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    dgRciac4iSe>Kl 1-8-^2 rev/ 5/13/82 (replaces l-8-^1A and k2) ff- FRANK (breathing in the aroma) Bacon) Fresh made coffee! CALEB Hot bread! It's Milly's cookin'! (The other brothers start to enter, also in long johns) GIDEON Adam must have showed her what was what! (FRANK and CALEB ad lib agreement, while) BENJAMIN (offstage) Where's my pants? Where's my shirt and pants? . (The BROTHERS ad lib agreement. They can't find their clothes either) (MILLY ENTERS from the kitchen door) MILLY (cheerfully) Good morning, my brothers. (The BROTHERS, realizing they are only wearing their underwear, react to MILLY's presence in panic and flee into the bedroom, slamming the door behind them) MILLY (calling to them through their door) If you're looking for your outside clothes, they're out drying on the line. I couldn't get your .inside clothes though. I'll take them now, please. BENJAMIN (OFFSTAGE: indignant) Our underwear! MILLY (matter-of-factly) Yes, your underwear that you're sleepin' in... (OFFSTAGE: the brothers grumble)