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    Lido Producers - Set A 2d Revue I For Vegas Spot Pierre Louis-Guerin and Rene Fraday, producers of the Lido, Paris, returned to their home-base over the weekend after "C'est Magnifiqu*," their nitery show at the Stardust, Las Vegas, and also firming up a second six- month semester with Allard Roen and Frank Sennes, who bought the Gallic revue for the Nevada spa. Guerin and Fraday's current frolic on the Champs-Elysees is establishing a parallel milestone by being held over for a second season, a departure for the Paris spot which usually changes shows annually. The show for next year at the Stardust will also be a Donn Arden- staging, under their direction, and will be titled "Ca C'est 1'Amour," and like the current show will be rehearsed and packaged in Paris and flowing over intact, including scenery, production, principals and even the choristers. The acts will "all be European, hence first time seen, in America which, they all agree, is one whyfore of the show's current longevity. It will have been seen by 200,000 customers come ^ . Nov. 1 at the Stardust, which was I?╟? , , ?╟? , _ , . T . , ,r ,vr""V?╟÷- - 3sb Wireioto) l shuttered convention hotel until Katinka Bleeker, Sylvia Joseph and Vahda Jacobs (1. tor) m C^ WUb a k interests (Roen) ~i. ?╟÷ U?╜. Unctt. American Itt<F??n_ l . ., t^.!j._i.h_ m?╟??╟?J MUlttl DESERT'iNN presents AMERICA'S FAVORITE SINGER SINGING AMERICA'S FAVORITE SONGS 1 *** .;,,.#?√ß: Las Vegas dressing room. Katinka blasts American men. \Girls Unbosom Gripes \0n the Las Vegas Strip Las Vegas, Nev., Dec. 8 (AP).?╟÷The imported strip- Ipexs at the Stardust Hotel hide little but their thoughts?╟÷ and it's a good thing they do. All 12 of these bare-bosomed beauties are disgusted with American men, and with American women, too. ?╟÷?╟÷-?╟÷ The men shout obscenities at (them. The women giggle so loudly that a few have been asked to leave. These girls, members of the Lido Club troupe from Paris, always regarded themselves as artists?╟÷until they played here. Now, after seven months of indignities, they feel cheapened. At least one of them plans to quit. Now They're Sorry When the girls first came here, j they thought Las Vegas would be i wonderful place to meet Ameri- Ican millionaires. Some of them did?╟÷to their shame and sorrow. Red-haired Anne Gibson, 20, I was introduced to a wealthy American soon after arriving here from London last May. Did he propose marriage? "No, he proposed something I else," Anne said. "I got up and I left the table." I Katinka Bleeker, who used to I be a photographers' model in Am- I sterdam, summed up the troupe's I attitude toward American men: "They are not nice," said the I 19-year-old blonde. "I don't like with AL SENDRY at the piano IN PERSON FIRST APPEARANCE ON OUR STAGE pook it over. Incidentally, Fraday tresses that all the publicity about Tie nudity of his French show is In incidental, since the undraped ! beauty parade is but one component, considering the elaborate piechanical effects, the swimming ool, ice-tank, fireworks, etc., that 5 part of the elaborate French lackage. ^^^^^^^^ Fraday-Guerin-Arden will utilize !j [he huge waterfall effect for the ext Vegas show?╟÷this was part of laurice Chevalier's one-man show t the Empire musichall, Paris, | !ome seasons back. Theatre, incidentally, is now in its third year ' with Cinerama, showing the third- of-the-series; this is the one with the Vatican scenes which, especially : '?╟÷ ?╟÷ now with the change in Papacy, has!?√ß"?√ß" pi lin liri/iril/ heightened audience interest andll ?√ß I/LUD KCVItlff attendance. j _____ JACK DURANT "THE MAN OF DISTINCTION" DONN ARDEN presents ?·xhal 7 GREAT ACTS PERFORMING NIGHTLY THE D0NM in an EXCITIN ART JOHNS s JLUJUMI M?? /-pn* This Clipping From- VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. JAN 14 1959 STARDUST Las Vegas.?╟÷The superlative should be used cautiously and conservatively by any reviewer. With that observation, it can be stated that this new show, "Ca C'est L'Amour," imported from Paris, deserves the accolade "sensational," if any show ever unveiled on Vegas' Strip has ever deserved such praise. Now for the details. Pierre Louis- Guerin and Rene Fraday have produced and Donn Arden has staged a revue that is so chockful of gasp-provokers it is difficult to pick the best. Alfredo Alaria, dancer, stars with his own La Ballet Alaria in three outstanding numbers. Beverly Richard's lovely voice backs four production numbers. Jack Rains vocalizes in three presentations. Marion Conrad as Mademoiselle Cha Cha Cha was outstanding in the opening number. John Juli- ano sang well in the Fantaisie Japon- aise. Bare bosoms took a backseat to the breath-taking gowns created in Paris and displayed with beauty by the Les Bluebell girls and the Les Lido Mod- eles. The personal beauty of the girls surpassed those of the previous Paris show. Nine superb production numbers, magnificently staged with outstanding lighting effects caused the packed house to applaud long after the final curtain. Opening with Les Amours de Paris, the show traveled at a fast pace throughout. Following came Guajira D'Amour starring Alaria and his ballet. A light touch of humor slipped in with L'Amour en Miniature with the Les Marottes in a clever puppet presentation which received salvos of applause and laughter. L'Amour Exotique brought forth Marjii Lee as Madam Butterfly in a thrilling ice skating number backed by the vocalizing of Beverly Richer1- and Jack Rains. Bluebell girls and Les _l Lido Modeles wore plastic masks, as befit this routine. Les Lucky Latinos, three talented European brothers, presented an acrobatic dance number with comedy that tore down the house. Again, Alaria and his ballet group returned for Amour Brezilien which captured the fancy of the crowd. The crowning effect of the show, The Giant Waterfall, stole the entire spotlight for the evening in Enchantment D'Amour with Alfredo Alaria, Maria Elena Roo, Beverly Richards and all the boys and girls. Comedy returned as the only act held over from the previous Lido show, Gerard Sety repeated his performance with the aid of his partner, a bus boy, which panicked the audience. Amours Royales A Versailles featuring Beverly Richards, Jack Rains and Marion Conrad brought the festive production to the finale, The Rain of Fire, featuring fireworks. The electronic stages, lighting, and the fine music of Eddie O'Neal and his orchestra combine to make this another sensational Lido show. And we mean sensational! i Turtle Desert lnn9 l^as Vegas Las Vegas, Jan. 6. Peggy Lee, Bernard Bros. (3), Evelyn Freeman & Tommy Roberts Choir, Donn Arden Dancers (13), Carlton Hayes Orch (12); production numbers staged by Donn Arden; original lyrics, Pony Sherrell; musical arrangements Phil Moody, $3 minimum. Peggy Lee brings the package she recently displayed in H'wood's Moulin Rouge almost intact to the Painted Desert Room, and word- of-mouth should bring it brisk biz even during the next few "slow" weeks. The turn, smoothly staged by Nick Castle, is stimulating, and has appeal for motley tastes. Singer's casual style is highly effective in a well-balanced repertoire. She offers her current disclick, "Fever," her trademarked "Lover," and includes "It's All Right With Me," "My Man," "Golden Earrings," "Manana," "Why Don't You Do Right?" "It's a Good Day," "Blow, Trumpet, Blow," and, with a most memorable arrangement, "When The World Was Young." Miss Lee is joined in several numbers by Evelyn Freeman and Tommy Roberts' "Xciting Voices" (11), one of the best vocal groups ever'to play Vegas. Finale is a rousing "When The Saints Go Marching In." The Bernard Bothers (3), too long absent from the Strip, click with their comedy crammed with, outlandish costumes, props, and romps through disk pantomiming. Two new Donn Arden production numbers, "Speaking of Love" and "Another Day, Another Dollar," have bigtime brilliance. They feature the voice of Art Johnson, and the terps of Barbara Frederick and Larry Maldonado. Carlton Hayes' orch (12) is a strong asset to the show, skedded through Jan. ?╟≤26. Duke.