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    SCRANTON, PA. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 38,58.1 PASADENA, CALIF. ?╟≤ STAR .MEWS Circ. D. 42,105'- S. 40,922 jja^jies, Rita Married at ?╟? c*e Quivers dfightly at Close Of Smooth Ceremony By ALINE MOSBY 1 LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 24 , UR)?╟÷Redhaired Rita Hayworth tjnd crooner Dick Haymes, with tall the. aplomb of professinoals 1 going through a weil-rehear-fci'i bcene, were married here today in a gambling hotel ceremony. ) Rita added drama to the scene jby quivering slightly at the close of the ceremony but otherwise they stuck to the script and then- performance went off with the smoothness of one of the bride's starring roles in Hollywood *n the fourth marriage for both. The press outnumbered the guests by nearly three to one at the floodlighted ceremony which was delayed 45 minutes because District Judge Frank McNamee was tied up in his court by a jury trial. While "the guests, press and principals waited, Rita's two children by former marriages. Yasmin and Rebecca, patiently posed for cameramen. Little Yasmin, 3, daughter of Prince Aiy Khan, finally got bored and cried out, "I want my Mommie" Judge McNamee finally (Continued on Page Two) I WAUKESHA,j^ FREEMAN mm SEP-? 91953 sep m %m by having, *t. ^gPgni Dick Sands washes Rita an* happiness.', * ^e '^out 20 The ceremony can . born ?√ß?√ßhours after the ^?·ird &W 5ttrooner j shed his tmru e Nora Eddington Hayme^nds of --th??^u^The^d^ KfOiRF-iTHEY'RE MR. AND MRS. HAYMES?╟÷Actress Rita Hayworth and her new husband, singer Dick Haymes, cut their huge wedding, cake after getting married?╟÷both for the fourth time?╟÷at Las Vegas. (Unita&*ifcgss Telephoto) colored extreme Haymes, had ''received a Ca, t week but that t1^-^vorce last week Dm Snrb0S-eflnai*oraye ;gS* 1^ W miaht wrf ?Σ≤t the brief ceremony was no official matron of hon Haymes' and Ritasi _.^ in the pzrtyjif husband^ *,*. ^ ESTABLISHED BArclay 7-537 1 PRE& CLIPPING BUREAU 165 0??urch Street - New York APPLETON, WiS. POST-CR^^NT 'ipjg Circ. D. 30,462 SEP 2319|3 iFilm Stars Take Out License to Marry I Las Vegas?╟÷OPh-Dick Haymes, a| ?╟÷a^w who has had plenty ot; with wives and marriage license I crooner trouble .Sam, takes out a ih a gai \screen star |S||ff|J afternoon (license at 3 o' mt one hour after ne s just one vorce from Nora ^ zm&mmmmwm 'Simple Wedding' For Rita, Haymes LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film[ star Rita Haywgrth and crooner [ Dick Haymes today planned a i "simple wedding" with television and newsreel cameras grinding away. lii^^f* ! Then they"&'.sgttle down as toj what they hope will be a sedate ! life as Suburbanites in Greenwich, , Conn. M I The Blremony Thursday will be ,held infthe Gold Room of the "null Uinlnl willi only nine guests j invited, but news and camera men were told they could attend. I The red-haired beauty sighed happily that she and Haymes "are finally getting married after so many difficulties." &mmgr,their recent troubles have been an attempt by the government to deport Haymes, a citizen of Argentina, and death threats, againct Miss Hayworth and her [ youngest daughter, three-year- old Yasmin.';; i^|?║|5 "We want?*?½ simple wedding," Miss Hayworth-said firmly. '-'This one is too important to me to clutter up with a lot of unnecessary f frills. It's enough that we love each ii _ other:^ FRBDERicK, MD. NEWS Circ. D. 6.775 THE CINCINNATI :n< SEP 2^)953^ Breathe Easier; It's About Settled ||f ?╟?_ t LAS VEGAS, Nev. s^ried AlyK'S CHILDREN GUARDED-* Rita Hayworth's two daugh- -S\Harmi??d scented swimmijgl yasmin^^n^RebecJa, are shown playing by the Cols and international society^ll*! ^ g Los y^i'^rt^el^i'e today where they wed DicklkmP inii^%T Ire brought 'Jir^g^fBived throning letters on I mony .Thursda^mor^g. j^fthel |lfe 0f Ys?╜niiie;^*rbackg round is Security Offi- crSerfSebeV?╤^ NfrfJadgS!Wiprtheir guerrd. . _^ c "'' ^ "^e^^- c,ere; I ada judge V* a "?~t*HKeir laW MSB S&Pr?╜" nd the ?√ß said the 11 .tfi take place in tne ?╜ mony yers, press. mmnii event will take place Room of the Sands Hotel at 11 a, 1 Thursday mGPK/9GMP, I 1 "We don't nelR^Sny frills^ fancy -trimmings this time," '*if*A*wiifeniigh that I ??love md ' she ucVIW.??. It's enough Dick and he loves m^, ?√ß-s-_m__r to tfegmameS at last after all the (difficulties iW.e've had to face". I The actrfSj^*:ssho has often played hiilpind-^ek with ^^^ added that .some 20 report-|F ~~~ ?╟÷?╟÷__ W&pwW1'** watch 'the |DANVILLE, ILL. weddin^Plftdr\?·||dS-she'll sit dbw * ^ *.ttoti the press, luncTri-^iS^ithre' -D'3,'336S'3''" - porter" to the same room. DAflyiLLE, KY. Advocate-Messenger Circ. D2>3,590 SEP 25,1^4 Rifa Hayworth On 4th Honeymoon LAS VEGAS, Ney., Sept. 25 UR ?╟÷ Rita 'Hayv&ijth and Dick Hayi?║?║s j are on the fourth honeymoon for' each of them today fo^owlnga brief flash - bulb,,- lit wedding in- a gambling resort ljiptel. "I feel wonderfully happy," the redhaired bride said after tlie! three-minute ceremony. "I am married to the man I really love. It sounds so wonderful to be called Mrs. Haymes." The movie stg^sgjjnd the crooner fly to New York ;^|urday and later to Philadelphiav*""$bere the bridegroom stalls a night "fltib engagement Monday night. "Our careers, gin fact nothing, will ever separate us," Rita declared. She said she'll travel with -Ha^trne's on his hight club tour. They have rented a house in Greenwich, Conn. Miss Hayworth said -she'll cdmmute between 'there and Hollywood for one picture a I year. ?·*d*^?╜ ?√ßT}^ ceremony was perfoi^ieC by ..Judge Frank |lapNamee in the yl^ald Room ofVMe Sands; Hotel. Sf^lette games and slot machines plptinued whirring in the nearby casino. Rita's two daughters.^ Rebecca, 8, by her marriage to actor Orson Welles, f?╜wl Princess Yasmine, ^^if^^^^c-husband Aly~ .*>,; ^bokfed on from a divan. W& The bridal couple said their "I -do's" firmly. Big tears came into j?╟?Rita's eyes at thefe^ords. The: Tdouble-ring ceremony was over be- fefore she got her .ring; on Dick's ifinger; she putjlitori'afterward. E^tffiS Yasmine shrilled, "Mama, jrl want, a ring, too." Several hundred persons lined the way as the -ottlple, arm in arm, walked from.:.b?╜e -quarters in a remote part of ih^||otel to the ceremony. Miss Hayworth wofeala/ short - sleeved, blue linen dress, a. toast- colored tulle and veMeifc: hat and matching gloves. Heribouq^et was of orchids and lilies gffc-fthe valley. Haymes wore a btoerfpinlstripe : suit with blue tie. Before her marriages to Welles and Prince Aiy, Rita was wed to ! oilman Edward Judson. Haymes' previous wives were actress Joanne Dru, dancer Joanne Marshall, and Nora Flynn Haymes, ex-wife of Errol Flynn. The crooner got a Nevada divorce Wednesday front Nora, who obtained a California! decree from him last week. ST. JOSEPH, MO. NEWS-PRESS Circ. D. 48,450 - S. 50,248 SEP 24 J953 IDick and IRita Wed \\at Casino ?╟? LAS VEGAS," Nev; W ?╟÷ Rita, I Hayworth and Dick Haymes were I married today in a three-minute j ceremony in a Las 'Vegas- gam-, bling resort hotel. - ine S4-yeaf-old actress and her crooner, 35, recited vows' before district .-^Tudge Frank McNamee. JThe play. ?╜?·. Jthe ganiblingfea-bies continued tMjjaifghout ithe, tigM. It was the; fourth marriage for ich. Yet they were M r^ifeh a hurry that they didn't complete the exchange of rings in t|^L im tended double - ring cerenaony. Haymes placed his band, on Rita's finger, buf Rita had to give him her ring afterwardgg|fe$||i| Little Yasmine,' Rita's three- year-old daughter by Moslem Prince Aiy Khan, piped up;from the sidj^i "I want LateK Yasm flash bulbs. ring, too/fltf^P gathered j up To nut on .the wedding ej||e," she safdg'5. big reception was scheduled this afternoon. The cefemonyj took place at noon^ an hour late Several hundred people^^ljned the hotel swimming' pool and Casino as the Wedding party csime, down more than a half hour>iate. Rita was nervous and ' needed more time ttf get dressetfrSpOkes- men said. The judge was in court. That is di- Eddington Flynn --?╟÷ yhfltsUj Igoid room or -- g^^rl I some tnne-.Ai.^ s^ 4 for bmlmw^^ BRIDE RITA NEVER LOOKED SWEET A! W&mzaeaa .'->- iiJaw9M'i-^-''rm ?╟÷AT|gfeite^6tos (1) TwbdU. S^^^gpolicem'en lift refugee^^f^Serini^^^^l'eh from a C-47 ^'. tfiefir retu^ to West BetliP ^&fter."^. fr^efmelpLth's vacation to 5We^,.iGerina' summ^gjeamps. ^^^fegaAiohg i 1700 refugee chilji^in who/had it^^.good. f2^4Pl^%^orth lool^vher teriipt|pg best as Dick Haymes sea^^-?'||tejy^i^Rria%e I j with a.kiss a,moment after the Las Vegas {^|a(j|^^JgMErdayg Jack Entrattt-r, best man, holds hands over, their- heaiQs.-, (3)1 "It's .^t true,-'..'says Muriel Wills, s i ster of- Pic.:'- Merris R.< Willis', 2U, ut Foit Ann. N. Y., after his' name.?√ß app'eared ^-n, the %&of American POW the Reds said had refused'&patria- ti >ng'/'J-.-kjww he"want's to come home; they're^'holding-; him; a gainst:'liisaAyill.'1 Muriel displays her brother's last th^ee^ let-! ters "and Jbig -picture. (4) This i^ how Dr. Mar.egS^a'^^^^^'p- wic:/j gpoked yesterday ?╟≤ when he told the House Un-Amenrnn | Activities "Committee about the tragedy of Poland under Soviet rule. The Poligbgp-roTe^or. feceftt-Iy quit His country's delegation to the United Nations to seek U. S. asylum. djjO* 2 31953 Dick, Rita Get License (or Thursday W.edding. 4th Matrimonial Fentu^e.iorgBo|tfi:.jpiIm^$i^iriS H^^VEQAS, Nev. (MP Dicki }Mm0$>f a crooneswhjraks;. had! pl?½@bf trouble with, ^pls and UmPSam, took out sQa^riage] lig#^ Wednesday with^ita Hay-1 worth, a galjwbjst|iasha^^ share o| iu^band trouble. ,. -HaymeS*an&^^g 1 aja ?╟≤?╜* o u s|| fcreen star picked?# tB|-'wldding license at 3 pj^f^hafr was just one hour after he got* a*T$wrce?·fron?║| tea Eddington Flynn Haymes. Haymes. p?·^ The Argentine-born smgef7?╜fed the actress will be married Thursday morning in the Sands Hotels where both have -beefl1 POT 'BIB some time. It will be marriage! No. 4 for both. ?╜ ^,^,9^ The couple spent a quiet night'on the eve of Haymes divorce a^itibh." They ate dinner together in Miss Hayworth's room whj^Jagr two mine, daughter young daugHtets^y^feeca, off*jbeen <,here to, he near Haymesi spring of Orson Wllies? and Yaswhile he established his Sliir^eekJ of4^rJCee Alyfresidence required for a Nevada Tdivorce. j The wedding will be a simple] .one, contrasted to her lavishj 'French wedding to the Moslem 'prince in 1949. ; Federal Judge Frank MacNaaiee] will perform'tiie brief rites-^^e hotel room. Jack Entratter, eo- trififll^ ISt...MESSL-4^Gjr.& A-VHt. RITA DICK Kahn, had their dinner in the hotej] dining room. --gaT A friend said that Miss lia^j worth's stay here has beW^w fined mostly to her room. Shehak owner of *the Sands, will be t(ie tenly attendant. ^^a The only invited guests are eighti business and legal associates of the couple. The press, also invited, will outnumber the guests three to one. tt;$^tes: "I want a wedding with no frills this time," Rita said. "After all, I'm getting-JPick; and that's all that matters^ DOLLS! DOLI^L^OU&t.- She cried for two hours Tuesday after the third Mrs. Haymes signed the waiver that enabled t^e singer to get his divorce Wednesday. Else, Re would nave had to wait another 30 days before marrying Rita. Close friends reported that Rita' tears were an emotional outlet after days of tension built up in fear that Nora would be stubborn about] the waiver, 5 Honeymoon plans must wait re-l sumption of a deportation hearing, started, last month and scheduled to resume next Monday in Los] Angeles. U. S. immigration authorities hold that the alien Haymes forfeited his right to remain in the United States when, on an im-i pulse, he visited Rita in Honolulu. He failed to obtain a re - entry permit. '^y^- _ JHJDl _RAJMXlE_ ?╟≤me| .iatd ;ical ate| a