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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 8, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about bylaws and bills. CSUN Session 29 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000954. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 29-10 Monday, February 8,1998 MSU 201 7:00 PM David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education David Shapiro Sciences Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs RylanclG. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Dalicia Ramey rban Affairs Joe Cordone Business Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Oftr Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Jermon Kearney Engineering Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzaloite Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR DALEY; 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR RAMIREZ; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR AYALA; 4. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR JOHNS; 5. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE; 6. Student Services, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report G. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Urban Affairs Senator; VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Jennifer Peck and Eric Nystrom to serve on the Organizations Board, as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA; B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Business Senator; C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Engineering Senator; r-o cn C-cnr —CI S3G cx> C O -Jo i-sc n•xc ro. r zo ,-) r~ n• o ^""O jnt " f- r mar 5 "i- r n o 'o '1 —i ff> D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Ways and Means Committee; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing the CSUN budget as follows: Increase KUNV cosponsorship by $35,000 (to $60,000) and increase the overall CSUN budget by $35,000 (to $768,000). All budget increases are to affect the CSUN 2702 (general) Account; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-04, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; see attachment 1 G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-05, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; see attachment 2 VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT[in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. P Senate Bill No. 4 Of the 29th Session INTRODUCED BY:Senate President Pro-Tempore Fisk Summary: This bill is intended to give the CSUN Rules and Ethics committee some oversight regarding the eligibility of CSUN Executive Board and Senate members. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are underlined. Deletions shall be placed in brackets.) A. The CSUN Rules and Ethics Committee shall be composed of six (6) Senators serving in the current session of the CSUN Senate; B. Five (5) of the members will be designated as voting members and one (1) will be designated as the chair of the committee; C. Quorum will consist of at least four (4) committee members: three (3) voting members along with the chair; D. Four (4) members of the committee shall be nominated and approved by the CSUN Senate. Two (2) members of the committee shall be nominated and approved by the Executive Board. One (1) of these six (6) shall be nominated and approved by the CSUN Senate to chair the committee. These selections shall be made by the third official meeting of the new Senate session; E. Upon the creation of a vacancy in the committee, the Executive Board shall nominate and the Senate shall confirm a Senator to fill that vacancy. This shall occur at the Senate Meeting immediately following the creation of a vacancy; F. If a charge is levied against a member of the committee he/she shall be temporarily prohibited from participating as a member of the committee during that particular investigation. This member is therefore prohibited from voting in such a circumstance. The CSUN Senate shall reserve the right to elect an alternate for the duration of the case. A. The Chair shall preside over all committee meetings; B. The Chair shall assign excused/unexcused absences to members of the committee; C. The Chair shall be empowered to vote only in the case of a tie; D. The Chair shall notify a Senator or an Executive Board member who is being investigated by the committee so that the Senator or Executive Board member may appear on his/her own behalf at the meeting action is being taken; E. The Committee shall nominate and approve a voting member of the committee to serve as Vice-Chair; F. The Vice-Chair will preside over the committee only in the case of the absence of the chair. When acting as the Chair, the Vice-Chair is granted all the rights and privileges bestowed upon the Chair; G. The Vice-Chair forfeits his/her voting privileges when acting as the Chair of the committee. SENATE BYLAW 31 RULES AND ETHICS COMMITTEE I. Membership II. Chair III. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities A. The committee shall submit, for Senate approval, a set of rules that Senators will be required to follow for the current session of the Senate. These rules must be submitted on either the first or the second meeting of the committee; B. These rules become official upon being approved by the Senate; C. The Committee will be responsible for ensuring that all Senators are complying with all rules that are approved in the above manner; D. Members of the committee must report violations of the established rules to the committee at he next scheduled meeting after the infraction is discovered; E. Any CSUN member may report an infraction to the committee for purposes of investigation by the committee; A\ , F. A repfljdLbyJhe committee mayJ?e given at each Senate meeting; G. The committee1^^--tef|nLp.<!.t information pertaining to the eligibility of current^ j f £ c e student government officials and officers from the business manager^This information will only state whether this individual is eligible or not eligible. 1. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member of the Executive Board or the Senate, the CSUN Rules and Ethics Committee must notify that member within five (5) working days. 2. The CSUN Executive Board member or Senator must then show proof of error within one calendar month of receiving notification from the CSUN Rules and Ethics committee. 3. An Executive Board member or Senator who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment by the CSUN Senate. H.[G.] When discovered, the committee chair must make a motion at the next official Senate Meeting to levy charges of impeachment. f W t i u r c W r 2_ t • fi^CHVED COHSOLiuATtu SfUOEKIi STUDENTCOVERHHENT OFCS. "NIVERSITf Or NEVADA a- " LAS VEGAS Senate Bill No. 5 FEB Z 3 sy PH '93 Of the 29th Session INTRODUCED BY:Senate President Pro-Tempore Fisk Summary: This bill is intended to give the CSUN Rules and Ethics committee some oversight regarding the eligibility of CSUN Executive Board and Senate members. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are underlined. Deletions shall be placed in brackets.) SENATE BYLAW 33 GRADE VERIFICATION POLICY I. G.P.A. verification for CSUN Executive Board, Chairs, and Directors: A. Only the CSUN Business Manager may access grades of CSUN Officials, Directors and Chairs; B. The information accessed can be used for determination of eligible or non-eligible status only; C. The CSUN Business Manager shall enforce all provisions of the CSUN Constitution with regards to fee waivers. The CSUN Business Manager will audit all fee waivers and enforce any and all refunds for all dropped classes as well as for any CSUN Officer, Director, or Chair who did not complete the term of classes, and/or work. This applies to all Directors, Chair, Executive Board Officers, and Senators; D. The CSUN Business Manager shall check eligibility of all CSUN Officers on a monthly basis. II. The CSUN Judicial Council may request the Business Manager to provide confirmation that all grade checks have been conducted within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days of instruction. Only information pertaining to eligibility of current Student Government Officials will be released. This information will only state whether this individual is eligible or not eligible: A. The Judicial Council may request such inquiries on behalf of a written complaint from any CSUN member. III. The CSUN President shall administer all grade verification forms for the Vice-President and Directors: A. The CSUN President will submit the completed forms to the Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the start of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member, the CSUN President must notify that member within five (5) working days; C. That member must then show proof of error within one calendar month of receiving notification from the CSUN President; D. A member who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment or removal from the CSUN Senate. IV. The CSUN Vice-President shall administer all grade verification forms for the Executive Board, excluding the Vice-President: A. The CSUN Vice President will submit the completed forms to the Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the start of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member, the CSUN Vice President must notify that member within five (5) working days; C. That member must then show proof of error within one calendar month of receiving notification from the CSUN Vice President; D. A member who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment or removal from the CSUN Senate. V. The CSUN Senate President shall administer all grade verification forms for all Senators, except the Senate President Pro-Tempore: A. The CSUN Senate President will submit the completed forms to the Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the start of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a senator, the CSUN Senate President must inform that Senator within five (5) working days; C. The Senator must show proof of error within one calendar month of receiving notification from the CSUN President or resign from the Senate. If no voluntary action is taken within this period of time, the Senator in question will be referred to the Senate Rules and Ethics Committee for review; D. A member who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment or removal from the CSUN Senate. ijtfy^fh ^Qcei ye- VI. The CSUN Senate Rules and Ethics Committee may request information pertaining to the eligibility of current student government officials and officers from the Business Manager^ Tffls'^ritolfm^ion will only state whether this individual is eligible or not eligible. A. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member of the Executive Board or the Senate, the CSUN Rules and Ethics committee must notify that member within five (5) working days. B. The CSUN Executive Board member or Senator must then show proof of error within one calendar month of receiving notification from the CSUN Rules and Ethics committee or resign from their position; C. An Executive Board member or Senator who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment by the CSUN Senate. VII. [VI]The following constitutes a valid description of grades for senators, directors, and Executive Board members: A. Enrolled in and sustain nine (9) or more credits at UNLV; B. A 2.5 or greater semester G.P.A., a 2.75 or greater cumulative G.P.A VII. Senate Bill 29-05 does not take effect until: A. Until filing begins for spring 1999 Executive Board elections for Directors and The executive board. B. Until filing begins for the 30th session Senate elections for the Senate; ( University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 29-10 Monday, February 8,1999 MSU 201, 6:00 PM Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Ofir Ventura isiness Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration Paul Moradkhan Sciences Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called Senate Meeting 29-10 to order at 7:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Johnny Anzalone Christian Augustin Catharine Bastunas Josephine Binetti A'lisa Bronder Amy Canepa (entered at 7:09)* Aaron Clemens Joe Cordone Stephanie Davy David Fisk John P. A. Garcia Gil Glancz Jermon Kearney Brady T. Knapp Anne-Marie Lazaroff Marc Maietta Monica Moradkhan Ofir Ventura Ryland Whitaker Christy Morgan (excused) Tara Schroeder (excused) denotes tardiness III APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve minutes 29-07 made by SENATOR CLEMENS, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR FISK stated that the Dean search for Education is on schedule. SENATOR CANEPA enters at 7:09. 2. SENATOR VENTURA stated that he has a video from the IAC about the Thomas and Mack renovations and he will be presenting it in two weeks. C. Director Reports: 1. NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DALEY was not present. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO read his report. In summary, it stated that he feels there is no relationship between attending meetings and job performance. He intends to effectively execute the responsibilities of his office, regardless of whether he is available to attend meetings. He stated that he will be in the office during the week if anyone has questions or concerns. NDOT will bring its 3-D model of the highway improvements to the MSU on Wednesday, February 17th. Roger Newman will be lecturing on Tuesday, March 2nd at 2:00 p.m. about Internet regulation. He also stated that we have a new E-mail address set up to which the legislature will send updates on the progress of bills. The next Regent meeting will be on Thursday, February 25th. Lastly, he hopes that the Senate will accept the three students nominated by the Executive Board, to be approved by President Harter for the KUNV Advisory Board. There were several questions from the Senate. 2. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ stated that she is going to be very busy over the next few weeks. There was only one person at the Elections Board meeting today and she needs help. The due dates for ballot questions are February 16th and March 22nd. Applications are due on Friday at 5:00 and there is a mandatory candidates meeting at 6:00 p.m. She will post meeting times in the office. March 4th there will be a live band in the ballroom and a question forum. The general election is April 7th and 8th and she is going to organize a debate. She will always be in attendance at the meetings and SENATOR BINETTI is on her board. She will be busy, but if she is not in the office, she can be reached at home. There were several questions for the Director. 2 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 3. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR AYALA stated that the next meeting is February 17th. The contribution forms and recognition packets were due on Friday. He is looking for the approval of Eric Nystrom and Jennifer Peck. There were several questions from the Senate. 4. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR JOHNS stated that the noon scenes will be in the MSU Ballroom. There will be lots of Items regarding REBELPALOOZA on the next agenda. There were several questions for the Director. 5. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE stated that she is working with DIRECTOR JOHNS on press releases for REBELPALOOZA. She is also looking at reusable mugs for a voting incentive. 6. STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN was not present. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO stated that he is meeting with tomorrow regarding her attendance and goals. He is giving her two weeks to make some progress. There were several questions from the Senate. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: Jeff Handlin stated that they started their Romance Awareness Week today. SENATOR CLEMENS was at their last meeting. They have two people running for national positions. There were several questions from the Senate. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: The liaison stated that they are having their training table and the Dining Commons is closing down from 6:30 until 7:30 for the athletes. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report: Ann Yu stated that they had their Cultural Leadership retreat and there were 36 people there. They came up with an action plan and goals. Their next meeting is Thursday at 4:00. SENATOR SCHROEDER enters at 7:12. G. Business Manager Report: 3 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE read the expenditures for the last week: $250.00 to David Ruffin for a noon scene performance on 2/2, $110.40 for food and drinks for the noonscene, $50.00 for Senator nameplates, $162.50 for food and drinks for the noon scene on 2/10, $182.00 for a subscription to the LVRJ through 2/4/00, and $332.50 for a soup and salad buffet for LEAD team members. There were several questions for Business Manager Moore. SENATOR AUGUSTIN made a motion to amend the agenda to strike 1998 and insert 1999, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Urban Affairs Senator; SENATOR LAZAROFF made a motion to remove the Item from the table, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. SENATOR CLEMENS made a motion to allow each candidate to speak for no longer than two minutes, followed by questions and answers, followed by a division of the house roll call vote, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. William Home spoke about his qualifications and goals for the position. There were several questions from the Senate. Teddi Raffail spoke about her qualifications and goals for the position. There were several questions from the Senate. David Withers spoke about his qualifications and goals for the position. There were several questions from the Senate. Move into a house roll call vote. Teddi Raffail receives the seat. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called a recess at 8:00. 4 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 He called the meeting back to order at 8:07. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Jennifer Peck and Eric Nystrom to serve on the Organizations Board, as submitted by SENATOR MAIETTA; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MAIETTA, seconded by SENATOR CLEMENS. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-1. (SENATOR MAIETTA abstained.) B. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Business Senator; SENATOR CANEPA made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one student to fill the position of Engineering Senator; SENATOR CANEPA made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. D. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Ways and Means Committee; SENATOR BASTUNAS made a motion to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA. Nominations were closed. By unanimous acclimation SENATOR BASTUNAS received the seat. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of increasing the CSUN budget as follows: Increase KUNV cosponsorship by $35,000 (to $60,000) and increase the overall CSUN budget by $35,000 (to $768,000). All budget increases are to affect the CSUN 2702 (general) Account; SENATOR CLEMENS made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-3-4. (SENATORS FISK, CANEPA, and VENTURA opposed, SENATORS MORADKHAN, GARCIA, DAVY, and BINETTI abstained.) SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-04, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; SENATOR DAVY made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR CANEPA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-05, as submitted by SENATOR DAVY; SENATOR DAVY made a motion to table the Item, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-0. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT Sheridan Green introduced himself and stated that he is a candidate for the Engineering seat. Jennifer Hale introduced herself and stated that she is a nominee for the Business seat. Paul from the UNLV Rollin Rebels showed the Senate the jerseys they helped them to purchase. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO stated that his two nominations for Vice President Pro-Tempore are SENATORS VENTURA and WHITAKER. He asked Senators with questions to talk to him. He also wants the Senate to discuss if it can be a Senator or if they should receive a stipend. There is a Directors meeting on Wednesday, February 17th at 3 p.m. He will have the first evaluations next week. He thanked everyone for approving the phone. He also stated that he obtained a list of retailers for the cart. PRESIDENT PRICE stated that the IAC is meeting on Thursday and it is a good time for them to voice their opinions. There is also a special fees committee meeting to discuss increasing CSUNs funding from the legislature. He stated that Rich Daley, SENATOR BRONDER, and SENATOR BASTUNAS are interested in the Code Committee. There were several questions for PRESIDENT PRICE. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH apologized that he was not at the Executive Board meeting but he had to go to the doctor. He asked that the Director requests go to the Vice President. There is a growing tendency for CSUN to get on the Director's tails and it has caused an adversarial relationship. The past and current Student Body Presidents of UNR were debaters. 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 The next agenda will have Faculty Senate seats and they need to be responsible to go to the meetings. The Faculty Senate Grievance Committee has been having problems with quorum. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR BINETTI stated that all of the candidates tonight were qualified. It is good to see DIRECTOR AYALA. She stated that it is appropriate for Senators to voice their concerns. They are supposed to be at meetings and the policies haven't been followed. SENATOR DAVY welcomed SENATOR RAFF AIL. SENATOR GARCIA welcomed SENATOR RAFF AIL. He stated that he is glad to see VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO is open to the Senators about the Directors. (He read from the Constitution.) He stated that it is impressive to see three Directors here and DIRECTOR AYALA. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN wished everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and congratulated SENATOR RAFF AIL. SENATOR RAFFAIL stated that it is great to be back. SENATOR BASTUNAS stated that she is excited about softball and asked everyone to let her know of a good practice time. She also welcomed SENATOR RAFFAIL. SENATOR CANEPA thanked DIRECTOR AYALA and welcomed SENATOR RAFFAIL. She stated that it was a tough decision. She was quoted in the Rebel Yell. Career Day is February 24th. SENATOR GLANCZ stated that he put fliers in everyone's boxes regarding Career Day and stated that it will be a good experience. SENATOR WHITAKER thanked PRESIDENT PRICE and the others who helped him last Wednesday. SENATOR KNAPP wished everyone a Happy Romance Awareness Week. SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN congratulated SENATOR RAFFAIL. SENATOR CLEMENS congratulated SENATOR RAFFAIL. He asked everyone to help support the Regents to get equal funding for the South. He stated that it is not fair and two-thirds of the state gets one-half of the funding. He asked everyone to make phone calls and compose letters and stated that this is an important legacy we can leave. SENATOR CLEMENS leaves at 8:30. SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 SENATOR VENTURA thanked the other candidates for staying and stated that he hopes to see everyone at Career Day. SENATOR BRONDER congratulated SENATOR RAFFAIL. SENATOR MAIETTA congratulated SENATOR RAFFAIL and asked members of Ways and Means for copies of their schedules. SENATOR LAZAROFF stated that it would be nice to see women on the Executive Board. Senators are asking questions that could be asked in the office. They are wasting time and they can pass notes. VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO should handle the Directors. She wishes the time was put into their Colleges. She stated that her musical is free for students and is Wednesday through Saturday at 8:00 p.m. SENATOR ANZALONE congratulated SENATOR RAFFAIL and William Home for his speech. He told him to come and try again. He stated that VICE PRESIDENT SHAPIRO is doing an unbelievable job, and always has quick responses to their questions. SENATOR AUGUSTIN thanked Business Manager Moore. He stated the sound policy in the amphitheater is ridiculous and he hopes they re-think it. He heard that professors were complaining and the administration cannot tell off the faculty. He hopes they change the policy. SENATOR FISK welcomed SENATOR RAFFAIL. He stated that he likes SENATOR LAZAROFF'S hair. He stated that if the Directors were in the office he could tell them. The Senate has been lenient and the arrogance is unfortunate. They have to make issues public and there is no reason not to talk about them. He also congratulated SENATOR CLEMENS on his work. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR FISK, seconded by SENATOR CANEPA. Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 19-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m. I 8 SENATE MINUTES 29-10/ February 8, 1999 Submitted by: Prepared by: Richard D. Kimbrough II SENATE PRESIDENT Holly Wainscott SENATE SECRETARY Note: All minutes are subject to summation. ( 9