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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LOCATION - LGFGREEN - 8 0 .1 6 GRANTOR: HSRMAH LQF0REE8 and QRRA L.LOfGK&EX GRANTEE: 8 .P .L .A * 0 . 8 . L .R .R .C o. INSTRUMENT; WARRANTY B S D DATE: APRIL 23* 1915*CONSIDERATION 17000 RECORDED: MAY 20t 1 9 1 5 ,BOOK 3-J, PAGE 367 OF DEEDS, TOOLLI GOOUTY. DESCRIPTION: Beginning 3. 39* 5*M E. 1^78.5 fe e t from NW com er S ection 32 * thence S .89*1^* E* 2.00 fe e t w hich is S. 5^® 21* w. 1910.9 fe e t from HE corn er thence 8.0°*H5* &• ii-35.6 fe e t 1 thence 8. 09® l ^ 1 W. 200 fe e t ; thence H .o° kb * W. *135.0 fe e t to beginning con ta in in g 2 .0 acres t o - gather w ith c e rta in sprin g or sp rin gs thereon commonly known as "Green Sprin gs*---------- ALSO a perpetual easement and r ig h t o f way f o r a pipe lin e o r pip® lin e s fo r eonyeying the water from said Green Springe to the S ta tio n o f to fg re an over so much o f Grantor *3 land© as may be n e c e s s a r y .-------