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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1997



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    CNT vs Proud to Host COMMUNITY**WIDT YOM HASHOAH - Our Temple will once again be the proud host for the community-wide Yom Hashoah Observance com?memorating the Holocaust. Rabbi Akselrad will serve as chairman of this event which will be held May 4th at 7:00pm. Highlighting this year's program will be a community choir organized by Bella Feldman along with participation by Rabbis, Can?tors and soloists from each ^Synagogue. Gurvivors and their children and grandchildren will participate in a special candle?lighting ceremony. This year's speaker will ice. be Irene Opdyke. Irene Opdyke is a true hero. For saving the lives of 12 Jews, she hid in the basement of the German officer's villa where she was a housekeeper, she was awarded the Medal of Honor by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel's highest honor. 9he is responsible for saving hundreds of Jewish lives from death by the Gestapo. 9he has earned feature s Rabbi?s Message........................................ 2 Worship Services........................................ 2 President?s Message................................. 3 Passover Seder........................................... 4 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist....... 4 B?nai Mitzvah.................................................. 5 Board Member Profile.............................. 6 Yiskor................................................................. 6 All Women?s Seder..................................... 7 Auxiliaries & Committees........................ 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries...................... 9 In Memorium................................................. 11 Tributes............................................................. 12 Yahrzeits.......................................................... 14 international recognition through the Commission for tne Designation of the Righteous, and has been awarded the title of "Righteous" given to gentiles who risked their lives in aiding and saving Jews during the war. 9he is among 15,000 in the world who have been recognized for bravery and courage during the Holocaust. Arriving in New York in 1949, Ms. Opdyke speaks before select groups on her experiences in the war and her personal reflections on freedom and life in America. Ms. Opduke was born in Poland and now resides in Orange County, California. This program is open to the entire community at no charge. TORATHON! What is a Torathon? Well, is a 1/2 day of (earning, discussion, and fun.... On April 12 at 10:00 a.m. we will have a brief shabbat morning service, followed by a series of various lectures and workshops on Judaism. Learn about what makes the Torah special, who Elijah was, have fun learning Jewish songs or creating a Jewish craft project. We will conclude our day at 3:00 p.m. Cost is only a nominal $5.00 to pay for lunch. Sponsored by our Adult Education Committee. < 7 Apvcial r()laot' TJe Jielom/cVVorsMp gervices Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Friday, April 4 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Phyllis & Ron Field Friday, April 11 Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Walton 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored bySandi & Steven Fried Friday, April 18 1st Grade shabbat Dinner 6:15 pm 1st Grade Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Alternative Service (Beit Teflllah) 7:30 pm Saturday, April 19 Bar Mitzvah of Eric Fleekop 10:00 am Kiddush sponsored by Jackie Fleekop Monday.April 21 Passover Seder 6:00 pm Top of the Riviera Tuesday, April 22 Passover Morning Services 9:00 am Friday, April 25 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Guest Soloist Frances Klamian Monday, April 28 Yiskor Services 9:00 am Habbi'/ Fmaz April 21st marks our annual Temple Seder. I anticipate that, as usual, it will be a loveld affair under the dedicated chair of Phyllis Marks who has worked tirelessly on the project year after year. In expressing my gratitude to Phyllis, it gives me pause to reflect about the holiday of Passover itself. For many?both Jew and non Jew alike, Passover is the most recognizable of all Jewish holidays, surpassed in recognition perhaps only by Chanu?kah. Well, we all can guess why Chanukah is so well known, but why Passover? Perhaps it is due to Passover's historic relationship to Christianity and Jesus. But I suspect that there are other reasons as well. Of the many Jewish holidays, Passover stands unique as a family holiday focus on storytelling and a festive meal. As we look back upon our joyous childhood memories, Passover usually stands out as a time when everyone came together- -aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. along with a whole cadre of friends, to celebrate the meaning of Passover, the annual answer to "Why is this night different from all other nights?" And this is how it should be.,.because after all, the Torah commands us to retell the story of Passover to each generation. The telling of the story itself is the mitzvah. The foods we serve are symbols to enhance the story. The songs and search for the afikoman mere devices to keep the interest of children during the course of a long evening. And it works. Practically every Jewish child can retell the story of our exodus and of our redemption from slavery. Along with the knowledge of this story however comes tne transmission of certain basic Jewish values: to feed the poor; to be kind to strangers (for we were strangers in the land of Egypt); to recognize that our freedom came at great cost of human life (hence the drops of wine spilled for each plague); and of the special responsi?bility we have as Jews to uphold our faith, despite all obstacles. As we look forward to this year's Seder, I hope that each of you ?wherever you celebrate your holiday?will join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the well being of our Congregation. May you and yours have a joyous Passover. RaBBiSanfordtD. fARsedrad A 2 A In Las Vegas, spring seems to come early and summer comes much too fast and stays too long. We can't change the weather, but we can change our attitude of how we handle each day. I often remind parents that children need order, routine and lots of love. A Jewish person should say the Shema first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening. If children do this to start and end each day, they are reminded that they are Jewish. Order and routine does not mean controlling and confining. Each year we at the M.B. Dalitz Religious School prepare for Passover. Often we do a model Seder (Seder means a meal eaten in a specific order) or we have a program related to Passover. This year, we will have a Passover experience on April 13, 1997 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. We will make wine, Matzah, Charoset, sing and study. Parents are invited to share this experience with their children. Please let us know if you will be attending. (Note: "Thank G-d it's Shabbat" cards must be turned in on this day). Spring is here and the world is awakening with new life, outdoor fun and gatherings of family and friends. Passover we gather to celebrate freedom and a new beginning. Remember, and remind your children that each day is a gift, a new beginning like the spring. Shalom, JacRte TkeRgp Director of Education Congregation Ner Tamid April 1997 Temple Board Members Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Sol Tolpen Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President kDR. Steve Kollins Past President IMichael Cherry Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor *Deceased Kcmmbcr! TOT SHABBAT 2 m tlie Beit TefiltaJi April 1997 ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT Thank you to those of you who have bequn using Scrip this past month. I can not empha?size enough how critical it is for our Congre?gation to get into the habit of using Scrip whenever possible. The $100,000 per year that could be generated at no cost to our mem?bers would all but eliminate the constant strug?gle to find the money to operate our facility and provide quality programs for our member?ship. The board nas heard many suggestions regarding the Scrip program and will be ex?panding the stores available and will be mak?ing it easier to get the Scrip to you. PLEASE CALL the office to arrange for regular monthly purchases. If it is too difficult for you to pick them up, we will get your certificates to you. Thanks also to Bella and our Choir for the hard work on our Jewish Music Season Shab?bat. I was with our NTTY Youth group in Las Cruces, New Mexico and was unable to attend, but I have heard nothing but rave reviews. These Music Services are fast becominq a fa?vorite of our conqregants. More Scott & Sandy Stolberg and our Education com?mittee, and what seemed to be a hundred vol?unteers who worked on our Purim Carnival. This year's event was by far the biggest and most successful yet. The carnival now fills the so?cial hall, the back patio, the library, and the school courtyard. If we keep this up we may have to move it to the Las Vegas Convention Center. Thanks again to everyone for coming and helping make this one of our best annual events. The Board of Trustees recently adopted the reports of two committees that were set up to examine specific Temple policies. The first committee reviewed our policy regarding ar?rearages of membership dues, fees, and build?ing fund contributions. The policy adopted is presented elsewhere in this montn's bulletin. IVe believe this policy is fair and considers the needs of our members individually and the congregation as a whole. The board also adopt?ed a consistent procedure for handling corre?spondence and notification to delinquent members. IVe are hopeful that these new pro?cedures will help eliminate our collection prob?lems and, at the same time, allow us to remain understanding and responsive to the problems faced by many of our members. The second committee report adopted was the result of an extensive examination of our dues cate?gories. IVe researched the programs of many other congregations from around the country and determined that we have not effectively provided a program to reach out to those members who can and should be giving more to the congregation. IVe found that many congregations are operated on the basis of a "fair snare" dues program requiring a mini?mum annual fee, as we do, but, in addition requiring a contribution of between 2 per?cent to 5 percent of annual income. The Board chose not to impose a "fair share" program. In its place we have created a series of "Menorah Level" memberships which will be used to encourage larger annu?al commitments and provide proper recogni?tion of those members choosing to help the Congregation in this manner. IVe will be sending each of you a letter explaining the various levels of qiving in the hope that we can increase our dues income on a voluntary basis. iVhen your letter arrives, please seriously consider your ability to make a larg?er commitment to the Temple. There are many wonderful things happening here and we want to keep them happening. Last of all, if you haven't ever attended the Congregation's Passover Seder make this year the year you start. Once you've started you will make it an annual tradition. It is amazing, but the 250+ people attending do really feel like one family. The Seder is held in a beautiful room at the Top of the Riviera, the Rabbi and Bella are wonderful, the meal is terrific, and your kitchen is clean when you get up from the table. As I point?ed out in my February article, in the recent survey of the Jewish population of Las Ve?gas, more Jews identified attending a Pass- over Seder as the most important religious practice than any other category. Please come and invite your Jewish friends who are unaffiliated to enjoy the Seder with us. In any event, have a wonderful Pesach with your family and friends. <Bo5 cJl (Speeiul rPltuv Oielontj ^ 3^Having just returned from a Cantors Conference, I am revitalized and mu mind has been opened up to a world of new ideas ana music. This year's conference was different from any I have attended in the past as a Scholar-in-Residence approach was taken. Cantor Lawrence Avery, who is one of the most highly regarded faculty members from the School of Sacred Music in New York, spent the weekend teaching and sharing his knowledge with us. Cantor Avery has been teaching in the 9eminary for thirty six years and has served as the Hazzan ot Beth El Synagogue in New Rochelle, New York for forty- five years. He has sung with the Julliard Opera Theater, the Little Orchestra 9ociety, the Norfolk 9ymphony, the National Orchestra Association, the CB9 Symphony, and has been the regular tenor soloist with Cantica Hebraica. He is a featured soloist in the Columbia recording of "The 9tudent Prince" and in the recently re-released "Judas Maccabeaus" both with Jan Peerce. This was an opportunity of a lifetime and I learned so much from him. These conferences help keep my "creative juices" flowing and I am so grateful to be able to attend. CNT's Traditional PASSOVER SEDER April 21 / Gpm Top of the Riv at the Riviera Hotel Menu Seder Plate Matzo Wine Gefilte Fish Matzo Ball Soup Roasted Chicken Brisket Kishke Potato Kugel Tsimiss Dessert Coffee/Tea Music by Sasha Seminoff Members: ?46 Children under 12: ?18 Non-members: ?56 Reservations MUST be made by April 10 Mail checks to: Congregtion Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 733-6292 A a ' a Congregation Ner Tamid Our Purim celebration was as fun as ever and it marked the last performance of the year from our Junior Choir. These children are fantastic and I would like to thank all of them for their hard work throughout the year and all of their parents for being so supportive. A special thank you to Mary Ales and Sandi Sickle for all of their help with making reminder phone calls each month. Chag Sameach - Happy Passover! ?Bella An Interfaith Seder Co-Sponsored by the Social Action & Outreach Committees Where: Congregation Ner Tamid When: April 13,1997 Time: 3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Come participate with our guests from the Episcopalian Churches in a Community Seder and sample traditional foods. RSVP no later than April 5,1997 There is no cost for this event. Please call Melissa Roth to RSVP at 733-6292. ?MjetissaRptfi &<BetteStahl April 1997 kfazel Tov to our April B?n&i Students Jeremy UJalton April 11 Hi, my name is Jeremy ULIalton. I'm in the seventh grade and I attend Thurman White Middle School. ?veryone has hobbies, and so do I. I like to play soccer, basketball, run my dogs, and most of all talk. I was born on Rpril 12, 1984 in Palm Springs, California but I have lived in Las Vegas most of my life. I'm really excited about my Bar Mitzvah and invite my temple family to share this occasion uuith me and my family. ?ric Fleekop April 19 My name is Cric Fleekop. I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on February 24, 1984. I lived in Reno, Nevada from 1985 until I moved to Las Vegas in 1993. I am a straight fl student at Sauuyer Middle School. I play pouuer forward for my school basketball team. In my free time, I like to play basketball and spend time uuith my friends. I am looking foraiard to having my family and friends be uuith me to share this special day uihen I become a Bar Mitzvah. _ . . , (TKD\T ------- At the end of June this year, we will have several positions on our board of trustees open. If you are interested in serving your congregation, please give Monty a call at 733-6292. What a better way of correcting the areas you are concerned with than getting involved with the leadership. agr - - -gc FWWWTTTTTl WHAT IS SCRIP ? (GIFT CERTIFICATES) YOU EAT X YOU SHOP = SCRIP A SIMPLE FORMULA Scrip is money to be used at your local supermarket or with other merchants as Scrip becomes available. Your purchase of Scrip from the Temple (dollar for dollar) earns the Temple $5.00 for every $100.00 worth purchased. There is no extra money out of your pocket and it is a great fundraiser for Congregation Ner Tamid. What can be easier and more satisfying? As an additional incentive to purchase Scrip, your Temple dues will be re?duced by $2.50 for every $100.00 of scrip purchased up to a maximum of $100.00 in dues reduction. No extra cost to you, a fund raiser for the Temple and a money saver in dues. re?Make gift giving and wards easy Dy purchasing Scrip (Gift Certificates) for family, friends, and em?ployees. If you have any questions, ^ou^may call me at 796- Mays & Means ikkkkkkkkkkkkkkt GIFT SHOP HOURS Sundays 9:00am-12:15pm Tuesdays 10:00am-6:00pm Thursdays l:00pm-4:00pm Fridays 6:30-7:15pm Sharp ri (Special rPlace ''Jo (Beloruj. AJA April 19979^ ? Board Member Profile ; <&Ts i 4 hM ,-\ '' ?P s DEBRA KANER, BOARD SECRETARY Hi, I?m Debby Kaner, and as Corporate Secretary IVe had the fun task of summarizing all the Temple?s previous Board minutes so we can continuously update Temple policies. I am especially proud of the new additions to our Synagogue, having worked on the Building committee for a few years. I grew up in Toronto, the oldest of five children, and my family has always been involved in Jewish community life. I attended Hebrew Day School, both my parents were presidents of Sisterhood and Brotherhood, and my Grandmother was recently honored as a Founder of Pioneer Women. After graduating the University of Toronto, I studied Speech Pathology at Boston University and met & married Steve while he was in medical school at Tufts. Actually, we ?had? to get married, because immigration refused me a working visa to stay in Boston! Butthat was 24 years ago. We later moved to Rochester, Minn, where Steve further trained at the Mayo Clinic, and I continued my career in Speech. In 1961, we moved here, primarily to thaw out! We have two terrific sons, Ryan, now 14, and Evan, now 10. They both attend the Meadows School and are active in sports. In fact, it was at a tennis lesson for our little kids, where I first met Rabbi and Joni, and soon joined the Temple. While our boys were little, I returned to UNLV for an MBA and now I work tirelessly, as Chief Chauffeur and Financial Manager for our family. I love being part of the Temple family and highly recommend getting involved on committees as a great way to meet wonderful people. YISKOR Passover 1997/5757 Trudy Aaron Elaine Barnett Milton Bayer Sophia Bazbaz William Becker Joseph Benish Freda Bierman Diana Breathrick Harry Bycel Bernice Carroll Lillian Chinitz Ben Cohen Ruth Cohen Don Eisner Esther Epstein Max Friedman Sidney Gelber Sylivia Gilbert Harry Ginsberg Louis Glatzer Vivian Gold Mary Goldsmith Andy Grayner Claire Greenfield Ari Holladay Don Kamer Morris Kaufman Eugene Kjrshbaum Lee Krumholz Celso Maldonado Herbert Massen Helen Marikos Helen Mendelson Doris Moss Shirley Newman Stephen Newmark Goldy Ostrow Christine Reininger Michael Roth Sylvia Sancier Andrew Schampe Ann Schwartz Norton Shapiro Richard Shields Joey Skillbred Rebecca Alm Snyder Bradley Snyder Elizabeth Alm Snyder Leonard Spector Michael Suppe Sewell Susler Jerry Uretz Henry Wolf Julius Wolfson If you have the name of a LOVED ONE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO THIS LIST PLEASE CALL Karen at the Temple. Yiskor Services will be CONDUCTED ON MONDAY, April 28th at 9:00 a.m. in the BErr Tefillah Cookin with the Sista?s Passover Salmon Souffle lib. can salmon (skinned & boned) 6 Eggs 1 Cup Milk 1 Med. Onion 1/2 Cup Matzo Meal Dash of pepper 1/4 lb. sauteed mushrooms Pareve margarine Cheddar or American Cheese In blender, beat yolks, adding milk, salmon and onion. Transfer to a large bowl and add matzo meal, pepper and sauteed mushrooms. Whip egg whites until very stiff and fold into the salmon mixture. Pour into a well-greased souffle bowl, and dot with cheese and margarine. Bake uncovered at 300 degrees for one hour. Hionae May tfe miracle of Tassoveryrace yourSeder. a A Congregation Ner Tamid April 1997 I want to thank all the people who helped make the Purim Carnival a success. There are too many names, but the eople that came to all of the committee meetings, the jeople who worked the booths, and all of the other olunteers. Thanks to Sisterhood & Brotherhood, the parents, the teachers, and, of course, all the students. ScottStolBerfi, VP Education Xj. Temple Wish List Computer items: ?436 or higher - Color inkjet printer Lotus 1-2-3 v.5 (Windows) Kitchen items: Table drapes Commercial chaffing dishes ftmumCAttltfomm?s Seder On Thursday night, April 24th at 6:00pm the Sisterhood?s Annual All Women?s Seder will be held here at Congregation Ner Tamid. This Seder has become a wonderful tradition for our Sisterhood thanks to Eileen Kollins, who brought it to us and conducts the service, and the wonderful ladies in our Party Shop who prepare and serve the Seder meal. If you are asking, how does this differ from a traditional Passover Seder, what I can tell you is that this Seder reinforces the importance of Jewish women and the the roll that they have played in our history and today. It is spiritual, fascinating, and very refreshing! Last year our attendance grew from 30 to over 60 women. All who came the first year returned with their mothers, sisters, daughters, and granddaughters! We are hoping for 100 this year. I strongly urge that all ladies in our congregation make plans to come and bring someone you love (female, of course). Sisterhood brings you this fantastic event for only $12.00 per member (relatives included at this price) and $17.00 for non-members. Your check is your reservation. Please send checks to Temple by April 17th, Attn: Dotty Henkin and for whom you will need reservations. Hope to see you there.. JUflis Congregation Her Tamid Mommg-n-Me Group Meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month February thru May 10:00am in the Temple Library Programs provided by Jackie Fleekop CNT Education Director Cost: $30.00 Members $40.00 Non-members Call the Temple to register: 733-6292. April 1997 Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, As I sit here truing to write this article, so many tilings are going through my mind. Spring is finally here and with it comes a great feel?ing of renewal and anticipation. It is really mu favorite time of the Sear, but 111 tell you, Sist ad a great Winter! February great events. The Rabbi's Book Re?view was the best attended ever. We had a great time and our Party Shop did a fantastic job on lunch as usual. I can?t wait until the next one - thank you Rabbi for a won?derful afternoon. Then there was the return of the Progressive Din?ner. Thirteen of our members were gracious enough to open their homes and serve a meal course. Then we all "mosied" on back to Temple for desert and some "down home" western style dancin'. I want to thank Maxine Gratz, Loretta Hol?lander, and Natalie Shaw for the wonderful job that they did coordi?nating this event, and for all of great raffle and door prizes that they got donated. Our thanks also go to Dotty Henkin for working the door, and to Joni Akselrad for the won?derful table decorations. They al?ways come through for Sisterhood! Sandy Stolberg and Gene Henkin took first place for best dressed, and Dotty and Gene won the grand prize raffle of a gas bar-b-que, do?nated by Bob ana Audie Unger. Ev- Hudie Unge eryone who attendea had a fantastic time. With Spring comes Sisterhood elections, and they are just around the corner. Our Nominating Com- mitte has been hard at work, but we still have positions open, so if you are interested in next year's board, please give me a call. An?other annual event coming soon is the Women's Seder. Save the date of April 24th. It is truly something you won't want to miss. Bring your mother, sister, daughter, grand?daughter, and neighbor. Make your reservations early, so we will be sure to have a seat for you. Did you know that it is no too late to make donor, if you haven't already this year. We are plannin, a great dinner on Tues., June 3r Don't be left out! Call Natalie Shaw for details. I guess that I had more to say than I thought, so I am going to end this here before Mindy has to add another page to this bulletin! Thanks for your support...until next month... Janis 898-0013 Golden Chai GoWen ChAi is chuqqiNq Riqta AloNq as h enterstIie xhiRd montIi of 1 997. For our MarcIt 6, 1 997 pRoqRAM, we tad tHe Metro PolicE spEAkiNq on tHe subjECT of "ThE otIter sids of tIte coiN," tHe qood ThiNqs tI-iat are bEiNq doNE dAily by tHe poliCE dcpARTMENT CONTRARy TO tIte tad PRESS t!-IAT ThEy tavE bEEN qEiriNq lATEly. For our MarcIi 20, 1997 MEETiNq we were ENTERTAiNEd by "Tta PRESTiqious EliTE," A WElUkNOWN MusicAl qROup. A liqta luNctaoN is SERVEd pRioR to Tta pROqRAMS ANd qAMES ARE pUyEd AffERWARds. MEMbERskip duES ARE ONly $7.00 AN NU Ally, foR which ThE MEIVlbER recewes two (2) Iree meaIs duRiNq ThE yEAR, AS WEll AS ThE ENTERTAiNMENT pROqRAM. New MEIVlbERS are weIcome. Love ANd SItaIom, SoCTolpen, PREsidENT Sisterhood Dates To Remember: April 2 / 7:50PM SisTERhood BoARd Meetinq April 24 SisTERhood Women's 5a/?? MAy 7 / 7:50PM SisTERhood BoARd Meet?inq May 21 SisTERhood EIections ANd Pot Luck June 5 Donor Dinner f> fflHERHOO D tn$MFf!u by Jeff Markewich, Brotherhood President Thank you to all of the Brothei^k hood members who helped me tak^^ the Sukkah down (finally). Big thanks are also due Sheryl Webb's 8th grade class for sealing the Suk?kah with wood protectant. It was great to have Sheryl take the initia?tive to volunteer her class to do this particular Mitzvah. The stu?dents that participated in this event were: Kristen Adler Matthew Bulavsky Joshua Cole Douglas Gold Meredith Grower Charles Kallick Stuart Kallick David Levy Emily Miller Lauren Ober Shawn Silber Shauna Unger Michelle Wershba Erich Schuman Eric Fleekop Jeremy Walton Nathan Levin Matthew Saskin ?Thantsfor ftardzvorf^April 1 Sheila Kaufman Mara Siegel Gillian Wells April 2 Sylvia Bilofsky Karen Moseman Ronna Nitzkin Jennabea Sturman Roberta Wisnosky April 3 Brtttan Greenberg Judith Pollins Danny Wine April 4 Katie Epstein Gary Mono April 5 Beth Bromberg Mark Bromberg Marc Fenster Allison Goldstein Benjamin Weiser April 6 Jacqueline Fleekop April 7 April 15 April 20 Laurie Berman Joe Cracraft Malcolm Doctors Jody Coleman Morris Ginsberg Roberta Unger Jessica Joseph Aaron Eleanor Wender Shirlee Levine Klafter-Philips Teri Shoofey Roberta Price April 21 Donald Buchanan April 10 April 16 Scott Gordon Xenia Mintzer Judith Kollins Ethan Gust Gilbert Shaw Hannah Morgan Rebecca Husney Catherine Oseas Victor Snider April 11 Benjamin Stolberg Daniel Chenin April 17 Denise Gordon Zachary Corzine April 22 Lisa Gollard Ryan Morris April 12 Lisa Marano Allen Shapin Lindsay Boyers Sherry Mayman Arlyne Gerstler Maria Ostrovsky April 23 Pamela Katz Kenny Berman Russell Posin April 18 Keybey Moldave Joel Saltzman Avi Feldman Susan Schyman Cheryl Waldman Angie Harbach Darin Tiep Jeremy Walton William Kanter Beth Rosenberg April 24 April 13 Stanley Barbanell Jacqueline Wikler Alyson Fine Stephen Joseph April 19 April 25 David Mendelson Lillian Eisner April 14 Joseph Schwartz Marc Rivera Lilyan Goldberg Joseph Unger Sheryl Kogan April 26 Abby Wikler Bonnie Kamer Victor Miera Bobbi Newman Jennifer Ohriner April 27 Eleanor Bossak Judith Denton-Pratt Lauren Husney Dyane Kohnen Howard Skolnik Susan Weiner April 28 Kristin Adler Chaffe Bolin Jason Chenin Sophia Eisner Naomi Goldsmith David Schacter Edwin Simon Howard Weiner Phillip Weiner April 29 David Glasser Rachel Sloane April 30 Lee Goldberg Sidney Kosloy April 1997 cA S p ecial rp ia e e yTo (Belong, The Social Action Committee be co-sponsoring the Model be held at our Temple so that the learn a little more about us and be sending a Passover goody- them know that we are thinking that you have sent the address office so that we can include has a busy month in April. We will Seder on April 13. The Seder will guests can see the sanctuary ani our tradition. Once again we box to our college students to 1^^ of them at holiday time. I hope of your college student to the them in this project. We are very excited that the Interfaith Hospitality Network project has gotten off the ground. It promises to be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. A Dig thank you to Maxine Gratz for chairing this project. It is a tremendous job and takes a lot of time to organize an undertaking of this size. We appreciate her efforts. As usual, I would like to invite anyone interested in joining our committee to please contact the office and give them your name and I will be sure to let you know when our next meeting will be. We are always looking for new members with new ideas. NerTamip Temple Youth April is a very eventful month for NTTY. On the sixth we have our annual fund?raiser for mitzvah corps, but this year we are doing something new. Instead of the usual bagel box fund-raiser we are going to have a ?bowl-a-thon?. If you are interested in participating in the fund-raiser or donating money for this great cause, get in touch with Joey Un?ger at d-54 - 0331. There will be no NTTY on April 13 be?cause we will be in Phoenix for the last SWFTY regional conclave of the year. On April 20, NTTY will hold elections for the executive board. If you are dedi?cated and you think you have got what it takes to be on the NTTY board, then feel free to give Joey Unger a call at the number above. The positions open for election are President, Programming VP Social Action VP Religious and Cul?tural VP Treasurer, and Secretary. If you have any questions at all Call Joey or Matt Unger. Hope to see you there!!! Congregation Ner Tamid As the chairperson of the IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) at Congregation Ner Tamid, I want to thank all of you for your donations, volunteering, and outpouring of love. We?ve always considered ourselves an extended family and because of your caring and support, we were able to extend ourselves one step further. Thanks to all the chairpeople who worked so very hard to make this project a success. Thank you to everyone who made any contribution. It?s a wonderfully heartfelt feeling to know that we?ve helped some families not go hungry and not sleep on the street for one week. We?ve succeeded perhaps in a very modest way of making a difference. Thank you all for making that a reality. There are still time-slots available and need for food and financial donations for the May 11 - May1fi> next go-around. We will be publishing a list for donations for food very shortly. Please call me at 570-2070. Any amount of time you can spare will be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for making this such an enjoyable undertaking a true success. McpQneQratz Chairperson April 1997 In: /? / yyHu vm'. m ctfutfi Go&cn, ^beloved mother of Jerald Cohen cSeMreJX JbudUx, beloved father of Sharna Blumenfeld ^?TtU *Ztxetz, beloved stepfather of Joseph Zuckerman ffoflxia jBaz&az, beloved grandmom of Sophia Blumberg 2bot& ezl\l\pis., beloved mother of Karen Marano fRcxnLac. ^oxtLon, beloved cousin of Jean Goldstein jnzx, ther of Melody Benedict d\l\jjafiae? eSuhfie., beloved cousin of Melissa Roth and Marvin and Marilyn Glovinksy czft/[lCton IBayex, beloved father of Harriet Smylie 5)o pv family i >u Rave a Jamil^ member or a friend wno is RospitaHzecf? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Dear Congreganfs: At the March 11th, 1997 Board of Trustees' meeting, the Board formally approved and adopted the following membership fees payment policy. It is our intent to make every temple member aware of the policy, the temple's office staff will be instructed to adhere to this policy from this day forward. The purpose of this