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Correspondence, Levi Syphus to Sadie George




Creator: Syphus, Levi




This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000293. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    StThoraas,Nevada, Ma y. A t >f, 10 1 7 Mr A.L.Stewart Dea"ro s& irA:n-geles,Cal. Yours of 30th mlt,with enclosures received and duly noted. Last" AE.aLv.eSntienwga rt1 ,7s0e3n t Oy.oTu. Jothhen sofno llowing wire: Building,Los Angeles, i'our- time is extended untill 20th irst,Will confirm + his bf letler" v>orsfir. Tnatqry of said wire,you ar\e hereby a. d"vLiesvei^ ,BtylpJhaufs "vou have until 1 the ~Oth day of iUay,A.D. 1917,in which to demonstrate your nbilitv to handle the product of the Sfoapa Vliley Magnesite denosit,and if such demonstration is satisfactory to the owners of said deposits,as per vour statements,made while here , and as per theirs to you,you will he -riven tai mel eaosfe ,y ofuorr fsiavied vyiesairt$ ohefr es.aid claims,as per the terms discussed at. the think you will recall that at the time of our discussion of the matter,! wrote down the different propositions as discussed,and find# irom said dafcta,that your claims were,that all of the details of the brick test would be completed within thirty days,and that at the ®nd of that period,you would be in position to let us know what you caul I do. j “exher or n°t you had in minde $ixty Days,and inadvertantly stated! lijiirty,!. am not prepared to say,but your statement was thirty days and When i wrote you on the 25th of April,more than that amount of lift expired,and from our point of view we were clearley within our rio-h + s asking you to show cause,and in order to he fare with vou,we put off at the risk of loosing same,an oppertunity to sell the nropertv for cash,ana Irom our point of view,your insinuations that we are dealing uftfarely with you are not well founded. 1 appreciate, however, that h a v e W pifni nluti nodfe vsiiexwt.y days,as you seem honestly to have, gives you unite a differ— nt t,h atf °hHer ading. Laorf eftuhlel brriecakd inlgoo kosf atsh e ifl ett h+ eerres fisr oms omBertuchei nga npdo WscsiEbellee vuyn der does not ^s.himflr that they have obligated themselves to anything in the* war ox takemg\tonnage. ±he note from the chemist is simply an unconfirmed statement that he has don© certain things in the wav of purifying the material,if he can do this successfuly,upon a large scale,and at moderate cost,it if highly probable BPue® Snyder,Me Keleey and many others will purchase large quantities of the material,because for many purposes tchoeu ld, be npdw iflorl utnhsosuer papsusrpeods,easnd can be made to undersell any other that l„ or re,loifn k,eipnugr set,hde. omnayt ekrnioawl ,jbuustt aw hsattu dpyr oocfe stsh ey omuert hcohdesm iismtn liosy eadd obpvt itnhge federal Bureau of Ines in purifying the South Caraolina and Georgia iiaio©l^-l1 yiarimg , woetl l thsiast ispafriteidc ual asr*o mevwahraite tys iomfi* lar treattcment will answer for I p Jhat by the 20th you will be able to "of f er something sufPlcis- ^t^gable^uhdwr both headings, to justify the owners of the deposit in executing the lease to you,as per the propositions discussed with vou at the ggptp of your visit. If you can not, 1 understand it to he the mtantion of the owners,in that event,to extend vou every protection possible,that is consistant with their own interests,and you may not x@«l,by the time the matter is over,that we are alltogether bad. Very truly yours ?M / T j with refepenc]e to parers, copjp ©f| whi Mrs Sadie B.ueorge | Stlhom as,N evadi^aj,, s t k ^ t t os A njgeleb,Cal. ‘'e a r’ Madam):- • ilrtolL r ji1n l of te w m 3*t«s X i g h t i r J h a n g L ^ r L l ^ i / ^ i l r a f ^ ^ b | s l t ' l d f i ts they i&k f o l t 3 beliA cdrporfJted i S f f v ^ 4® ® - tm rCTiTiterokn$ mean to c o n se M .o f c l ? s j J t ima^be f e t e X " f i ? k * S M gretar^e i n t e f s l L Mm?|ut they i t a r f U o S f? tL * S jj S ™ " * ;4* !? K * ?s *F * I n a i l f e t ^ b h ? " ^ aT -'I caIK 4 i * lon g er f c f j f c ? | t# Fe t w i l l see t h a t ^ L i a b o t j h S Ti u ^ t S! r ? b e Trt -Tw br% I a showing isa ip fa c to ry ) to lus lit w i l l i v r!?e A’to -.^th they panoi mat« come on and take; tlie pU peLty iif t h e v ^ w ili^ il* 5? it * * * to I* 1 ? 1 ithe Chicago n e o tle m ail t h e y l s t i l k U k i ^ S ^ L y th a J i l ' ( l J l ef t e r ' re c ®l v 1 d ***<>* them la * t time w ith in SO^daVs t h e y T r i J S M l C t i t d eiivej- thU nrjonerty a t aAy f th e . by tlU ? ttJin Rothfandj S T T T H t ' f | "e ,ou,a be fp 4*4* 4 4 iojth;|$i3fo to hold the claimsland) we would be) up against lit properlyltbehefo|re vou see we have got tp pipy the gjaim Icardfullly In the first place if Spewar*-L|Can make good we! owe if Ito him tjo lejt him have the property,if he cantp&n^jcan deliver j the jbrick contract,we hiettdr let him have a lease upon part of the rroperty ,f rom which he) coulld full hill j the obligations of thp contract,and the balance pf Ip could he leased tq hid* later on^when hemakes good,providing we did not In toe rapan time; sell the property,&flA arid iri the mean time we cany work the matter] out witjh these j (jhicagons, providing something better does not show itself! 1 dont kriow exactly who this man Rotjh i.s,on][y that he is a german,w)ho Itnows the uses pf magnesite[l scarcely think ypur guess with reference) to him is correct,fqr the reason that he has bSnn working withjit for jsomeithirig mqre than 18 months With reference to)Larson and the brick contract,| should nop like to interfere ijn any wpy with it,that would preveqt Lgrsop fodm giveing Stewart, the contract,providing he) can! get) it jin tjime to do aby good,jfor (the jcredit of getting thi^ vgqingi is pertjainly drie tq Stewart,,and he should pave hisj reward for ! it prov^idink he! caniffet; matters arqund to pet the contract in jtimd, besides, a proiais to buy is noy buying,and we jare ! confronlted with) this work on the^^jims |thip fall,arid we cant spoil) the chancel of ge+ting jit done for uncertawpres,and phereforehave toj worik thingh caiefuil y and keep) everyone ©J(r them working ap it,untill something comes through Will leave for ianaca to-day or to-iraorrow, Mother is no be titer andslistqr 4 is worm out. i ! ! i . I \ ' I ! I .1 #JL' i triulyiyours p/a i4WSs jt- *0 ?W ~W _J A ? **G T •ir I PtThomasfNevada,May 2Pt*>, 1.917 Mrs ^oSs. B.AGnegoerlgees,Cal Dear Madam:-Herewith please finde enclosed contract with A.L. Stewart,of your city,on the magnesite property,you will note that all of the parties thereto,excepting yourself have signed same, I am regestering it,because x- had only suff­icient paper with which to make the two copies,and Stewart has the other one for himself,and we camrot afford to loose this one. I have excersised all of the care I could in prepareing it, within the fcime i had to devote to it and while it isent in very good shape grama ticall y etc.I am certain our interests are protected under its provisions Please signe same and return it to me,reg­istered, within the shortest period you reasonably can,as it is all we have to show for onr interest in the deal,and would be serious if lost. As to the deal itself,well / I cant say very much or feel very well satisfied over it.only to'this extents I feel that the possibilities fif refineing,the material and malreing of it a valuable property are very great,and upon that bacis we are justified in passing up the Chicago deal for the tiros being,or untill we know more of its possibilities,but as to Stewart working it out I am not so certain,If he can really do and demonstrate that which he says he can,he should in all reason get it going. Mr Ashton is a pritty shrewd fellow and I should think a farely competent engineer,but there is something to him I cant quite understand,but that is neither here,nor there if they can produce the results,then it is up to us to see that we hold ounr own with them Stewart has tried very hard to get away from the Five Hundred Dollars on the first of August,but if they can do what they say they can there is no reason why he should not raise it without much trouble,and if he cant raise it,we should then do the best ae could in the way of other oppertunities for getting the assessmant work taken care of it,if we should relieve him of obligations untill October,and he should then fail,it might be to late for us to get the assessment work taken ere of by others. The work the Government has done with the ^araolina and Georgia claims makes it certain this material can be refined,and if •Stewart cant put it over,there are others that can,and the market is here for the material,and will be after the war is over,because it is so located that it can reach a great part of the market in spite of the foreign material,which coupled with the metallic phase of it,makes the future of the property assured,But how long can we afford to hold our breath while it is comming I intend to keep the Ghicago people on the si ring and such ot’ers as 1 can get,abd when the first of August comes if Stewart hasent made good we can then decide what to do,whether to go on with him or someone else.--- ----------- 2 Had a letter from Toland the other day encloseing one he had yf4 written last April but failed to get it in the mail,his attitude is fare,and says he feels the matter is sufficiently Protected under the contract,but would have preferred to have seen part of the salt left out of the contract. They have not got the work moveing,and Bigelow went through here lastnight with Captain Bird and other military men on a miatary patroal trip of the Arrow Head Trail.they were only ,14 fnd7 minutes from ~os Angeles to rech bait ake in another 14 hours ru niton g,SntoTth osmoa sv,earnyd beaxdp.ect He told me they would not get started at the wotk this month,but that directly after he got back from Salt -^ake He Skinner and Isenmeyer would be comming right on to get things moveing,I did not tell him whether or not they could have it at that time,but of course their contract is forfeited on the 1st xnst,and we are not obligated to go on with them If we dont want to,but I assume,that unless something better shows up we will want them to go ahead,what is your veiw of the matter? Ashton promises to have a number of copies of the magnesite contract made and send them on to me,thereupon I will forward you one for your files. Mr Stewart will call upon you for your signature to his copy of contractand will no doubt' tell you that 1 am a bad umbera, for not granting him release from the When you write let me know whet you know about them. ery truly yours f m HR|H ? pWipwpiiBBff/ P.S. since writing X have a call to prepare a contract for some other parties on a mlnigg deal ,and desire to $&use some parts of this ragnesite contract as I have them worked out,as copy to follow in my work this afternoon,will therefor retain it and send it on next mail. L.S. s FtTkoiijas| 'Teiihida,'-Mav 3$ th,1 Airs •eorge r'i7 y suff-. wSJXt has A his brie. ill 1 ft • had. tTiiftv fc$i% ij^fra-pfirau x, o devote to 1 % and whil&pit • i sent in v?r protected • t is 1 verv |n?i Y e jf§ a a TOt*tuf at f jf$>>! $St t£Tld#if&t $)a§ 'r!e:, or -r u oirt ||| yai s,KJtf PKtattff ilf f&i>Ldrili-»rrye MgralyisB _ nHa .B.caWu.. n TOC | * ra»€^“"rcTd4Mk^£t+f?TrOon^t f^-o^rhri*g iI lirl lSteerH ,'bu^t. S thei Hre iisl ls omethinSfgt K^t’oT Ob»i»ni nI^ daa rt ' i^uite understand,but that is neither here,nor there if they can oi rwend uwciet h thteh emresults, then it ytjSr&s y frb« ec that we hold o m r Stewart has -tried very hard, to get away from the Five Hundred Dollars on the first of August,hut if they con do what they say they can there is no reason why he should not Hiise it without much trouble,and if he cant raise it,ire should, then do the best ae could in the way of other opportunities for getting the assessmant work taken care of it,if we should relieve him of obligations untill October,and he should then fail,it might, be to late for us to get the assessment work taken ftre of by others. X ll6 ft ofk t» he Government has done with the ^arao31na and Georgia claims maizes it c e r ti(i in this material can be refined,and if -‘tewart cant put it over,there are others that can,and the market is here for* the material,and will be after the war is over,because it is so located that it can reach a or eat part of the market, in spite of the foreign material,which coupled with the metallic phase of it,makes- the future of the property assured,But how long can we afford to hold our hreaih while it is camming i intend to keep the Ghicago people on the sfring and such ot ers ai* 1 can get,abd when the first of August comes itfo gSot ewoanr tW ithha sehnitm moar des omgeooonde•• wee lcsaen. --t-he-n- -d-e-c-i-d-e- -what to do ^whether 802 East Kensington Road E©s Angeles Cal. £ J f e j : Igpll p ip | | p ? tfZX-a G > &H~ < z?