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I agree.irmnrans' TEXAS' LEADING NEWSPAPER RADIO-TELEVISION STATIONS WFAA ?╟≤ TEXAS ALMANAC August 18, 1958 Dear Al - Well, we kicked it off in Sunday's paper and the response has been wonderful. I will continue to plug it right on up to the date of Jackfs arrival. I plan to hold a semi-final a few days before he gets in. Got a call today from one girl who lives 120 miles from Dallas. If all goes well, I think we will have a nice, representative group to select from. How is everything going out there? I hear the summer season has been terrific. I want to thank you for taking care of Betty Carter for me. She is a sweet kid and has been with our office for many years. Bob Bixler, the local Paramount rep, will be out there pretty soon and I*ve asked him to look you up. If you111 take him undrr your wing for a night, 1*11 appreciate. He is a close pal of Bob Hope's and a nice guy. He?11 be making it his vacation trip along with Mrs. Bixler. That's all for now Al. Write if you have any^ suggestions. Regards to all and come see us. Sirice^C ly OLDEST BUSINESS INSTITUTION IN TEXAS