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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Dec. 14, 1951 4747-11-64 (Case #1214) Mr. Harry Jameaon, Well Supervisor, State of Nevada, Dept, of State Engineer Office of Las Vegas Artesian Well Supervisor Room 8, Federal Building Las Vegas, Nevada. Dear Mr. Jameson: I have your letter of December 11th In connection with investigation of water problems in Las Vegas and 1 am glad to know you will be able to testify and would like to be subpoened which I will arrange to do. I have asked Mr. Cory to work up the necessary data for the hearing and am sending him and Mr. Johnson a copy of this letter. I am quite sure Mr. Johnson will give you any information you need with respect to Water Company data and I think, with that information, and possibly the consideration of some of the larger wells in the basin, you can get a pretty good idea of the annual discharge. You will recall you testified at the hearing in September 1950 and Mr. Cory has the copy of the transcript of the testimony in that case. If you would like to borrow it and read over your testimony as well as that of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Shamberger, I am sure Mr. Cory will be glad to lend you his copy of the transcript. With respect to the date of the hearing, the newspapers seem to know a lot more about this matter than either Bob Allen or I. I have noted in your papers that the hearing was to be set for December 17th and also, that the hearing would be indefinitely postponed. /