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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 1996



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    December 1996 - Vol. XVI No. 3 Kislev 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Administrator Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Melissa Roth Program Director The December Dilemma Can a home have Christmas and Chanukah? Please come and join Outreach as we discuss the December Dilemma Sunday, December 8, 1996 6:30 - 8:30 PM AT THE TEMPLE Please RSVP to Susan Mehr at 434-5649 NITTY hosts SWFTY Regional Conference On December 12 - 15, NTTY is hosting the SWFTY (Southwest Federation of Temple Youth) Regional Conference. We will be hosting high school youth group members from all over the southwest. This is a wonderful opportunity for NTTY, and for CNT. Anyone interested in providing housing, or helping with resources to feed our visitors, please call Esther Saltzman at 250-9066, or Aaron Liebman at 269-0930. /---------------------------------------------------------\ cWorsfiip Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Friday, December 6 Tot Shabbat "Chanukah" 5:30 pm (in the Beit Tefillah) Chanukah Family Dinner 6:15 pm Chanukah Family Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, December 13 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, December 20 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Saturday, December 21 Bat Mitzvah of Michelle Wershba 10:00 am Kiddish sponsored by The Wershba Family Friday, December 27 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood \__________________________________________/ features CNT?s Congregants of the Year....2 President?s Message......................3 New Members.................. Administrator?s Desk....... Board Member Profile..... Mommy n? Me Havurah .... December?s Bat Mitzvah.. JCCSN Meet the Rabbis.. NTTY & TNT.................... Auxiliaries & Committees. Anniversaries & Birthdays Tributes............................ Yahrzeits.......................................10 c / Special rf)lme C~Jo (Belong (OOO'JOlCDOl^^JiWCongregants of the Year - Gil and Natalie Shaw On January 10, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad will be joined by Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and our New Members as they bestow the honor of ?Congregant of the Year? to Gil and Natalie Shaw for their outstanding leadership, dedication and service to the temple. Natalie was born in Chicago, but when she was five her family moved to Kenosha, WI. She attended public school and Beth Hillel Temple, a reform congregation, where she was confirmed at age 16. After that she taught first grade in the religious school for a few years. She attended the University of Wisconsin, but stayed there only a short time. On her return to Kenosha, she went to work for the Navy at Great Lakes, 111. Gil was born in Milwaukee and moved to Los Angeles when he was nine. He went through the public school system there and worked in ?big bands? playing baritone, saxo?phone, bass clarinet and bassoon on weekends and summers. He enlisted in the Navy shortly before his 18th birthday and was trained in journalism to be a Naval Correspondent. He served in that capacity in both the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets, spending time on ships from aircraft carriers to amphibious vessels to a submarine. In Korea, his duties were both shipboard and ashore at the advance base camp for the peace talks (actually a group of tents in a bombed-out apple orchard). When he returned to the U.S. he was assigned as an instructor in photogra?phy, print journalism and broadcast journalism at the Navy?s Journalist / School at Great Lakes, 111. He was active in Jewish chapels whenever they were available. While Gil was at Great Lakes, the Jewish Chaplain asked him if he and another instructor would come along to ensure that young student sailors behaved properly when attend?ing events sponsored by the Jewish communities in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin each month. One of those events was a beach party sponsored by B ?nai B?rith in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Natalie was not going to attend, but one of her friend s uncle was the coordinator, and the friend had to attend. She convinced Natalie that they could eat and run. That didn?t happen... Natalie met Gil and one month later they were engaged. Almost a year later they married. ation...the only temple o In addition to teaching Navy men and women, Gil also had students from the Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Since there was no Coast Guardsman on the staff, Gil was assigned as advisor to the Coast Guardsmen. The Coast Guard had very few students, so evaluation was important, and Gil?s contact was a Chief Petty Officer named Alex Haley. Alex and some of the students convinced Gil that opportunities were better in the Coast Guard, so at the end of his enlistment after eight years of Naval service, he and his bride of five months started on what they found to be a very satisfying 19-year life as a Coast Guard family. After a brief indoctrination period in San Fran?cisco, they left for a tour in New Orleans, where Jeff (child#l) was born. Natalie became active in the Enlisted Coast Guard Wives Club and was elected President at the ripe old age of 20. In 1956 Gil was offered a temporary commission and they moved to Toledo, Ohio, where Gil was operations officer on an icebreaker buoy tender. They both consider this one of the worst times in the service. Gil?s ship was away from home port over 60% of the time. Natalie learned to manage the budget, the household and a child....all this while pregnant and delivering Steven (child#2). At the end of 1957 they moved to Cleveland and to what they considered one of their best tours. Robin (child#3) was bom during this tour. Unlike most Jews, they lived on the west side of the city. They became founding members of a Reform # slarra. Two years later they trans?ferred to San Diego where, once again, Natalie ran the shop while Gil was on sea duty as Executive Officer of the Coast Guard Cutter Alert. The time in San Diego was one of the few that they were members of a long established congregation. The Bay area in Northern California was the next assignment, where Gil was assigned to the USCG training center. They lived in the south bay area and were one of the families that organized the first Jewish congre?gation in Fremont. A neighborhood full of young couples with children made this what they consider a fun tour. Much to their surprise, the next stop took them back to where it all began at Great Lakes, 111. Natalie was near family and old school friends and Gil was assigned to a joint USN/ USMC/USCG command. The job involved travel including time in Vietnam. Caryl (child#4 - daughter #2) was bom while they were at Great Lakes. Next was New York where they lived on Governors Isla The view from the living room window was the Statue of Liberty. This tour was cut short by a surprise promotion that carried with it a move to San Francisco. This was a nice tour with a lot of social activity, both in the Jewish community in Livermore, CA., where they were once again a founding family in the temple there, and in the military community, as Gil was Aide to the Admiral in command of the entire Pacific area. Gil did quite a bit of traveling throughout the Pacific, Southeast" Asia, (Vietnam again) and to various parts of the U.S. Natalie was active in the Officers? Wives Club, the Livermore Jewish Congregation and in school organiza?tions, since the children ranged in age from kindergarten to high school. Of their 19 years, this was their longest tour - four years. The Admiral was promoted to four-star rank and went to Washington to become Commandant of the Coast Guard. Gil followed a few months later to head up the Media Relations Branch in the Public Affairs Division, where he was the one who fumis fcontinued on page 4) Congregation Ner Tamid December 1996 Temple Board Members Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President ?Michael Cherry Past President ^Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor ?Deceased Follow the "Yellow Brick Road" No WE ARE NOT iN OZ ANd TOTO isN'T iN Kansas! But look at us......This "SpEciAl PIace to BsloNq" Ihas Added MANy more new fACES. We weIcome tIie followiNq TO OUR CONqREqATiON: Mr. & Mrs. MARk BROMbERq Ms. CyNThiA CRiqkoN Susan EHros DEiRdRE FslqAR Juddh SuRosky Mr. & Mrs. RonaM SMilow Mr. & Mrs. MichAEl SodERMAN GERAldiNE ShiffMAN Mr. & Mrs. Bihan Pool I?ve really done it now! 1 need your help to get out of this jam. For the last couple of months 1 have been trying to arrange the opportunity for Congregation Ner Tamid to be?come the designated charity to provide gift wrapping services at the Galleria at Sunset Mall. This, of course, is the first holiday season for the mall and the group selected, assuming they do the right job, will have the opportunity for many years to come. There were several groups that wanted the job. Thanks to Leslie Dunn, who is one of the owners of the Galleria, we were lucky enough to get the nod. Les has been a long time member and major supporter of CNT, both with his time (building the original social hall classrooms) and generous contributions. Thanks for your continuing help and confidence, Les. Once I committed us to do the job, I recruited the person who gets me out of trouble all the time, my wife, Aydie. Everything was fine until we both realized how many people were needed to get the job done. The task involves manning a gift wrapping booth for the six week period be?tween November 17 and December 24. On some of the last days there are 30 people needed. Overall, we will need to fill over 300 time slots of 4 hours each. Now you know how much trouble I?m in. I remain excited about the opportunity for the Temple. This could become a major fund-raiser for Congregation Ner Tamid for many years. By the time this bulletin reaches you, Aydie &. 1 will either be in full blown panic, sailing along, or somewhere in between the two. Assuming the odds are against sailing this time of year, PLEASE CALL AYDIE at 454-9331 to sign up for a 4 hour shift. If you really feel the holiday spirit, sign up for two or more shifts! Call Aydie Unger TODAY at 454 9331 to sign up for your gift wrapping shift(s)...CNT needs you!!! OUTREACH Congregation Ner Tamid launched this year?s Outreach program with a ?Shabbat social? in October. About 30 people gathered over dessert and coffee. Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman led the program and discussed traditional ways to cele?brate Shabbat at home. We went over blessings and learned new songs. The program was followed by decorating Shabbat candlestick hold?ers. Participants came out of the workshop with a better understand?ing of how to make Shabbat special in their homes. The next event scheduled will be a December Dilemma workshop. December can bring on the most perplexing dilemmas in an interfaith marriage. For the Jew, Christmas is a religious event and symbolizes a separateness from the mainstream culture. For the non-Jews, Christmas is the best of family times. It brings forth warm gatherings, singing carols, the excite?ment of exchanging gifts and the beauty of specialdecorations. Bill Feldman will conduct a discussion encouraging interfaith couples to communicate their concerns about the ?December Dilemma.? He will also help couples explore options of how to help their children deal with what can be a difficult time of the year. Bill Feldman is a long time member of the temple. He is a licensed clinical social worker and a counse?lor for the Adult Mental Health Services. Come hear what other families have done or share your experiences and concerns. Please bring any friends or family who would benefit from this program. More workshop information is provided on the cover of this Bulletin. Babysitting is available at no charge, but RSVP is a MUST. A . December 1996 c E S ft? ? ia L rp in ('e O ?d (B e l& tu i ROM THE ADMINISTRATOR?S DESK It seems that only yesterday we were beginning 1996. I guess it is only appropriate that we end the year in a holiday atmosphere with Family, our families and others. December is just right for this ending, with the Winter break from school, Chanukah celebrations and travels. There seems to be peace, a settling of anger, a happiness in the air this time of year. The end of the year is here. Our congregational family has grown this past year. In 1995, we had 62 families join us. This year, 1996, we have had more than 105 families join our syna?gogue. What a year!!! This explosive growth has brought with it an increased workload on the entire staff and facility. Our weekends are now almost always booked, leaving little or no time for unplanned events ... so plan early and well in advance. We are currently scheduling events for 1998, so get to me soon if you have an event to schedule. The ending of the calendar year brings the renewal of our financial obligations to the Syna?gogue. Our growth has brought with it the expected increases in operating hinds. Nothing is coming out of the woodwork unexpectedly, iust the normal cost of operating. Without your support, we find it difficult sometimes to keep up with the operating costs. November and December are months that funds are a little tight. By paying your current commitment and possibly next year?s, you may benefit by a tax donation. It is imperative that we bring our accounts current before we start a new year. If you have any questions on this policy please call me, I will be happy to discuss the issue with you. Monty (Congregants of the Year - continued) information usually labeled by the press as ?according to Coast Guard spokesman.? Natalie was busy in Chapel events, since the Jewish military had a very active community. Close to a hundred showed up for Shabbat services, and on High Holidays there were over 400. By 1973 it was time for retirement and the Shaws picked Las Vegas as their permanent home. They were part of Congregation Ner Tamid from the start. They are among the founding families and have been active members during the synagogue?s entire life. Both Natalie and Gil have each served at least twice on the Board. With the exception of Steven, a tile setter, who lives here with his wife Roxanne, the children all live elsewhere. Robin, now an executive secretary in a law firm, and her 13 year old daughter, Courtney, live in Culver city, CA. Caiyl, a computer programmer, resides in San Francisco. Jeff a Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer, and his wife, Natina, live and work in Hawaii. Mo/n/ny-n-Me Havurah Do you like bagels? Do you like coffee? Do you have a child under the age of three? Would you like to have a chance to meet other moms in the temple and have a real conversation? Then this is the group for you!! We would like to start a mommy-n-me group. We can be a playgroup, we can invite Jackie Fleekop to teach us songs and holiday programs, and we can do special events. The point is, come to the meeting and help us... the moms (daddies included too!) to decide what WE want. Our first meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 13 at 10:00 am in the temple library. If you're interested in this group, please RSVP to Jacky Rosen at 434-9025. A 4 A ?hmanmanmoiTLUinhLijahLuir board Member Profile Vice-Preiident-Ritual David Stahl I am pleased to have the opportunity to tell you about myself and my family. I was born and raised in Brook?lyn, N.Y. 1 went first to Brooklyn and then to City College, obtaining a degree in Chemical Engineering. My first job was in Columbus, OH where I met my wife, Bette Ellen Rakov, who was also born and raised in Brooklyn. Since that time we have moved around the countiy to advance my career in nuclear materials research and development. I now manage the Waste Pack?age Materials Department of the Yucca Mountain Site Char?acterization Project. Along the way, we have had three wonderful children and three very special grandchildren. I also obtained advanced de?grees in metallurgy and materi?al?s science, as well as an MBA. I enjoy playing bridge and tennis, going to the theater and concerts, and I keep in shape by refereeing soccer. My wife and I have been very active in several reform congregations over the last 37 years, serving on and chairing many committees. Our children were also active, each having served as chairs of youth groups. 1 have been an officer in many congregations, as well as serving as president of one in a Chicago suburb. We have lived in Las Vegas for more than nine years, arriving about the same time as our rabbi from Columbus, OH, but from different congregations. When I came to town, like many, I did some schul shopping. 1 found that our congregation and Rabbi Aksel- rad were the warmest and closest to what we were looking for and we have enjoyed CNT since. We look forward to many years of membership and service to the congregation and community. Congregation Ner Tamid December 1996 Mazel Tov to our December BMMHzvah - Michelle Wershba Michelle Wershba December 21 My name is Michelle Wershba. I am looking forward to my BatMitzvah on December 21. I was bom in Tarzana, CA on Decen ? ie at Greenspui iave attended Hebrew school since first grade. I enjoy December 31, 1983 and currently attend the 7th rade Greenspun Middle School in Green Valley. I in running, reading, and shopping. I have two sisters, Elisa, a freshman at University of Arizona, and Jessica, a freshman at Green Valley High School. I would like to thank my parents for their support and assistance preparing me Tor this ___ day. j / A CLASS ACT mxo nn Spec/A L TuAA/KS TO Mark Si Draa/a/a Lev/a/ , eoR rue Pca/a/ Papcr Pax MAcu/A/e ooA/Areo to rue TeMPce Oee/ce /a/ uoa/or oe A/atuaa/'s Bar M/tzvau 4 Kitchen Items: Table drapes Commercial chaffing dishes Melissa?s 7th grade class is in need of tape recorders to help the students study Torah. If you can help, please call Melissa at 733-6292. Computer Items: 456 or higher Color inkjet printer Printer 600 dpi or higher Lotus T2-3 v.5 (Windows) Color flatbed scanner (600 dpi) M.B. Dalitz Religious School Reminder.... Sunday, December 1st No Religious School/ Thanksgiving Tuesday, December 3rd Grades 4 - 7 Sunday, December 8fh Grades K- 8 Tuesday, December 10th Grades 4 - 7 Sunday, December 15th Grades K- 8 Tuesday, December 17th Grades 4 - 7 Sunday, December 22 Tuesday, December 24 Sunday, December 29 Tuesday, December 31 SCHOOL RESUMES Sunday January 5,1997 Grades K- 8 The Social Action Commit?tee continues to be busy helping others and making their lives just a bit easier. We sent 15 Chanukah Packages to our college students far away from home. At Passover time we will be sending packages to college students again, so ifyou did not get the names and addresses of your away from home children to us in time for Chanukah, you have another chance for Passover. Once again we will be going to the Henderson Senior Center on Christmas Day to serve dinner to the seniors. We participated in this project last year and it was so successful that we were asked to participate again this year. We participated with B?nai Brith collecting toys and books for less fortunate Jewish families in Las Vegas, helping to make their Chanukah a bit brighter. We are looking forward to our annual Mitzvah Day in January. Hope you are all thinking about what you will be doing on that day to help make it bigger and better than last year. As you can see, we have a full calendar. If anyone is interested in joining our committee please call the temple office and they will forward your name to me. 1 will contact you and let you know the date and time of our next meeting. Thank you for all your support. , WHY TH? JEiWS? Throughout history, Jews have been persecuted. Oftentimes we ask, why us, what are the reasons behind anti semitism Following a continental breakfast, On Sunday, December 8, 1996, in the Temple Library at 9:30 a.m., Rabbi Akselrad will speak on "the history of anti semitism." This lecture is open to the entire community and is sponsored by the Adult Education Committee. Rabbi Akselrad will give a brief overview of how anti semitism has changed from the pagan period to modern day times.MEET THE RABBIS WITH JCCSN On Sunday, December 15th from 2-5pm at the Sands Expo Center, the JCCSN will hold a great community event you won?t want to miss. With the rapid growth of the LV community, many people are unaware of the diversity of synagogues here. This event will give our community the opportunity to meet all our reli?gious leadership at one time and find out what types of programs Las Vegas has to offer. There are 14 temples in Las Vegas now and most of these will be participating in the program. Each Rabbi or religious leader will have the opportunity to speak to the audience. This will follow with a reception area where CNT and all the other participating temples will have stations set up where each Rabbi and temple representative will be able to speak with prospective new members. Admission and parking is free. Refreshments will be served. Please join us! If you need any further infor?mation please call the JCCSN office and ask for Alice at 794-0090. Pictured here is Rabbi Janet Marder, Director of the Pacific Southwest Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, as she greets congregants following Shabbaf Services on Friday, October 25th. Avmovmcmg the engagement of Debra Glicliowse of Tulsa,, Oklahoma to Mel HaUermati of Boca Raton, Fla. A January webbing is planneb. fMozeCTov! CNT Sisterhood is very proud to announce that our PARTY SHOP was bestowed the Eleanor Kretzer Kavod Award for outstanding achievement in the ? Ongoing Fundraising? category at the 43rd Biennial Assmebly of the Women of Reform Judaism, Dist. 24 Western Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, on Nov. 10, 1996. We would like to thank Frances Klamian, and the hard working volunteers of Sisterhood for bringing this honor to us. Most of all, we would like to thank all those Temple members who have supported our cause by choosing the PARTY SHOP to cater their affairs. ? TNT is on the go and there is no stopping us. So far, we have planned many events and meetings to get the year off right. Our first event was a big nit at Ultra Zone. We played laser tag as competitors, but spent time together as friends too. As President, 1 have a great year planned and will meet all my goals with the help of TNT. SfiaynaUngeT, President i Crack, bam, S east, joker! I If this string of words means anything to you, | it's time to order your new Mah Jongg Card. The Sisterhood makes money on every card sold, so send a check for $4.50 for each card to: I Florence Weinstein 4255 S. Channel 10 Drive #93 Las Vegas, NV 89119 * I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I # Ner Tamed Temple Youth December is already here which means so is one of this year?s SWFTY events, Winter Conclave! NTTY has spent many long hours planning for this exciting event which is being hosted this year by NTTY here in Las Vegas on December 12 - 15th. Planning for this spe?cial weekend has been an honor and a wonderful learn?ing experience for each member of NTTY. Despite all the stress, every planning member did a wonderful job. Jessica Rosman, Programming Chair for this event, came up with new and unique ideas that everyone enjoyed. Our weekend extravaganza included a friend?ly mixer, a fun social and many other programs and gatherings. Jolie and Joey would like to give a special thanks to everyone who participated in this unique event. Beginning in January, NTTY will be back on track with programs and socials every Sunday from 6 - 8 p.m. at CNT. Please come join us if you are interest?ed in becoming more involved in this fun Jewish youth group. Call Joey or Matt Unger at 454-1205 if yotfk have any questions. NTTY wishes a Happy ChanukJ^ to all!! Congregation Ner Tamid December 1996 AUXILIARIES & E ROTHERHOO D News r?PorT Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, I?d like to start out by wishing you and your family a happy Chanukah season. The support that have giv?en CNTs Brotherhood this past year has been wonderful. So far the membership of Brotherhood in?cludes: Rabbi Sandford Akselrad Keith Alter man Stan Barbanell Neil Beller Bariy Cole Scott Docks well Malcom Doctors Charles Eisenberg Roger Ewan David Fleekop Gilbert Flores Harold Glasser Michael Goldstein Gerald Gordon Kenneth Herman Jack Hooker Jeff Katz Tom Letizia Abe Levine Drew Levy Charles Lipschitz Sid Marco Jeffrey S. Markewich AI Markowitz David Mendelson Allan Nathanson Michael Novick Jerry Polis Drew Rounds Noel Rowan Joel Saltzman Ken Schnitzer Gil Shaw Donn Smylie Marvin Snyder Jonathan Sparer David Stahl Scott Stolberg Fred Toffel Abby Wikler Monty Willey Don Yahraus Michael Zone Please get your membership infor?mation in ASAP. By joining today, you will save us money for future mailings as well as help support your Synagogue for tomorrow. Sincerely, P.S. Get your ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS before they are all gone. Cookin' with the 8i8ta's Polish the Menorah's - decorate the house Holiday without Potato Pancakes? 5 Ig. peeled potatoes 1 Ig .onion 4 eggs 1/3 cup Vegetable Oil for frying - Chanukah is with us - and what is the 1/3 cup matzo meal 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper Sour Cream & Applesauce Grate potatoes &? onion on the fine side of grater or use food processor, add eggs & mix well. Add matzo meal and seasonings and mix well. Heat oil in frying pan, then add mixture 1 tablespoon at a time. When golden brown turn over ana brown other side. Serve with either sour cream or applesauce topping. you have a favorite recipe, please call e Congregation. Ronae 454-8929 and we will share it with Happy Cookinl! Here it is, Holiday Time again, would you believe! Chanukah is just about to start, where does time fly? We, in Sisterhood, have been so busy with wonderful events like the Chanukah Bazaar, Tot Shabbat, and the Party and Gift Shops. The Chanukah Bazaar was just as billed, the Best Ever Yet. Many thanks to all of the wonderful ladies of Sis?terhood who worked so very hard on this, our biggest fund raiser of the year. The food was terrific, as usual, and it was great to see so many new vendors! The Gift Shop did a land office business, and I am sure all the kids had a great time too! We took time out last month for some fun and recreation with a wonderful workshop by Rita Malkin on making stained glass. This month on Wed. night, Dec. 18th David Stahl will appear at the Sis?terhood general meeting and speak on the Yucca Mountain Project. All members are invited to attend and bring your husbands and friends. On behalf of myself and Sister?hood, our thanks to all of you who have supported our efforts. It shows us that Ner Tamid is truly a ?Special Place To Belong.? Have a happy Chanukah, and a healthy and happy New Year, and don?t forget our Gift Shop for all of your holi?day needs. Shalom and.... Until next month, Janis abounds December 1996 o f Special r()laie Q i% Oielonq. December 3 Michael and Sue Goldstein December 4 Mark and Lisa Tenner December 13 Robert and Susan Moss December 14 Herman and Rita Malkin December 15 Gregory and Abby Corpodian December 18 David and Pamela Daitch Anniversaries O <& Q December 20 Richard and Frances Klamian Ronald and Tamara Ostrow Michael and Lisa Roe Mayer and Janet Schlesinger December 21 Joseph and Irene Chenin Jeffrey and Ellen Kottler December 22 Gerald and Yvonne Gordon Scott and Lee Schreiber December 26 Sheldon and Judith Pollins Bruce and Carole Shapiro December 27 Abby and Judi Wikler December 28 Scot and Nancy Silber December 29 Jeff and Becky Skoll December 30 Harold and D?Vorre Ober Marvin and Roberta Price December 31 Leon and Rea Dantzig Michael and Bella Feldman Happy Birthday!! December 1 Sharon Davidson Evan Dodd Lenore Koplin- Seidman Patricia Sokoler December 2 Aubrey Goldberg Steven Grau Helen Mendelson Roger Mintzer Michael Soderman December 3 Michael Blitstein Jill Jasienski Samantha Saltzman Stacey Skolnik David Wasserman December 4 Judy Lugo Lois Orr Jacob Skoll Adam Sternberg December 5 Shana Davidson Alexandra Epstein Aaron Novick Alice Shapiro December 6 Haley Boruszak Steve Glyman Mayer Schlesinger Michael Shapiro December 7 Ada Feldman Martin Fessler Lori Frankl Anthony Hampton December 8 Howard Adler Adam del Valle Lawrence Epstein Paul Finkelstein December 9 Jeffrey Sloane December 10 Michael Cherry Laurie Day Gloria Fine Matthew Gropman Danny Gross Ari Klein-Levine Cal Lewis Deborah Ross December 11 Jordan del Valle Marianne Ellis Mary Fox Ashley Frankl Harold Goldsmith Gale Husney Alan Evans Joanne Wershba December 18 Jan Cobb Fred Saperstein December 19 Carol Raizin December 20 Rudy Gold Laurel Lardent Marc Schorr December 21 Aaron Cohen Howard Strong December 22 Jerome Countess Kyle Moss Jerry Sloane December 23 Nicole Corzine David Karlin Jerry Keating Paula Newman Mitchell Polasky Steven Polasky Mara Wanderer December 24 Zachary Saltzman Arthur Spector December 25 Jada Sturman December 26 A Robert Hirsh ^ Brian Siegel December 27 Pamela Goldberg Daniel Goldstein Jessica Marshall December 28 Eric Frankl Eugene Henkin Harry Schnoll December 29 Deidre Felgar Jerry Fox Sonja Saltman Rose Seltzer Benjamin Sokoler December 30 Fred Kallick Aaron Morgan December 31 Douglas Shields Elisa Wershba Michelle Wershba Candace Yum an Congregation Ner Tamid December 1996 g'-q^rq-cB'(U'GT'(E'S CNT TRIBUTES ^hildrens Library Fund To: Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Yuman In loving memory of Ariel Holiday From: Andrew S. Kline Choir Fund To: Gil & Natalie Shaw Mazel Tov on being named Congregants of the year! From: Joe & Nadine Cracraft General Fund To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: To: Gil & Natalie Shaw Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter, Robin From: Alan Nathanson Drew & Janis Rounds Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Briana From: Alan Nathanson Mrs. Tammy Holiday & The Yuman Family In loving memory of Ariel Holiday From: Mr. & Mrs. Kline Gil & Natalie Shaw Mazel Tov on being selected Congregants of the Year! Couldn?t happen to a nicer couple. From: Alan & Dena Mann CNT In loving memory of Ida Friedman From: Lois Levy CNT In loving memory of Sam Klein From: Rose Klein CNT In loving memory of Ruth Weingardt & Barney Weingardt From: Adrienne Glusman CNT In loving memory of David Gordon From: Estelle Unger CNT In loving memory of Louis Friedman From: George Friedman CNT In loving memory of Benjamin Mendelson From: Helen Mendelson CNT In loving memory of Jack Koplin From: Lenore Koplin CNT In loving memory of Sylvia Kosloy From: Sidney Kosloy Gil & Natalie Shaw Thank You! From: George & Sharlene Flushman Drew & Jams Rounds Thank You! From: George & Sharlene Flushman Malcolm & Lois Doctors Thank You! From: George & Sharlene Flushman Norm & Sheda Kaufman Mazel Tov on your new home From: Lou & Marilyn Etcoff Lou Garber Wishing you a speedy recovery From: Lou & Marilyn Etcoff Alan Nelson Wishing you a speedy recovery From: Lou & Marilyn Etcoff CNT In loving memory of M.H.?Mike? Gordon From: Pamela and Skip Rapoport To: CNT In loving memory of Irwin Gellin From: Shirley Gellin To: CNT In loving memory of Fred Bradfield From: Louis Bradfield To: CNT In loving memory of Jennie Goldstein From: Helen Mendelson To: CNT In loving memory of Rebecca Best From: Shirley Kravitz To: CNT In loving memory of Abraham Grossman From: Ruth Rachild To: Bob & Angelia Shirojf Congratulations on your marriage From: Steve & Debby Kaner To: Marla Letizia We?re happy you're feeling better From: The Kaners Library Fund To: Bernie & Barb Kaufman In loving memory of your father, Hyman Raben From: Norm & Sheila Kaufman To: CNT In loving memory of Sydelle Hirsch From: The Bem