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period o f tw o or more months when bills w ill be ren-dered as specific units are com pleted. Bills fo r special service to boats at the docks w ill be rendered at the tim e service is given. Buie 4 P resentation o f bills. Unless the applicant tor w ater supply specifies otherwise, the bills w ill be presented b y a collector at the premises where water service is furnished. I f the applicant so desires, the Departm ent w ill deliver the bills to the business or bouse address o f the applicant or his agent, or retain the bills at the office o f the Departm ent fo r paym ent there. B uie 5. Tim e lim it o f paym ent. B ills fo r w ater service are due and payable on presentation. I f the consum er does not pay the b ill w ithin fifteen days a lte r due notice has been g i ^ ^ J m D e n a r t m e n t may discontinue service. The d elivery o f the bill w hich carries the stipulation as to payment fwitliin’ fifteen days, b y the D epartm ent’s collector,! through the hold,in,g in the office aW the request o f SECTION D, RULE C-iROPtK CHARGES TIME L IM IT Aby b i l l f o r w ater s u p p lie d or s e r v i c e r e n dered w i l l be c o n s i d e r e d a proper ch a rg e u n le s s p r o t e s t i s made t o the department w ith in f i f t e e n ( 1 5 ) days a f t e r p r e s e n t a t i o n o f s a id b i l l . Ahy adjustm ent found to be due the consumer wi l l be made a f t e r a l l requ irem ents g o v e r n in g such adjustm ent has been co m p lie d wi t h as p rovid ed in S e c t i o n E - Generali Rul e 1 2 .1 . Payment o f the b i l l in q u e stio n as r e n d e r e d wi l l f a c i l i t a t e a ccou n tin g p ro ce d u re and e x p e d ite a d ju stm ent. (As amenuea February 13, 19*45 - R e s o l u t i o n No. 6583) cept that where the Departm ent shall, fo r operating necessity install, in place o f one meter, tw o or more w ilie r hethe“ ‘ J® re1a(h.ngs o f sueh tw o or more meters charges?* f ° r the PnrPoses making m w t„h e , easc o f a m unicipality, w ater district or other custom er operating as a public u tility purchasing w ater from the Departm ent fo r the purpose o f resale the Departm ent m ay com bine the readings o f J mt t-erS suPP]y ing mich purchaser fo r the purpose o f m aking w ater charges, provided: m o t o r ^ n the tWat6r ,delivered through the several h purchaser is distributed and sold solely b y the said purchaser fo r municipal, dom estic and com m ercial purposes, w ithin the lim its o f a t h r e s h a Un- CT IitJr’i , - ° r wel|-defined .com m u nity, tion pi es nglC we,1‘ lntegrated system o f distribu- (2 ) Further, That the D epartm ent’s system is the so d ^°urce ° t supply fo r the w ater distributed and sold through the distributing system involved, except in those em ergencies when w ater from the Depart-ment is not available. ^ 13 > rurtfcer, That the several service connections for fr n m \ h he m6ter r? adings are t0 be from the same mam pipe line o f th ec oWnsaotleidr aDteedp aarrte- (4 ) The services fo r which the m eter readings are to be consolidated fo r any distribution system shall not except to m eet operating necessities o f the D epartm ent be m ore than three in number, nor for in 'ysizoS ta la tl° n’ less than fou r in ches, or equivalent (5 ) The Departm ent in its discretion, m ay discontinue the consolidation o f meter readings o f any purchaser as perm itted under this rule, at any time be?uglnfu lly Jmegtraent foregoin g conditions are not Section of Rule 8 as adopted Auerust 14 i qqq csiKoa R esolution'ifo. 2460.U,e " adopted February 14, 1938 by 25