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man000006. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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THE BOULDER DcAM OFFICERS AL HINMAN President PEM PEMBROKE Secretary CY W E N G E R T Treasurer CHARLIE SQUIRES Club Correspondent SAM I-AWSON . Sergeant-at-Ann« DIRECTORS A1 Hinman Charlie Ronnow Pern Pembroke Frosty Mildren Cy Wengert Fred Hesse Ernie Cragin iBsued Weekly by the LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB Las Vegas, Nevada "The Best Tcuwn by a Dam Site" PU3LICITY COMMITTEE Bill Pike, Chairman Roy Martin Ernie Cragia Charlie Squires. Editor PAST PRESIDENTS I.e* Saunders Bill Perron We meet Thursdays at 12:15, at Union Pacific Dining Room Ayril 15, 1926, Today the ifctci fourth of the Rotary School Dinners. Next week will be taken up by the Election of Officers. The On to San Diogo Comittoe wore on tho job this past week with tho result that tho club is registered 100/6 for tho San Diogo Conference. Los Bvorts, Secretary of tho San 'Diago Clubs has tho following to say relative to same "W« arc- expecting t.hf> largest attendance there over was at any Dis-trict Conference in Rotary International. A fine program and plenty of ontortainmont will bo the lot of those who attend.'' —00OOO00— GOOD-WILL A sago of tho present generation has ?uid that all men rocognizo in thoir hoarts that they must have tho good '"ill of somo other men. To be soparated from your kind moans doath, and to havo thoir good-will is life - and this dosiro fcr sympathy, and this alone, shapes conduct. 7/a are govern-ed by public opinion, and until we regard all mankind as our frionds, and all men as brothers, so long will men continuo in socbs and cliques, and koop tho millennium of Peace and Gccd-Y/i 11 a dim and distant thing. Busi-ness is a fight - a continual strugg-.o - just a.3 life is. Man has reached his prosont dogroo of development through struggle. St*«Ggio there must bo and always will bo. Th« struggle began as purely physical. As man evolved it shifted ground to the mental, tha pJ^rxi' psychic and tho spirit-ual, with a few dashes of eavoman proclxvitier still loft. But depend upon it, tho struggle will always bo-life is activity. And when it gets to bo a strugglo in well-doing, it will still bo a struggle. Wh^n inertia gets tho bottor of you, it is time to telephone tho undertaker. (Har.Hat.Bk.) —ooOOQcc— CBATORY A negro mot an acquaintance of his, also celorod, on the street one day and was surprised to seo that his friend had on a now suit, now hat,now shoos and other ovidoncos of prosperity, Snys Judge. "Hoy, boy," ho said, "how come you dressed up this way? Is you got a job?" "I*so got sonethin' battorn1 auy job," replied tho other. "Isa got a perfossion." "v/hnt is it?" " I ' so a orator." "What's a orator?" "Don't ycu know?"-replied the resplendent ono in surprise. "Well, I' l l toll you what a orator is. If you was to walk up to a ordinary nigger end ask him hew much was two and two, ho'd say 'fourI but if ycu was to ask one of us orators how much was two and two he'd say. ''.Vhen in tho course ef human evonts it becomes necessary to tako do numeral of the second denomina-tion and add it to do figgor two, I says unto ycu and I says it without fear of successful contradiction, dat do result will invai'bly bo four'. Bat's a orator." —ooOOOoo— Rotary has just two sidos - putting business into Rotary and putting Rotary into business. And if Rotary does not got into business, either thoro is something wrong with Rotary or something wrong with businoss. 100$ at San Diogo.