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Union Pacific, at &1 9* w m m M r 10, 1952 notw ithstanding th e p ro v isio n s o f subparagraphs ( a ) , (fe) and ( e } o f t h is S sctio n 3 th® s n t ir s c o st of th# improvements feting con stru cted by th e sa id R ailroad Compan-i « s undtr Union P a c ific R ailroad Company Work Order 5015 coverin g th e co n stru ctio n o f & b o o ster pumping s t a tio n con tain in g two pumps a t C harleston Boulevard R eservoir, th e co n stru ctio n o f a 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 -g a llo n , e le v a te d , s t e e l tank approxim ately 2,400 f e e t w esterly o f sa id r e s e r v o ir , and th e co n stru ctio n o f approxim ately 3,50® f e e t o f 14-in ch pipe lin e extending from sa id pumping s t a tio n to sa id e l evated tank to g e th e r w ith in c id e n ta l 10-ln eh pipe l i n e , v a lv e s , e t c . , which w i l l serve th e r e s id e n t ia l su b d iv is io n s on West C harleston Boulevard, in clu d in g Federal Horaes developm ent, s h a ll be borne by you and s h a ll not be addsd to the b a sic purchase p r ic e . 4 . There s h a ll be deducted from th e b a sic purchase p rice th e uxirsfunded amounts, su b ject to refund as o f th e s a le d a te , under a l l co n tra cts made by la s Vegas Land and Water Company pursuant t o Rula 9 o f the sa id Rules and R egu lation s o f the Las Vegas Land and Water Company or sim ila r r u le s con tained in i t s Rules and R egulations prev io u s ly on f i l e w ith th e Public S erv ice Commission o f th e S ta te o f Nevada. ^