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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1989



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    m Ccn??re?atiop Ncr Tarpid TDD 13 n^ni5 i The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Sandra Cohen, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor November 1989 Cheshvan - Kislev 5750 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Kenneth J. Schnitzer, President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES CONGREGATION NER TAMID TO HOLD NEW MEM?BER SABBATH - NOVEMBER 10th Mary Fox Chosen as Congregant of the Year! Friday, November 3 Services conducted by Dr. Lewis Etcoff Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood. Friday, November 10 New Member Sabbath Services conducted by Kabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Jerry Fox And Membership Committee. Friday, November 17 Services conducted by Eileen Kollins Oneg sponsored by Clair and Harry Bycel in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Friday, November 24 Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Art & Shirley Gellin in honor of their 47th Wedding Anniversary. Over the past year almost 100 families have joined our Temple! We have almost tripled in size in the past two years. This is surely a time of cele?bration! To pay tribute to our new members, the Congregation is continuing its tradition of holding a special Sabbath honoring its new members and a special ?Congregant of the Year?. New Member?s Sabbath will be chaired by Dyane Kohnen and will take place on Friday, November 10th, at 8:00 pm. This year?s honoree will be Mary Fox. Mary Fox has been an active member of the Temple for six years. Known for her enthusiasm and dedication, Mary became a natural to lead the Congregation?s Sisterhood. She held the position for three years during which time the Sisterhood?s membership more than doubled. During her tenure as president, a variety of new programs were intro?duced and have become annual traditions at the Temple. In commenting on Mary?s selection as new member of the year, Rabbi Akselrad noted, ?I can think of no finer choice for our honoree this year. Mary is truly a remarkable and caring person. Her dedication and love for the Temple is surely an inspiration to all of us. She will be a wonderful role model and mentor to all of our new members reminding them of the importance of volunteerism.? Immediately following Sabbath Services there will be a special oneg hosted by our membership committee and Jerry Fox in honor of Mary Fox and the new congregants. A special group picture will be taken of all new members with Mary Fox which will go on permanent display in the Temple. All new members are asked to be at the Temple no later than 7:00 pm to be included in this picture. For more information, call Ruth Fite at 733-6292. YRHRZEITS November 3rd Morris Rubin Louis Frank Sidney Schwartz November 17th Henry Levoff Juliet L. Mark Max Davis November 10th Dr. Howard E. Weidenfeld Doris Soren Melvin W. Kallett Lillie Bycel Alexander Reiser Rose Bergman Nettie Lewis Frieda Shaw William M. Tiep Richard Ewan Seymour Harris Jack D. Israel William Moses Esther LevyCongregation Ner Tamid RABBI'S MESSAGE A few weeks ago my wife Joni and I took our three year old daughter, CJ, to see the Ice Capades. Like most parents, we received a great deal of joy watching her smile and eagerly awaited the many splendid cos?tumes and dancers who were part of the show. She was ?ooh-ing? and ?ahh-ing? at all of the wonderful magic in front of her little eyes when all of a sudden she heard a ?boom!? As part of one of the routines, a series of firecrackers were ignited and the noise scared her. After we calmed her down and wiped away the tears, we explained to her that the noise was only from firecrackers and wouldn?t hurt her. Satisfied with our ex?planation she continued to watch the performance and had a grand time. After the show I asked her, ???Nu, so did you enjoy the show?? She replied, ?Daddy, I don?t want anymore cracker-fires!? I thought she misunderstood the question. I tried again. ?I said, what did you LIKE about the show?? She looked at me and replied, ?But Daddy, I don?t like those cracker-fires!? As I thought about that little incident I began to think how many of us are transfixed and seemingly mesmerized by certain experiences in our lives. We attend an event and rather than enjoying it we focus on what should have been done or what could have been done better. Our daughter shows us a new dress and instead of complimenting it we tell her that there is a thread which is loose. Or we go to a restaurant and after devouring the meal state, ?well, it was OK but the food was really too cold and a bit tough.? In short, how many of us focus on the negative rather than the positive? There is so much to be thankful for in life and yet, we can all find ourselves stuck in a pattern of focusing on what should have been or what might have been, rather than on the good that was actually done. As we greet the New Year in the months to come let us do so with a sense of opportunity and optimism, for after all, there is a lot more to life than an occasional ?cracker - fire.? B?shalom, Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi TOT SHABBAT SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 23RD Mark your calendars now for December 23rd as we continue our successful program once again this year. Tot Shabbat is a special Sabbath morning program designed for children 2 5 years of age and their siblings. Last year over 80 children participated in the Tot Shabbat program. Geared especially for younger children, Rabbi Akselrad will conduct a special abbreviated service for the children. Following services children will participate in exciting arts and crafts projects and have lunch to complete a fun filled morning. This program?s theme is ?Celebrating Chanukka.? This program is chaired by Joni Akselrad and sponsored by Sisterhood. It is open to the entire community but reservations are a must. If you arc interested in coming or learning more about the program please complete the form below, and mail it to the Temple office: 2761 Emerson Ave., L.V., NV 89121, Attn. Tot Shabbot. Yes, we would like to know more about the Tot Shabbat and other programs: Name: ? Address: Phone:? We are planning on attending December 23rd.- Childrcn?s Names:----------------------------------- We are unable to attend:. Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid WE ARE GROWING !!! ?bROAN...STRETCH.... We at Congregation Ner Tamid are pleased to announce that we are bursting at the seams. Take a look at all the new members that we have added since last year. ISN?T IT WONDERFUL ! ! ! ! ! Ida Aberman Selma Abrams Audrey Arnold Sharon Azaria Mel Becker Irving Berger Pamela Cantor Richard & Jody Berger Hy & Natalie Bergman Les & Allison Berman Clifford & Barbara (Bobbie) Bemay Louis Bernstein Sylvia Bilofsky Eva Bortman Mitch & Debra Braun ack & Lisa Bulavsky oseph & Irene Chenin Suzie Chenin Sydney & Joy Cincinatus Charles & Ellerie Cleveland Arthur & Arlene Cohen Benjamin & Sylvia Cohen Ted & Maria Comfort Richard & Hope Cummins David & Pamela Daitch Stanley & Jessica Dreyfuss Eugene & Rebecca Eisenman Michael & Carol Epstein Anne, Howard, & Farren Epstein Charles & Bernice Etcoff Constance Feinstein Peter & Linda Fishman Mindy Fleisher Sylvia Frank Barry & Phyllis Fredkin Monroe & Eleanor Gelt Alfred & Arlyne Gerstler Steve & Rhonda Glyman Harvey & Gail Godorov ebra Gold Gary & Pamela Goldberg Sidney Goldberg Randy & Lisa Goldhammer Nikos & Elayne Gousdavas Arlene Harbach Elizabeth Hogan Faye Howe Edward Jackson Edward & Luana Jaffe Albert & Ruth Kallett Steven & Debra Kaner Robert & Debra Karlin * m Mort & Inez Kirson Irwin Kishner Richard & Frances Klamian Rose Klein Melvin & Helen Krauss Chris & Lisa Lang Keith & Debbie Lawrence Jack & Betty Lehman Jeorme & Mary Levey Neal & Judith Lewis George & Fran Lipshaw David Judy Lugo Don & Lynette Macauley Robert Jody Maes Alan & Dena Mann Karen Marano Lee & Abbe Mattson Harold & Betty Miller Sandy & Cindy Milmeister John & Marilyn Moran Jack & Judith Mutnick Harold & Carol Naiman Dennis & Debra Nelson Bobbi Newman Jack & Madelyn Nitzkin Scott & Barbra Ober Mark Ohriner & Jennifer Heyman Lee & Randi Friedman Eugene Kirshbaum Mark & Debra Katz Herbert & Claire F. Prezant Leon & Annette Sweet Lawrence I. & Brenda A. Sklar Morris & Libby Raynes Lloyd & Martha Reiser Paul Rogers Sylvia A. Rosen Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg Michael Roth Jack & Marlene Rubin Harry & Midge Rubinson Mark & Joanne Russell Michael & Sonja Saltman Harry & Betty Schloss Herman & Trudy Schneider Gary & Denise Schnitzer Peter & Jeanne Schomaker Art & Debra Schreck Mike Leslie Schuminsky Hy & Jeanette Schwartz Bella Schwartz Joseph & Sondra Schwartz Phil & Rose Seltzer Irvin & Marlene Sherman Susan Shlisky Sy & Shirley Silverman Daniel & Mollie Silverman John & Sharon Sneed Joseph Spiezer David & Bette Stahl Joe & Diane Thompson Frederick & Carol Treat Julian & Lillian Wallace Stephen & Karen Walsh Mae Weintraub Jay & Harriet Whitehouse Ellen Winograd Wilfred & Helen Zliser Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid The Officers And Board of Directors Of CONGREGATION NER TAMID Cordially Invite you To A Special Shabbat Friday November 10, 1989 At Eight O?clock In The Evening To Honor Our Second Distinguished Congregant Of The Year MAKYFOX And To Welcome Our New Members: Ida Aberman Selim Abrams Arnold Audrey Sharon Azaria Mel Becker Irving & Pamela Berger Richard & Jody Berger Hy & Natalie Bergman Les & Allison Berman Clifford & Barbara (Bobbie) Bemay Louis Bernstein Sylvia Bilofsky Eva Bortman Mitch & Debra Braun Jack & Lisa Bulavsky Joseph & Irene Chenin Suzie Chenin Sydney & Joy Cincinatus Charles & Ellerie Cleveland Arthur & Arlene Cohen Benjamin & Sylvia Cohen Ted & Maria Comfort Richard & Hope Cummins David & Pamela Daitch Stanley & Jessica Dreyfuss Eugene & Rebecca Eisenman Michael & Carol Epstein .Anne & Howard & Farren Epstein Charles & Bernice Etcoff Constance Feinstein Peter & Linda Fishman Mindy Fleisher Frank Sylvia Barry & Phyllis Fredkin Monroe & Eleanor Gelt Alfred & Arlyne Gersder Steve & Rhonda Glyman Harvey & Gail Godorov Debra Gold Gary & Pamela Goldberg Sidney Goldberg Randy & Lisa Goldhammer Nikos & Elayne Gousdavas .Arlene Harbach Kenneth & Hazel Herman Elizabeth Hogan Faye Howe Edward Jackson Edward & Luanajaffe Albert & Ruth Kailett Steven & Debra Kaner Robert & Debra Karlin Mort & Inez Kirson Irwin Kishner Richard & Frances Klamian Rose Klein Melvin & Helen Krauss Chris & Lisa Lang Keith & Debbie Lawrence Jack & Betty Lehman Jerome & Mary Levey Neal & Judith Lewis Geoige & Fran Lipshaw David & Judy Lugo Don & Lynette Macaulev Robert & Jody Maes Alan & Dena Mann Karen Marano Lee & Abbe Mattson Harold & Betty Miller Sandy & Cindy Milmeister John & Marilyn Moran Jacks Judith Mutnich Harold & Carol Naiman Dennis & Debra Nelson Bobbi Newman Jack & Madelyn Nitzkin Scon & Barbra Ober Mark Ohriner & Jennifer Hevman Lee & Randi Friedman Eugene Kirshbaum Mark & Debra Katz Herbert & Claire Prezant Leon & Annette Sweet Lawrence & Brenda Sklar Mark & Jennifer Ohriner Morris & Libby Raynes Llovd & Martha Reiser Paul Rogers Sylvia Rosen Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg Michael Roth Jack & Marlene Rubin Harry & Midge Rubinson Marks Joanne Russell Michael S Sonja Saltman Harry S Betty Schloss Herman S Trudy Schneider Gary S Denise Schnitzer Peter S Jeanne Schomaker Art S Debra Schreck Mike S Leslie Schuminsky Hy S Jeanette Schwartz Bella Schwartz Joseph S Sondra Schwartz Phil S Rose Seltzer Irvin S Marlene Sherman Susan Shlisky Sy S Shirley Silverman Daniel S Mollie Silverman John S Sharon Sneed Joseph Spiezer David S Bette Stahl Joe S Diane Thompson Frederick S Carol Treat Julian S Lillian Wallace Stephen S Karen Walsh Mae Weintraub Jay S Harriet Whitehouse Ellen Wlnograd Wilfred S Helen Zliser 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 ? (702) 733-6292 SPECIAL THfiNKS Now that the Holidays are over, we woultj like to extend a special THANKS to the manyJ individuals who gave their time and caring to make this a special time for all. Thanks to our office staff for all their tireless work. We could not have made it through without them. Norma Abrgel Irene Gold Robbie Reeves AND LET?S NOT FORGET, all the won?derful volunteers who helped too. Maxine Gratz Ida Aberman Phil Seltzer Betty Schloss A1 Rostov AND FINALLY BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, THANKS TO: Doctor and Mrs. Fred Siegel for the dona?tion of the lovely flowers which brightened our days and nights and helped bring in the New Year with joy. Connie Heit and Sophie Pisetsky for their caring and love in preparing such a wonderful Break the Fast dinner. Theirs will be a very difficult act to follow. The Choir, led by Halle Wash, for their sweet sounds. They practiced endlessly to fill our Holidays and our hearts with love. Brotherhood, who helped all lire services run that much smoother by ushering. With over 700 people attending, we certainly could not have done it without them. i Eileen Kollins. She coordinated all the hign| holiday honors and the pulpit guests. This was certainly a job well done. Eileen Kollins and Marilyn Glovinsky for coordinating the Yizkor Book andTcrri Herman for ensuring that it was printed and here on time. They helped us remember our loved ones in a special way. Ner Tamid Temple Youth for babysitting. Alan Hirsch did a superb job of coordinating. With so many congregants this year, we had even more young children than ever. AND, hopefully we have not missed men?tioning any of our cherished members...Thanks again! ATTENTION CRUISERS HUGE SUCCESS Congregation Ner Tamid Break the Fast a Great Success Over 180 people joined Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad and Cantor Charles Julian to Break the Fast after Yom Kippur services. Everyone feasted on such won?derful dishes as blueberry blintzes, herring and bagels with cream cheese lox. Connie Heit and Sophie Pisetsky worked long and hard in putting on this affair and their ef?forts were certainly rewarded as the words ?beautiful, del icious? were heard from every table. With such a success, we can only wonder at what next year will bring. We invite those of you who will be sailing with us on December 15, to attend a very special cruise night being held at the Temple, at 7:00 P.M. on Sunday, November 12. At this time we will be answering all your questions concerning how to dress, proof of citizenship, transportation, etc., and it is imperative that at least one member of each family attend. The cruise line has informed us that there is a possibility we may have your documents by then, so we know you will want to attend. If you are traveling via our char?tered bus, please bring a check payable to Congregation Ner Tamid; the cost will be announced that night. Refreshments will be served, and gifts will be given. Please R.S.V.P. to Ken or Linda, at 456-4080. BON VOYAGE Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid fiNNQfiL MEETING HEAR YE, HEAR YE... The Board of 5irectors announces that the Election of New Officers and Annual Meeting of Con?gregation Ner Tamid will be held on Sun?day, December 3, 1989 at 5:00 pm. The entire Congregation is invited and encour?aged to attend. The Nominating Committee recently met and proposed the following individu?als: President... Eileen Kollins V.P. - Administration... Marilyn Glovinsky V.P.-Ways & Means... Gerald Gordon V.P. - Education... Bobbie Bemay V.P. - Religious Activities... Lewis Etcoff V.P. - Membership... Mary Fox Treasurer... Ira Levine Recording Secretary... Jay Poster Trustee... Dyane Kohnen Trustee... Cal Lewis Trustee... Don Eisner Trustee... Scott Schreiber Trustee... Lois Doctors Trustee... Maxine Gratz Trustee... Sandy Ewan Trustee... Dottie Gross Trustee... Jeanne Schuomaker Nominations from the floor will also be considered during the Annual Meeting. Outreach Commit?tee to be chaired by Lois Doctors Congregation Ner Tamid is now forming an Outreach committee under the able direction of Lois Doctors. Outreach is a national program sponsored by the Re?form Movement. Outreach is a program designed to welcome Jews-by-Choice, in?terfaith couples, and others wishing to learn about the Jewish faith into Congregational life. Outreach began 11 years ago and has touched thousands of families throughout the United States. This program is sponsored by Con?gregation Ner Tamid and is open to the ^ntire community at no charge. For more ^formation about becoming involved in Outreach activities or becoming a part of the Outreach committee please call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292. 60 Ih GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF IIAHC BIENNIAL CONVENTION FAST APPROACHING The Covenant of the Generations is the theme for this years UAHC Biennial Convention. The question it asks: ?What must an established generation provide for the next, and what must a new generation retain and respect from its heritage?? How do we ensure our future by building upon our past? Held in New Orleans, the convention runs from Thursday, Novem?ber 2 to Monday, November 6. This year over 120 workshops have been scheduled. All events will take place in the New Orleans Marriott, a perfect convention facility. This year the Eisendrath Award will be given to Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus, professor at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the director of the American Jewish Archives. For more than six decades the lives of rabbinical students have been touched and influenced by Dr. Marcus. His work with the archives is the essence of the convention, preserving the past as a foundation for the future. This year . . . Bring Chanuka Home Experience the joy and beauty of Chanuka in a home service specially created for the whole family. Each day, the story of Chanuka unfolds with poetry, song, and prayer. Beautiful, full-page illustrations augment the story as it daily builds to its inspiring conclusion. An elegant retelling of the timeless struggle for dignity and religious freedom, a beacon of light and hope for every generation ? for all mankind. HANEIROT HALALU Haneirot Halalu includes nightly blessings in Hebrew and English (with complete transliterations), the dreidle- game, music ? even a traditional recipe for latkes. The text and liturgies, edited by Rabbi Elyse D. Frishman, plus nine vibrant watercolors by renowned artist Leonard Baskin infuse the story with warmth and rare beauty. Purchase Haneirot Halalu for those you love ? enrich your celebration of Chanuka for years to come. THESE LIGHTS ARE HOLY A Home Celebration of Chanuka Please send me_____copies at $9.95 each. All orders shipped post paid. Name Address City /State /Zip Send Check or Money Order to: CCAR Press 192 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10016 Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid ft SPECIfIL THfiNK YOU TO DONORS OF OUR KOL-NIDRE fiPPEfiL Sylvia Acker Leonard Bloom Ida & Max Blumenfeld Dr. Allan Boruszak Elaine Brand Julie Bronsky Mrs. S. Doctors Stephen Eckert Norman Goldberg Marc Gordon Marvin Kaplan Melissa Kaufman Judy Smith Klein Jack Karo Herman Malkin Dr. Barry & Judy Markman Robin Morelli Bernard Nathenson Allan Nathanson Joyce Rickey Gary Sanoff Max Shapiro Leonard Steinberg Barry Solomon Wilma Walsby Gelbert Yarchever Ben Perlove Helen Baron Ida Aberman Samuel & Hortense Alper Stanley & Georgia Ames Robert Amira Arthur & Natalie Berger Clifford & Barbara (Bobbie) Bemay Bruce & Karen Borgelt Lou & Roney Buffman Earl & Miriam Burkons Harry & Clair Bycel Stephen & Linda Chenin Joel & Linda Davidson Leo & Renee Diamond Stanley & Jessica Dreyfuss Leslie & Joan Dunn Rose Dunn Michael & Rachael Cherry Sydney & Joy Cincinatus Benjamin & Sylvia Cohen Paul & Sharon Cohen Jerry & Sandy Cohen Donald & Lillian Eisner Rudy & Harriet Elman Rachel Estrin Charles & Bernice Etcoff Roger & Sandy Ewan William & Sally Feldman Abe & Evelyn Fox Jerry & Mary Fox Sylvia Frank Arthur & Shirley Gellin Harold & Edie Glasser Steve & Rhonda Glyman Aubrey & Joanne Goldberg Allan & Clarice Goldberg Sidney Goldberg Barry Goodman David & Miriam Gordon Lynn Gordon Gerald & Yvonne Gordon________ Steve & Maxine Gratz David & Dotty Gross Albert & Dorothy Herman Edward & Carol Hoffman Irving & Eleanor Joffe Larry & Pam Katz Ida Kaufman Norman & Sheila Kaufman Irwin Kishner Rose Klein Sig & Dyane Kohnen Eileen Kollins Melvin & Helen Krauss Martin & Donna Kravitz Lxtuis & Shirley Kravitz Marian Layton Jack & Betty Lehman Ira & Mary Levine Lawrence & Beverly Levine Cal & Phyllis Lewis David & Judy Lugo Don & Lynette Macauley Alan & Dena Mann Phyllis Mark Bernice May Helen Mendelson Wendy Meoz Harold & Betty Miller Henry & Sadelle Minsey Joel & Audrey Mishalow Alan Molasky Lawrence & Lenora Newman Michael Novick Jerry & Lottie Polis Nathaniel & May Raichelle Paul Rogers Sylvia A. Rosen Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg Claude & Dede Rosenthal Michael Roth Drew & Janis Rounds Harry & Midge Rubinson Mark & Joanne Russell Michael & Sonja Saltman Harvey & Fran Sanoff J. Kathleen Schaefer Harry & Betty Schloss Herman & Trudy Schneider Kenneth & Linda Schnitzer Peter & Jeanne Schomaker Hy & Jeanette Schwartz Joseph & Sondra Schwartz Phil & Rose Seltzer Henry & Gert Shapiro Norton & Lillian Shapiro Gilbert & Natalie Shaw Irving & Marlene Sherman Roger & Leslie Simon Jeff & Nancy Sloane Dennis & Joan Stein Gary & Noreen Sternberg Darin & Nina Tiep David & Juanita Wasserman Milton Wasserman Harris & Elizabeth Waters Florence Weinstein Irving & Eleanor Wender Martin & Linda Wilner Ron & Hyla Worth Wilfred & Helen Zliser Harold Zorn Robert & Adrianne Reimer Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School Visits the finne Frank Exhibit On Sunday, October 15, the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade religious school classes vis?ited the Anne Frank Exhibit at UNLV. The 7 th grade class was assigned to write a letter to their teacher, Marla Gerecht, pretending as if they were living during the Holocaust. This letter counted as one of their required mitzvah projects. The following is a letter written by Aaron Cohen that we wish to share with you: Dear Marla, So nice to be able to write to you today. We have just moved into our new ?house? if you can call it that. The only way to get in is through an old beaten up bookcas^ We were so glad when the peopl? who live in this house let us hide away in their house. My family is very tired of being not able to go out of the attic or, for that matter even look outof our windows. Ithasbeen very quiet around here. Anne has started a diary about what we?ve gone through and her very personal feelings. Living where you are must be great. All the freedom makes me long for Germany where I was born. I can?t wait for this all to be over and done with. Just the thought of being in a concentration camp makes me shake and quiver. All that violence and pain must be unbearable to see and to go through. I pray each night that we will never be found. I have?n?t slept in four nights because I sit there listening so tentatively for thaM old bookcase to move. Hush now. r must go for I hear someone... Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid Adult Education Series 1989-1990 Fall/Winter EXPLORING JUDAISM THROUGH ART This course is an exciting opportunity to learn from an international artist and dance specialist. Judy Scott-Parry has dis?played her art work in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. She has a bachelor?s degree in Fine Arts from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California. Her course will in?clude a brief introduction to Jewish arts and two projects. Through ?hands on? experi?ence led by a talented artist, the student will develop a wonderful appreciation for Jew?ish art. Held in a lively lecture/discussion format this is a wonderful opportunity to learn and discuss some of the most pressing issues of today. Instructor: Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Dates: (Thursdays) January 25, February 22, March 22 Time: 7:30-9:00 p.m. Place: Temple library Class size: Limited to 30 participants Registration fee: $10.00 members, $15.00 non members REGISTRfmON Instructor: Judy Scott-Parry Date: (Tuesdays) November 14, 21 Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Place: The multi-purpose room Class size: Limited to 20 students Registration fee: $20.00 members, $25.00 non members r BEGINNING ISRAELI ANCE For a terrific time come for an eve?ning of lively Israeli Dance. In a class taught by Judy Scott-Parry, who has trav?eled with dance troupes through the Middle East, you will experience a fun filled basic introduction to traditional Israeli Dance. To enroll in any or all of these courses please fill out the registration form below. For classes with open enrollment and no registration fee, no registration is required. Registration fees must accompany registration form. Your canceled check is your reservation. Once a course has begun, no refunds will be made. Make checks payable to: Congre?gation Ner Tamid. Courses will be filled on a first come basis. Classes with fewer than five participants will continue only at the discretion of the instructor. Please enroll me in the following class(es):________________________ Instructor: Judy Scott-Parry Date: (Tuesday) January 16 Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Place: Social Hall Class size: Open enrollment Registration fee: $5.00 members, $6.00 non members Name:_____________________ Address:___________________ Phone number:___________ Temple member? Yes ____No JUDAISM CONFRONTS CONTEMPORARY ISSUES This three part course will delve into some of the most controversial issues facing the Jewish community to day. Often times we have read the news and wondered: ?What does Judaism have to say about that?? Now is the time for answers! Rabbi Akselrad will discuss three (topics: 1) ?Euthanasia: Does anyone have the right to die?? 2) ?Abortion: Is it per?missible or a violation of Jewish law?? 3) ?Israel: When to praise and when to criticize. Are their limits to friendship?? Total Registration fees enclosed:$_____ Suggestions for future programs:_____ Would you be interested in serving on an Adult education committee? Yes__No___ Is there a course which you would like to teach at one of our future adult education programs? If so please elaborate:_____ I__________________________________I FAMILY SERVICES WILL ENJOY OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL JUNIOR CHOIR This year Congregation Ner Tamid will have its own Junior Choir accompanying all Family Shabbat services. Each month a Shabbat dinner is prepared by a Religious School class. Services that evening are conducted by Rabbi Akselrad and the participat?ing Religious School class. This year a new dimension will be added to the service. Accompany?ing each family service will be our Junior Choir, under the leadership of Alan Chenin. Alan will be assisted by Alan Hirsh, our Relig?ious School music teacher and Lori Frankl, our 3rd grade teacher. The Junior Choir will consist of students in the Religious School from third to seventh grade. Last year the choir debuted at a family service, sang on radio station KDWN and gave its first commu?nity-wide performance at the Israeli Fair. CHOIR DIRECTOR Congregation Ner Tamid, a Reform Synagogue is looking for a part time choir director. Knowledge of Jewish music helpful. Ability to play the organ or experience in di?recting a choir a must. Please call Rabbi Akselrad at733-6292 between 10A.M. and 2 P.M. Monday through Thursday. Page 7 Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid THE 2ND fiNNUfiL CROWN?ING OF MS NOODLE KUGEL WILL TAKE PLfiCE fiT OUR CHfiNUKfiH BfiZfifiR SfiT. DEC 9th 4PM-8PM DON'T DELAY SEND YOOR ENTRY FORM TO MAXINE GRATZ 110 TIERRA BUENA 89110 DEADLINE 11/15 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE 2ND ANNUAL NER TAMID SISTERHOOD NOODLE KUGEL CONTEST 1. All entry notices must be postmarked no later than Novemberl5,1989. 2. All entries must be cooked at home, brought to the temple DEC 9, 1989 and judged at the Chanukah Bazaar. You may freeze the kugel ahead of time... PLEASE HAVE IT DEFROSTED AND READY TO COOK. 3. All noodle kugels must be made in a 11x14 pan (approx). 4. No entries will be returned. 5. All noodles used for the kugels must be 1/4 inch (approx). 6. All noodles used for the noodle kugel must be washed thoroughly. 7. There will be only one winner and one runner up, should Ner Tamid?s MS NOODLE KUGEL of 1989 be unable to fulfill her duties, MS RUNNER UP will take over the obligations of MS NOODLE KUGEL. 8. The winner has our permission to go on anywhere using her title trying to get COMPS for meals. 9. Ladies and/or gentlemen can enter, but only one entry per person. 10. All STREITS & GOODMANS relatives and employees are welcome to participate. 11. The judges decision is final which means... No BRIBING THE JUDGE. Please send all entry notices to Maxine Gratz or call 438-7512 and get ready for Bert Parks* to sing HERE SHE IS MS NOODLE KUGEL 1989 OF NER TAMID. *if available WINNER MUST BE PRESENT WE CAN THANK RITA MOSES FOR THIS EXCELLENT IDEA FOR OUR CHANU?KAH BAZAAR!! BROTHERHOOD We of Ner Tamid Brotherhood were pleased to help serve as ushers during the High Holiday services and we offer a well deserved ?thank-you? to those who served. Now we are soliciting one member to serve as chairman of the usher committee. Duties will include scheduling, rotating of members to act as ushers at Friday night services and other special events which always come up. 19 October... By the time you will have read this, we will have had a great time during game night... lots of visiting and meeting new and old members, some cards, scrabble, chips and salsa with diet beer. Yes, now it is but a fond memory, and we will have had a real good time. 16 November... For those men new to Congregation Ner Tamid, and also for those who are interested in shaping the activities of Brotherhood in the coming year, a general meeting will be held at 7:30 P.M. If you have not attended a meeting before, this is a good time to see and hear what we are about. Even if you have come before, come again. 22 December... Plans for Brotherhood Shabbat are still being formed. This Brotherhood event must be completely planned in pen and ink with usual handshake by close of meeting 16 November. 18 January... A scheduled general meeting and speaker. Topic to be selected and announced real soon... Watch for clues in next bulletin. As always, information about membership to Brotherhood can be fielded by Jerry Cohen and the number is 363A669. Shalom, Paul Rogers From Sophie?s Kitchen Attention Congregants! It is an honor to do oneg's for birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and all special occations. We would be happy to hear from you when you have a simcha to celebrate. Perhaps you would like to share an oneg with a friend, call Sophie at 362-6588 or the Temple office. I would like to thank all of the wonderful people who have contributed to the onegs. Love all of you! Sophie Pisetsky GOLDEN CHfil NEWS Dear Seniors, It?s article writing time again, and I have more news for all of you. The High Holy days have come and gone, and my sincerest wish is that all of you had a happy and healthy New Year. Our Oneg Shabbat was just as beautiful as I hoped it would be. I want to thank all our members who took the time to make it so lovely. On the 16th of November we will be entertained by a group of Hawaiian singers and dancers. Ladies it would be so nice to wear your Hawaiian dress. Gentlemen please Hawaiian shirts if at all possible. It will be a fun time. On December 14th we will have a Chanukah party in our temple for paid up members. Please don?t miss this affair. Ruth Goldman our treasurer is making plans for our Laughlin trip. It is open to friends and relatives as well as our members. We have such, a good time so don?t miss it. We will talk more about it at the next meeting, so I will be' looking forward to greeting all of you. Thank you, Dorothy Herman NIZfiTIONS SISTERHOOD NEWS SISTERHOOD?S CHANUKAH BAZAAR November 10 and 11, Friday and Saturday come see us at the Boulevard Mall, Sisterhood has been busy making hand crafted items all year, they will be for sale at the mall. Once a year the Boulevard Mall invites all non-profit organizations to the Bazaar as a fund raiser. SAVE THIS DATE! ! ! ! ! ! TEMPLE MYSTERY NIGHT Brought to you by Sisterhood Saturday, January 21st (There?s no basketball game) Details to follow CAMPERSHIPS The Campership campaign is ready for kickoff with a Sunday morning Bagel Brunch on November 12, 1989. Please join us in the multi-purpose room of the Dalitz Hebrew School at 11:15 A.M. for a film presentation on Jewish camps for kids. Children in grades 3-7 will be partici?pating and parents are encouraged to take part as well. Campership Chairperson, Dyane Kohnen, will be discussing the merit program for financial aid to children who w