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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 2007



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    Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another Scholar-In-Residence Master Storyteller, Penirmah Schram May 4 & 5 Friday at Noon - Telling Your Family Story Learn how to pass your family stories on from generation to generation! Light Lunch Provided. PSVP a must! Call Mary at Temple office. Friday at 7:30 pm - Shabbat Unplugged! Storytelling Sermon by Peninnah Schram Saturday at 11 am - Torah Study Through Stories Saturday at 6 pm - A Havdalah Happening! Picnic, storytelling, music and havdalah. Fun for the whole family! Outdoors in the Unger Family Amphitheater. PSVP to Mary at Temple office. Scholar-ln-Residence is sponsored by the Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Fund. /----------- 4 Annual Temple Picnic With Temple Midbar Kodesh Sunday, May 20th Noon - 3 pm Mountain View Park ^n Wigwam Between Green Valley Pkwy & Valle Verde Dr. Bring Your Chair or Blanket! Inside Rabbi s ALessage June Attractions President s ALessage Cantonal <Soloists ALessage D ir. Lilelong Learning ALessage B nai ALitzvahs Exec. Dir. ALessage Ad ult Education Program Director AL ess age Calend ar Yabrzeits/ ALemoriams Aten s Cl ub News Sisterhood News AVorsbip iSclieduleContinuing on, we have ?Teacher Appreciation Shabbat? on May 11th when we will pay special tribute to our Religious/Hebrew school staff. They are a dedicated group of people who give of themselves to instill a love of Judaism in our children. Message From The Rabbi Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad The month of May seems to always bring a swirl of activities. The month wil^ begin with an outstanding guest scholar - Peninnah Schram. I have listened t<SP her and admired her for many years. She is a master story teller for all ages. Her abilities and depth of knowledge are incredible and I encourage everyone to attend the programs May 4th and 5th. May 18th is our annual Confirmation service. This year?s class is exceptional. Craig Rosen, our new director of Lifelong Learning, has done a remarkable job with them and they have written a beautiful service. Whether or not your son/daughter is in Confirmation you will want to take pride in their accomplishments and attend. On May 20th we have our picnic with Temple Midbar Kodesh. You may recall last year several hundred people from both congregations attended as Midbar Kodesh generously welcomed us to the community. We are returning the gesture this year by hosting the picnic. I think both Congregations have swelled with pride in setting an example of menschlekeitness for the entire Jewish community. And besides, it was also a lot of fun! The bulletin is full of many other activities but these highlights are a vivid reminder of the busj^ activity that continues to grow within our Temple community. I have been delighted by everyone?s enthusiasm and participation. Our membership continues to grow and word has spread that we are officially ?here?. May we continue to go ?from strength to strength?. Shavuot Program Tuesday, May 22 7:00 pm in Belt Tefillah Join us for a short service and play followed by discussion and dessert! Cheesecake to be exact! RSVP a must! Call Mary at the temple office at 733*6292 by May 15. Questions regarding the program? Call Pam Poster at 371*9246. $ June Attractions $ 6/4 Social Forum - 7:00 pm ?Removing the Stigma of Mental Health? 6/10 Annual Temple Meeting & Brunch 10:00 am 6/14 Summer Adult Ed Begins! Beginning Hebrew 6:00 pm Introduction to Judaism 7:15 pm 6/17 Men?s Club Breakfast Meeting 9:30 am WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Temple President, Marla Letizia Temple Board President - Marla Letizia ^ VP Administration - Harry Sax W VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz dalterwi tz@cox. net Illisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President CNTS isterhood@cox.nct Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy ^ Bob Unger ? ferry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Rollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased Springtime in Las Vegas is a time full of beauty and promise. Flowers bloom; children can be heard laughing throughout the temple, mothers cooing newborn babies, proud parents reveling in recent Bar and Bat mitzvahs. A Passover filled with joy and camaraderie. With this re-birthing of nature and faith comes the amazing realization that our next phase of construction is also birthing. Our wonderful plans for a new preschool opening with a loving instructor excited to make new friends and build a place to call home; excited to bring fresh ideas into our new preschool and care for the education of our precious young children. Lonnie Kritzler comes to us from Ohio and has all the right qualities to fit into our temple community. Well educated and interesting, her dedication to creating our children's first perfect school experience comes with jubilation for her craft. Once our education building opens, Jewish teens will be thrilled as they become the premier occupants of the new incredible teen lounge. Those kids that worked hard to bring this about are now in their late 20's giving birth to their own children. Many of us will be celebrating the opening of the new "teen lounge". It will be a joyful place, a retreat, but also, a place dedicated to building and creating visionary minds, bringing ideas and conversation into round table discussions; where intellect, respect and fun walk hand in hand. Spring is a great time. And for us at CNT, Wow!!!! It is our first spring in our new home. If there was ever a spring of promise for the future, this is definitely that spring. To Our CNT Family.... wc hope that you have all had a chance to sec our new facility and appreciate it's beauty. We feel we have built something that will last for generations. We ask that at Onegs, B 'nai Mitzvah parties or any function held here that everyone, especially our children, treat this new home with the respect a Sacred house of worship deserves. Your Temple Board ( May 2007 ~ T ) Look Who's Joining Our Staff... We would like to introduce you to our new Director of Early Childhood Educatio Lonnie Kritzler. She has worked in Jewish Education for over 20 years, earned Bachelor of Science degree in Education at the University of Cincinnati and received a Master's in Jewish Education at Siegal College in Cleveland, Ohio. For the last 9 years, Lonnie has been the Director of Early Childhood Education at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple. During her tenure, the preschool became one of the most desired Jewish schools in the Cleveland area. Lonnie is also the proud mother of two sons, Benjamin (28) and Joseph (25). While her official start date is June 1, you can meet her on May 5 at the next Preschool Open House, here at the temple office at 5:00 pm. You can also email her at Lonnie is looking forward to the move to Henderson and being part of this amazing congregation! Friday, May 11 @ 6:30PM - In Beit Tefillah Theme - Honor Thy Mother & Father For Children Ages 2-5 Yrs Old & Their Parents LAST SERVICE UNTIL SEPTEMBER! Opening! FALL 2007 Congregation Ner Tamid Early Childhood Education Center Ages 2 1/i - 5 Years (toilet-trained) $ Safe $ Nurturing $ Developmental^ Appropriate $ Jewish Music & Holidays $ Child - Centered Activities $ Jewish Values $ Licensed & Experienced Staff Your child?s first experience can set the tone for life! Open House Scheduled! Meet New Dir. of Early Childhood Education May 5 5:00-6:00 pm Call for information or a registration packet (702)733-6292 Ask for Craig Rosen crosen@lvnertafn Religious School Registration for 07-08 Sunday, May 6 5% Discount if Paid in Full by June 30, 2007! C4 ?WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG > B?nai Mitzvah R/S News Gavin Hansen May 5, 2007 My name is Gavin Hansen and I will become a Bar Mitzvah on my 13th birthday! I am in 7th grade at Lawrence Middle School. I enjoy racing my dirt bike, soccer, football and am in the National Jr. Honor Society. When I grow up, I hope to be an Aerospace Engineer. I can?t wait to celebrate my special day with my friends and family. Brian Fiumara May 12, 2007 My name is Brian Fiumara. I am a 7"' grader at Sig Rogich Middle School, where I am a member of the National Honor Society. My hobbies are golf, basketball, and video games. This day is very special to my grandparents because I am the first grandchild to become a Bar Mitzvah. I look forward to Spring this remarkable day with my family and the rest Justin Webb May 19, 2007 Hello, my name is Justin Webb. I am in 7th grade at K.O. Knudson Middle School Academy of Creative Arts, Language and Technology where I am an art major. I enjoy drawing, playing the trumpet, participating in sports and playing with my cat Leonardo and my dog Shadow. My favorite sports are football, basketball and baseball. Please join my parents, Sheryl and Doug Webb, with my family as I am called to the Torah. Craig Rosen Director of Lifelong Learning It?s hard to imagine a year has flown by so quickly. There were so many memories created this school year from our family education days, to our holiday celebrations and of course the grand opening of our new campus. It is my hope that you and your children feel the same sense of pride that I feel about our school program. Success cannot be accomplished without the love and dedication of our amazing faculty. This month we have the opportunity to honor and thank our teachers for all of their work throughout the year. Please join us in thanking them on Friday May 11 at our special Shabbat service. As we wind down this year, we begin to make plans for our next school year. On Sunday, May 6th we begin registration for the 2007-2008 school year. Please plan on bringing in your registration forms and tuition deposits so that we can plan our classrooms and supplies for the upcoming year. In preparation for our upcoming school year. I?d like to call upon parents who are interested in our Education program to join me for a special meeting to talk about our successes and challenges. At this meeting we'll also talk about future plans for the school and discuss the direction I?d like to see us moving towards. This meeting will be a springboard for forming an Education committee that will examine curriculum, help review school policy, and assist me in carrying out our school's vision. The meeting will take place on Tuesday night May 29 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Please RSVP to Lynette at the Temple. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER May 4 Shabbat Service w/ Master storyteller Peninnah Schram May 5 ?A Havdallah Happening? outdoor picnic w/ storyteller Peninnah Schram - (greatfor family) May 6 Registration Day for 2007-08 Religious School May 11 Teacher Appreciation Shabbat May 13 No Religious School - Mother?s Day May 18 Confirmation Shabbat service May 20 Last day of Religious School and Temple picnic YOUTH GROUPS May 26 NTTY Pool Party (8th graders welcome to attend). Please call Jolie Brislin our NTTY advisor for information. TNT Swimming and Barbeque (5th graders welcome to attend). Please call our TNT advisor Pam Poster for information ( Mat 2007 ~ s ) Financial Contributions to CNT Irv Duchowny, Executive Director As you know. I often mention various ways that congregants and friends can make time or energy donations to CNT. This month. I'd like to mention some ways for our wonder^k ^ congregants to help CNT financially. By now. I'm sure that everyone has had a chance to visit our new campus and our new temple. We we had many visitors, and our membership ranks are now starting to increase. For those congregants who have been contributing on a regular basis to our Building Fund and/or New Campus Campaign, let me say ?Thank You?. For those members who might have let their Building Fund donations slip, let me please remind everyone that we need everyone's help. There are several ways for congregants to help CNT financially, now that we we moved into our new home. Following are just a few ways you can help: ? We have several Menorah Levels of Donors (on page 9 in this month's bulletin are the specific benefits of each of these levels of Annual Commitment). These are financial levels that congregants voluntarily increase their Annual Commitment levels - in place of our usual $1700 Annual Commitment level, we have several other higher categories, which we use to balance our budget to help out those congregants on financial relief. We ask that, if you are financially comfortable in moving up to a higher level of donation, that you contact me and we can discuss this option. This would truly be a Mitzvah. * A note: for those parents with children in the 3- grade and above, this might be worth a second look, as some of these categories include Religious School fees, as well as other fees usually not included in usual Annual Commitment levels, which might provide financial incentive for some. ? Now that we?re in our new temple, five had several congregants ask about being added to our "Wall of Honor" in our lobby. Basically, inclusion on our Wall of Honor, which indicates those who have contributed at least $7,500 to the new facility payable over several years (including any Building Fund donations made within the past several years) would qualify you to be added to our Wall. A marvelous opportunity for many congregants to financially participate in our new Sacred Home. ? We have also had several families ask about our King David Memorial Garden area, and the naming opportunities available for either sponsoring a Row of Remembrance or having space(s) for deceased loved ones. We are currently finalizing a brochure for this area. If you are interested, please contact me directly. These are only a few ways the congregants and friends of CNT can help us financially. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 733-6292, ext. 201, or email me at I look forward to hearing from you. and discussing how you can help CNT financially, as well as with your attendance, your energy and your participation. To be continued...... Irv King David Memorial Garden Look for our new brochure on the King David Memorial Garden Perpetual Rows of Remembrance. Contact Irv if you'd like information as to how you can honor and respect those who have passed away. G WWW. LVNERTAMID. O RG > ADULT EDUCATION SECOND MONDAYS ) May 14 7:00 - 7: 50 PM Film Shanghai Ghetto (Please view prior to class) Instructor: Pam Poster 8:00-8:50 PM FEMINIST JEWISH THEOLOGY Instructor: Al Esbin These are the last classes until Fall. Classes are FREE of charge and open to the community. RSVP appreciated to office at 733-6292 or email Rosh Chodesh/Women's ?+udy Friday, May 18+H } 6:30 pm In The Beil Tefillgh Join us for our final program until Fall. Our theme will be "Saving the Planet", with special guest speaker Sheila Z, Director of The Open Wisdom Institute. Please RSVP to Laura Grau at or Mary at the temple office, so we can expect you. Adult Summer Ed Classes Thursdays, June 14th - July 26th "Beginning Hebrew Reading" 6:00-7:00 p.m. The cost for the course is $36.00 "Introduction to Judaism" 7:15-8:30 p.m. The cost for the course is $36.00 P plus the cost of the book RSVP to temple office 733.6292 Classes taught by Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein Social Action Cindy Jensen, VP Social Action The Social Action Committee reached out to more than ten religious groups inviting them to join us for an ?Interfaith Seder.? Approximately 80 people participated in the traditional Seder dinner held in the social hall of our temple on March 24th. Our Educator, Craig Rosen led us through the Haggadah chosen for the occasion. Each table was adorned with a Seder plate and a Congregation Ner Tamid member who helped explain the significance of each part of the Seder. A traditional Passover Seder dinner was served with homemade matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, a chicken dinner complete with roasted vegetables and dessert of macaroons and fruit. Following the Seder, Del Acosta (our Ritual Vice President) and Craig Rosen escorted our guests into the sanctuary to explain more of our traditions and answer questions. The guests were then given a tour of our beautiful Temple. We received many comments of appreciation and vows to attend services in the future. It was such a privilege to share our centuries? old remembrance of God?s deliverance with others. How remarkable that people of different faiths can sit, laugh and peaceably share a meal and come away with a greater appreciation for each other and the God we all serve. { May 2007 F) Mazel Tov to Judy and Leonard Stone on the birth of their first child, Jonah Shai born on March 12th, weighing 5 lbs 5 ozs and 18 inches long. Mazel Tov to lllisa and Eric Polis on the birth of their first child Kylie Rayna born on March 26. She weighed 6 lbs 13,5 ozs. Proud grandparents are Jerry & Lotty Polis and Mary & Dick Heimann, and Aunt Karen and Uncle David. Mazel Tov to Cheryl and Alex Hazan on the birth of their son, Ethan, bom March 22. Proud big sister is Samantha. Mazel Tov to Joy Ruby on her daughter Sam Willey graduating from the University of Arizona in Tucson on May 12th. She will be attending graduate school at UNLV. Mazel Tov to Jodi and Craig Kurtzman on the birth of their second daughter, Haydin Marisa. Haydin was born on March 31st, weighing 6 lbs 7 ozs and 18 V2 inches long. Proud big sister is Mallory. Mazel Tov to Brenda and Barry Paul on the birth of their seventh and eighth grandchild. They are twin boys, Landon Evan and Garrett Ian, born on March 10th. Proud parents are Helene and Tirr^ Gaither of Stockton, California and proud twin siblings are Cole and Isabella! Q8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG 3 PLATINUM MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $7,500 WILL RECEIVE: Reserved Hi?h Holiday Seating Hi?h Holiday Reserved Parking Four Extra Hi?h Holiday Tickets for Family &? Friends Annual Appreciation Reception 4 Tickets on Request for All Temple Events Recognition in Temple Bulletin Commemorative Menorah with Additional Candle for Each Tear of Continued Participation No Fees for Adult Education Programs No Fees for Religious School. Bar/Bal Milzvah or Confirmation 18 Tributes per Tear at No Additional Cost KEEPER OF THE FLAME MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $5,000 WILL RECEIVE: Hi?h Holiday Reserved Parking Four Extra Hi?h Holiday Tickets for Family Friends Annual Appreciation Reception 2 Tickets on Request for All Temple Events Recognition in Temple Bulletin Commemorative Menorah with Additional Candle for Each Tear of Continued Participation No Fees for Adult Education Programs No Fees for Religious School 12 Tributes per Tear at No Additional Cost GOLDEN MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $3,600 WILL RECEIVE: Two Extra Hi?h Holiday Tickets for Family Friends Annual Appreciation Reception 2 Tickets on Request for All Temple Events Recognition in Temple Bulletin Commemorative Menorah with Additional Candle for Each Tear of Continued Participation No Fees for Adult Education Programs No Fees for Religious School 12 Tributes per Tear at No Additional Cost SILVER MENORAH MEMBERS MAKING AN ANNUAL PLEDGE OF $2,500 WILL RECEIVE: Two Extra Hi?h Holiday Tickets for Family & Friends Annual Appreciation Reception Recognition in Temple Bulletin Commemorative Menorah with Additional Candle for Each Tear of Continued Participation No Fees for Adult Education Programs 12 Tributes per Tear at No Additional Cost SUSTAINING MEMBERS SENIORS OVER THE AGE OF 70 MAKING ANNUAL PLEDGES OVER $766 (SINGLE SENIORS. OVER $551) Recognition in Temple Bulletin Commemorative Congregation Ner Tamid Pin for ParticipationNancy Weinberger, Program Director Every week that passes confirms my belief in the work we do here at Ner Tamid. At the end of February we opened our beautiful new campus to the Henderson / Green Valley and Southern Nevada community in grand style. And within the first month of occupying our new residence many wonderful programs, services and events took place. Seniors who are unable to dri\^J themselves to a Shabbat service were brought via a cab service arranged for by our Chesed committee; JACS - a group for Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent & Significant Others met weekly, Passover baskets were delivered to 30 home-bound members by members of the Chesed committee, and the Social Action committee put on an Interfaith Seder for members of local churches to give them the opportunity to experience Passover. The Membership committee has begun holding membership retention coffees in various neighborhoods to provide an opportunity for our members to meet one another. If you haven?t been to one of the coffees yet one will be coming to your neighborhood soon. The congregation chavurah program is coming back into full swing. Look for the information form inserted into this bulletin. Along with creating programs, I hope to help make your experience here meaningful and look forward to serving you, your families and your friends. Please feel free to call me or introduce yourself when in the synagogue. I hope to be able to meet each and every one of you. ^ 1 0 W W .LV W ER TA M ID .O R G J JACS Thursdays, 6 pm at Temple In Multi-Purpose Room Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others offers help to Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent person and their families with a 12-Step confidential program. Provides support and understanding to Jews in recovery. Free and open to everyone. Alzheimers Support Group Second Tuesday of Each Month @ 6:30 pm at Temple Group is open to all caregivers, family and friends of loved ones with Alzheimer's. Together we will find a way to cope with the continuous struggle of this disease. For more information contact Carol Hecht at 617-6430. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Nancy Weinberger in the temple office 733-6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. Coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community /Jewish Federation of Las Vegas.MAY 2007 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9 1 R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher 6:30 pm 2 3 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Taste of Judaism 7pm 4 5 Shabbat Adult Education 9am Unplugged Service Shabbat Morning 7-innm Service 10 am Torah Study 11am Hansen Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am Scholar-In-Residence Weekend 6 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation Rehearsal 12:45 pm NTTY Swim Party 7 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 8 R/S East 4:30 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm 9 io R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 11 Tot Shabbat 6:30 Shabbatone Service Honoring R/S Teachers 7:30 pm 12 Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11am Fiumara Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am Sisterhood Progressive Dinner 13 NOR/S NO CONFIRMATION Israel Independence Day at Venetian Hotel Noon-5pm Happy Mother?s Day ?___ 14 Final Confirmation Rehearsal 5:00 pm Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult Ed 2nd Mondays 7 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 15 R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher 6:30 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 6:30 pm 16 17 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Confirmation Consecration 6:30pm 18 Rosh Chodesh 6:30 pm Confirmation Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 19 Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11am Webb Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am 20 R/S 9:15 am Last Day! Men's Club Breakfast 9:30 am @ CNT Temple Picnic w/Midbar Noon - 3pm 21 Last Conversion 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm 22 Shavuot Service 7pm 23 Shavuot Yiskor Service 10 am Office Closed 24 JACS 6pm 25 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 26 Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11am TNT Swimming & BBQ 27 28 Office Closed Memorial Day 29 30 31 JACS 6pm JUNE 1 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Yahraus Bat Mitzvah 2 Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11am Rosen Bat Mitzvah 10 am 3 ft 4 Social Forum - ?Removing the Stigma of Mental Health? 7pm 5 6 7 JACS 6pm 8 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Edelman Bar Mitzvah 9 Adult Education 9am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11am Dias Bat Mitzvah 10 am ( May 2007 ~ n ) Yahrzeits May 4 Theresa Abramson Fausto Acosta Robert A. Blaine Sadye Brender Herman Bulavsky Joseph Cardone James Cassatta Jessica Doctors Sadie Esbin Sarah Fainbilt Celia Fischbein Hyman Goldstein Margaret Gottlieb Elaine Greenberg Issac Hirshorn Gustav Kahn Buddy Kaufman Sallie Agar Klaw Phillip Kuller Hiram Lewis Joseph Light Sheila Luwisch Harr}' Nathanson Sarah Pitcher Ruth Plotnick Harry Rosen Diane Schwartz Richard Shaffer Doris Shapiro John Shepard Delia Stearns Augusta Sternberg Albert Stine Frieda Walton Joseph Yarchever May 11 May 18 Mav 25 George Asch Ira Anderson Lena Akselrad Lillian Beller Jerome Best Samuel Richard Bossak Max Benisch Freida(Daisy) Bornstein Samuel Brodsky Max Berg M.D. Esther Cohen Abraham Buffman Samuel Bierman Michael Edelman Besssie Chaiken Bernard Cohen Brian Keith Fox Albert Charon Jack Davidson Louis Giordano Bernice Cohen Fannie Faye Deutscher Yetta Goldberg Lena Cohen Esther Epstein Abraham Goldstein Herman Ebinsky Gordon Ian Fink Zachrey Gottlieb Betty Finsten Bette Ruth Fratrick Buford Hicks Anna Funk Robert A. Fratrick Tracie Hirshorn Solomon Goldberg Louis Gilman Birdie Kaplan Paula Greenspan Lucille Goldstein Marion Keller David Greenspun Louis Green Sidney A. May Arthur Grutman Morris Israel Ethel Miller Leo Hahn Eric Koenig Saul Miller Paul Ingber Bessie Kreisman Jacob Newman Sally Jakubowich Maurice Meyers Albert Pessin Rose Kantor Lloyd Raiman Maurice Rachild Mina Leboff David Rosen Abraham Schwartz Adele Lundy Pauline Rosenblum Etta Sheld Kate Lutz Morton Saiger Joseph Skillbred Jack Margone Louis Shulman Ruth Stiel Rochelle Mendoza Ed Singer Daniel Stucker Edward Miller Gloria Starkman Roy Trupp Maurice Noyek Charlotte Urbach Milton Wasserman Alvan Paul Robert Worth Birdie Weifeld Frieda Zabinofsky Stewart Zatlin James Robertson Phillip Rosen Anne Salins Doris Seidman Miriam Slavitt Harry Tenenbaum Howard Watman David Wert Sheila Wolf IN MEMORIAM: David Greenberg, beloved brother of Laura Grau Constance ?Connie ? Unger, beloved mother of Doug Unger Marvin Schuman, beloved cousin of Phyllis Jacobs David Plaskov, beloved grandfather of Cheryl Rayburn Ethel Hay man, beloved mother-in-law of Sylvia Hayman Bess Kurtzman, beloved grandmother of Craig Kurtzman Ada Feldman, beloved mother of Sondra McCall Sylvia Brandler, beloved grandmother of Rhonda Goldstein c 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG >Shavout May 23, 2007-5767 10:00 a m Rabbi Sidney Akselrad Helen Alterman Joaquina Alvarez Rebecca Becker Leo Beige!man Katherine ? Kitty" Blatchford Dabby Bernstein Sylvia Brandler Eugene Brown James Cassatta Nathan Chaddick Mike Chevalier David Cohen Marilyn Cohen Harriett Drucker Ira Epstein Charles Etcoff Ada Feldman Gertrude Fessler Maty Fox June Frank Harris Goldstein David Greenberg Ethel Hay man Sandy Ilay man Mervyn Hergott Jack Hirsh Ben Hoffman Jenny Ingber Sue Kabakov Selma Katz Kenji Kayama Austin Koelder Bess Kurtzman Max Lax Leroy Lebovitz Phil Levy Stanley Leibman Sidney Marco R ichard Matthews Sidney May man Julius Mod Bernice Nadelman JIan ia Oderberg Maer Parness Brett Perl mutter David Plaskov Murray Posen Elaine Primack Fan Rieger Shayna Rosenberg Ellen Rosenbloom Jack Ross Estelle Rousso Leonard Rudner Marvin Schuman Melvin Sernoe Fred Sherman Irene Spa rage Muriel Toffel If you would like to add a name to this list please cal! Karen at the 'Lempie office at 733-6292. Paulina Trupp Roy Trupp Connie Unger Sh irley IVen Ernestine Wiesenfeld Barry IFilens Stuart Zatlin May 2007 COT Men?s Club President ~ Stu Solomon What a party! All year long we have been Very Busy! And had a lot of fun being busy of course! It all started with the Torah Walk; then we had the Home Opener BBQ and in April we once again had both our annualj Golf Tournament and we had Ushering for Yom Hashoa. We had great time and there is more to come! This month we will have a pancake breakfast with our special guest speaker from Big Brothers & Big Sisters as well as helping with the Temple Picnic. Other things to look forward to this summer are a visit to the Train Museum in Boulder City, more speakers and more fun. Below are some pictures of the BBQ! Take a look at our web site - WWW.CNTMENSCLUB.ORG. There you will find lots of other great things. Come on out and join us! Together we can make a difference among ourselves and the community. So, stay in touch and let?s all have a great time, help as many people as we can while doing it and we all will continue to maka C.N.T. Men's Club... * 1 SOMETHING SPECIAL! 14 ?WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Progressive Dinner Saturday, May 12th at 6 pm ^ost: $18 / per person Make plans to join us for a lovely evening offood? friends and fun. Everyone is welcome - couples or singles! We will have Eastside and Westside locations. You 'll have appetizers at one home, salad at another, dinner at yet another, all ending at the new temple for dessert. Door prize at each home and, during dessert, raffles to support our Fund-4- Youth Program. You might even make a new friend or two! Gift Shop NOW OPEN! Friday Before Services 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Fresh New Items! New Merchandise Weekly! If You Want To Volunteer Contact Sandy Stolberg RSVP by May 5 - Your check is your reservation. Mail your check, payable to CNT Sisterhood, to Maxine Gratz, 1102 Elation Lane, #101, Henderson, 89015. Please include your email address as well. Questions? Contact Maxine at 0566-1959. Sisterhood Congregation 9{er ?Tamid A Special ?Thank You? To Weiss Restaurant Deli-Bakery 2744 V Green Valley Pkwy. In Henderson For Donating the Challah For Shabbat Services s_____________________________________________________) ( Mat 2007 15 AMY SPECTOR MEMORIAL FUND Nan & Ira Spector In loving memory of your special angel, Amy From: Karen & Marv Levine with love and respect BRUCE DUNN MEMORIAL FUND Joan & Leslie Dunn In celebration of the birth of Nathaniel Bruce Levin From: Eva Kallick BUILDING FUND Congratulation on your new home From: Club Z! In home Tutoring Yvonne Gordon & Family In loving memory of Shirley Wert with much sadness From: Nadine & Joe Cracraft The Cohen Family In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Helena Cohen . We wish the entire Cohen family Mazel Tov From: Joyce & Lloyd Frank Gail Jolcover We wish you a speedy & complete recovery From: Judy & Phil Gilman Gene Brown Family In loving memory From: Sybil & Isadore Greenberg Yvonne & Jerry Gordon In memory of Shirley Wert From: Eva Kallick The Family of Gene Brown In loving memory of Gene From: Barbara & Bemie Kaufman Yvonne Gordon With deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother From: Barbara & Bemie Kaufman Yvonne & Jerry Gordon Our deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother From: Sheila & Norm Kaufman Yvonne & Jerry Gordon In loving memory' of Yvonne's mother From: Elayne & Steve Kollins Jerri & Herb Cramer Congratulations on the celebration of your 50th Wedding Anniversary From: Harriet Kushner Yvonne Gordon & Family In loving memory of your mother Shirley Wert From: Phyllis & Cal Lewis Nancy Layfer In loving memory of your brother Barry Wilens From: Helene & Norm Laefer Frances & Henri Jarrat Congratulations on the Bar Mitzvah of your grandson Benjamin From: Adrienne & Ira Miller Andrea Harris-Brown Condolences on Gene?s passing From: Ad