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LAS YSGrAS » and « COMPANY Osneral Balance Sheet —- Month o f Kay, lf| 9 11-1 Common Capital Stoofc SO 000.00____________________ AFFILIATED OQMPAKIBB Los Angela* & S alt Lake RoHo Co* - Loan* OBKHBHT LIABILITIES Vouchers Payable UHADJUSTBD CREDITS doomed Depreciation * 13-1 Acc'd Depn* Redwood Pipe Laid in 1905 11 623*87 13-2 Aoo'd Depn, Wrought Iron Pipe Laid in 1907 2 221©37 13-3 Aco»d Depn* Wrought Iron Pipe Laid in 1910 1 314*29 13-4 Aeo'd Depn* Redwood Pipe Laid in 1910 13-5 Aoc'd Depn* Water Service Connect ions 671*29 13-6 Acc5& Depn. Rooming House Linen 13-v Aoc'd Depn* Rooming House Building 1 390.21 13-6 A©e9d Depn* Rooming Rouse Blankets* Comforts* etc* 277*85 13-9 A0c ed DepUe Rooming House Furniture, etc* 2 238*07 13-10 Aoc’ d Depn* Four Room Cottages 7 496*66 13-11 Acc'd Ddpn* Five Room Cottages 8 247.86 13-12 Aeocd Depn* Hospital Building 4 336*01 13-13 Aoc9d Depn. Mleoell&neoue Equipment 351*75 13-14 Aec«d Depn* Rleotrie Light System 23*08 Total Accrued Depreciation 157 439*1? 40 926*17 Other Unadjusted Credits 14-1 Townsits 7 900*61 Accrued 9ta©s estimated Accounts Repayable — ....... 2, 35 Total Unadjusted Credits CORPORATE SURPLUS P ro fit and Loss Credit Balance December 31* 1918 P ro fit and Loss Debit Balance Current Year 983*02 224 992.90 Income Credit Balance Transferred from Sheet No. 3 T o ta l Corporate Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES 490 294-41