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    6 1 Following a thorough discussion, a motion was duly made by Director Thorn, seconded by Director DuBravac, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present, that liquidated damages in the amount of $14,300 he assessed Lembke—Clough and King under Specification No. 4, Schedule II, in accordance with the recommendation of the Engineer. BILLING UNDER METERED RATES Manager Renshaw requested authority to commence billing under metered rates in Glen Heather Subdivision. No action was taken on this request. In response to a question by Director Thorn, Manager Renshaw advised that a check of the first 18 days, in June of the Greater Las Vegas and Francisco Park Subdivisions indicated water bills ranging from less than $8.00 to $25.00. He had previously prepared and distributed a memorandum showing the results of the 18 day check so that the Directors could decide if they wanted to proceed with billing tinder metered rates at this time. Following a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Directors present that billing under metered rates should be deferred, but that news stories should be prepared to advise the people of this action and the reason why it was taken. This delay would give the customers an opportunity to learn to conserve water and thereby avoid excessive water bills when the metered rates are put into effect. A motion was duly made by Director Thorn, seconded by Director Hosevear, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present, that billing under metered rates in ai 1 subdivisions previously authorized be deferred at this time until further action by the Board. Manager Renshaw was instructed to prepare a story on this matter for distribution to both newspapers. TNSTAT.T.flTION OF METERS The Manager explained that in accordance with a previous wiling by the ^oard, District forces were being increased and equipment purchased in order to handle the installation of meters. He requested a decision by the Board as to the area where installation of meters should be commenced. Following discussion of the matter, a motion was duly made by Director Thorn, seconded by Director DuBravac, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present, that the decision relative to the area where installation of meters by District forces will be commenced will be left to the discretion of the Manager. WHITNEY WATER SYSTEM The Board considered the appraisal of the Whitney Water System recently submitted by James M. Montgomery. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed to defer action on this matter until a full Board is present. SPECIFICATION NO. 3. OFFICE BUILDING Manager Renshaw advised that the paint was peeling from certain outside areas of the District office building. The contractor, J. A. Tiberti, had been requested to remedy the condition in accordance with the one year guarantee clause in his contract, but had disclaimed any responsibility on the grounds the paint had been in accordance with specifications and applied under inspection. The Manager requested the opinion of the Board as to whether further steps should be taken in the matter. In the ensuing discussion is was estimated that repairs would probably amount to about $150. In view of the small amount involved, it was agreed by the Directors present that further action would not be justified.