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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Freeman company RUBLIC RELATIONS 2/28 Mr. Leonard Lleberman Assistant to the Director Atomic Test Operations Federal Civil Defense Administration Washington, 25, D.C. Dear Len, Hope you can understand about the call this morning concerning the rooms for the Governor's staff ?╟÷- I will do my best In taking care of your people, be assured of that. Regarding the matter of the Identification Tag Plan ?╟÷ in my detailed plan of operations which X submitted to the Gardner Agency after Hal seemed to have approved my handling the story from Las Vegas, X visualized that to have about 6 American schoolchildren witness the actual A-blast from Hews Hob, while wearing their tags would result in much photo coverage. In Operation Tot-Tags, the tentative name of my plan, this witnessing of the A-blast by the kids would be the climax of the announcement that such tags exist and should be worn by all the children in this country. X believe you can visualize the impact it would have on the rest of the country for schoolchildren to tell of their reaction to the A-blast and of the importance of identification tags. Also, NBC is Interested in televising their show "Youth Wants To Know*' right from the scene, based upon whether X can deliver permission for the children to be present at the blast. Therefore, X am officially requesting permission from Federal Civil Defense to take these children up to the test, in strict accordance ?╟÷more?╟÷ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ 449 SOUTH BEVERLY DRIVE ?╟≤ CRESTVIEW 6-4326