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    This agreement made and extend unto this [not legible] day of June A.D. 1881 by and between Thomas Jennings and Edward [not legible] [not legible] of El Dorado Canyon Mining District Lincoln County State of Nevada [not legible] of the [not legible] Bank and James [not legible] of the [not legible] [not legible] [not legible]
    That the said [not legible] [not legible] of the first [not legible] for and in [not legible] of the sum one dollar and the following considerations do hereby convey unto the said James [not legible] the [not legible] mine [not legible] El Dorado [not legible] mining District above county and State. The sum of [not legible] [not legible] and dollars to be paid on or before. The 1st day of January A.D. 1882
    The said James [not legible] agrees to pay the said sum of money as [not legible] specified [not legible] these [not legible] shall be void
    On [not legible] whereof we here this day affixed on [not legible] [not legible] 
    [not legible] [not legible] of [not legible] Jennings 
    J.M. [not legible] [not legible] 4th 1881 [not legible] Manley
    [not legible] [not legible] [not legible] James [not legible]
    Filed & Recorded June 17th 1881
    at 5 ½ clock P.M. 
    H. [not legible] 