding requests shouldn't pass the Organization Board without the paper work actually being at the meeting. He reminded the Senator if they wanted something on the agenda to put the information in his box so he wouldn't forget. He apologized for the Carrier Day mix up. He said it was his fault as well as the others involved. He said he was glad the Senate seats were filled. He also apologized for not being in the office, and stated he needed his license as well as his gavel back. He said whoever has it can return it tomorrow. He announced KUNV raised $40,321 instead of the goal of $36,000. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Senator Vodrazka, seconded by Senator Block. Motion carried 14-0-0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Bud Benneman Senate President Thelma Johannsson iiR ecording Secretary I I