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I agree.Mr. E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles: , Referring to your letter of June 8, 1956, file 80-11, regarding quitclaim of Easement by Las Vegas Valley water District to Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company. The description to be used in said quitclaim is as follows: "That certain strip of land situated in the City of f r a . Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada,nbeing the south 269 feet of the west 20 feet of the SEv of' Section 29, T. 20 S., R. 61 E., M.D.B.&M." For your information, the above strip of land is described as item #1 of Easement Strip Nine (9) in Grant of Easement dated June 1, 195^, Recorded July 1, 1954 as Document No. 14123 in Book 14,, Official Records of Clark County, Nevada, assigned LA&SL L.S. Deed Audit No. 5352.