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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-530


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    the immediate downtown area made the statement they would pay the same money, pro rata, among themselves for the area as was given to the Convention Center this year. City Attorney Cory stated that would be a voluntary contribution. Mr. Kennedy stated that would not be worth anything in regard to the bond issue. Commissioner Fountain stated this would amount to 30 or 40 thousand dollars a year. Mr. Kennedy was of the opinion the ordinance would have to be changed. City Attorney Cory stated such a plan as mentioned by Commissioner Fountain would not help the salability of the bonds. Commissioner Sharp asked if the Commission had the authority to increase gas tax in the City of Las Vegas, as he was of the opinion such an arrangement could not be worked out with the downtown owners. Commissioner Sharp also raised the question of people going out of business. Mr. Kennedy replied this would have to be based on the license and the same fee be made by the new owners. Mr. Kennedy reminded the Commission this was only a plan which was being presented for their consideration and the financing would have to be worked out before it could be actually entered into. Commissioner Whipple said everything should be done to cooperate with the downtown people, and if they were willing, the Commission had an obligation. He further commended Mr. Sauer, Director of Public Works, for the work he had already done in this regard. Commissioner Sharp referred to the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and suggested writing them to find out how they went about the creation of their parking area. Mr. Kennedy said he was familiar with this and they had gone in and condemned the property. Mr. Kennedy stated further the parking facilities could be rented and the City could handle the construction of the buildings. The third phase of the program outlined by Mr. Kennedy, which would run simultaneously with the other two, was Building Code Enforcement and continuing inspections for the purpose of getting rid of as many of the older buildings as possible with replacement by newer type buildings which would continually up-grade the area; further, that recommendations for the improvement of the older buildings must be made as required. Mr. Kennedy stated that the area adopted as the "Downtown Area" be worked on continually for the purpose of making it convenient to get in and to get out of the area and not just to establish a pattern and forget about it. The Assessment District would automatically widen certain streets which would allow these streets to carry more traffic. Commissioner Fountain commended the City Manager for his work on this project and stated that at such time as the Commission or the City Manager saw lit to present the proposed improvements for the downtown district, the business people should be contacted by letter or should be called upon and a meeting arranged. City Manager Kennedy stated this would be done and the Commissioners would be notified. Director of Public Works Sauer presented a map of the area and the proposed improvements from Stewart to Bridger and from Main to 8th Street. He stated the intention was to improve the streets throughout this area by providing street lighting and improvement of alleys not presently improved. Bridger, Carson, Ogden and Stewart, and 7th and 8th Streets would be widened and also proposal was recommended that 2nd and 4th Streets be included in anticipation of increased traffic at the time of the freeway. At the same time, sidewalks would be installed adjacent to the curb and small parking areas that are an annoyance would be done away with. These streets would be increased to 65 feet instead of 50 feet, allowing four traffic lanes and two parking lanes; sidewalks would be reduced to 7½feet. Mr. Sauer added that so far the district had been set up on a front footage basis but the intention was not to present that if the bonding company would allow the use of a percentage basis, and the attorney believed this could be worked out. City Attorney Coiy stated that he had not indicated the district could be based on a benefit basis for proposed improvements where all property was not actually improved and for that reason bonding attorneys were being consulted. He added that Mr. Whitmore, Deputy City Attorney, was investigating this possibility and was presently waiting for an answer from the bonding attorney. Commissioner Sharp stated if this plan would be adopted, the Clark County Commissioners should be notified as they were presently in contract for the installation of curb and street lights in a part of the affected area. Mr. Sauer said he was aware of this situation and would get in touch with them. Mr. Sauer presented the problem of street cleaning on Fremont from 3rd to Main Street and, after some discussion, it was recommended that this problem be taken up with the downtown operators at the same time the improvements were discussed. Mr. Kennedy stated there was one thing more to be brought up when this meeting is held and that was the all-day use of parking meters by employees, whereas the intention for these meters was for one-hour parking. He suggested marking these cars, which had been done in the past, to determine whether it was local people or tourists. HEALTH REPORT Dr. D. D. Carr, Clark County Health Officer, presented a report to the Commissioners Westside Establishments in regard to establishments on the Westside. He stated his department had gone over Dr. D. D. Carr, County there on the past Monday and visited the Louisiana Club, New Town Tavern, Brown Derby, Health Officer The El Rio Club, and the El Morocco Club with the understanding a check was desired on the club area. Dr. Carr reported a number of these places were in good condition. The El Morocco was in good condition, the El Rio Club had only some small repairs and painting to do in the toilet rooms and he believed this work might already have been completed, and one of his men was checking today. The New Town Tavern had only one mark against them in regard to the springs on the ladies' toilet room doors; they had a question on dish washing and were reinstructed in this regard, and as to their cleaning up of the garbage cans, Dr. Carr understood they were working on the discrepancies and his men had been in there daily all this week. In regard to the Brown Derby, Dr. Carr stated they had a number of marks but not too awfully bad, and they had been given notice to clean up. They had really been hard 7-23-59