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RETAIL TRADE a record in- 1 960. The f ol I o wi ng ta b u I ation, comp i led i n accorda nee wi th t he Sta nda rd I nd ustri a I Cl a ssif ication System used by the U. S. Bureau of Census, shows a detailed comparison of sales volume for the eleven standard accounted for $1 06,390,000 in trade. The largest percentage gains were in the automotive group, lumber, % OF YEAR 1962 YEAR 1961 INCREASE INCREASE Food Stores - 82,558,000 ' $ 63,021,000 $19,^^TO?? 31.0m 16.983^0^ ?╟≤f:i9.o Genera! Merchandise ........... 22,420,000 24,107,000 -1,687,000 -6.9 Apparel, Accessories 4,097,000 '' 22.5 Furniture, Home Furnishings, 17,297,000 12,853,000 4,444,000, ' \34 6 '?√ß 63..Q .......... 50,398,000 38,! 86,000 12,212,000 32.0 Lumber, Building Materials, 18,516,000 S^SSpCBBI 1,717,000 17.0 Other Retail Stores 16,877,000 ^^Hf,qoo- - 756,000 27.0 TOTALS...................... $335,270,000 29.7 SALES AND USE TAX to I ?╟?<,?? hBi rTTW?╟╓ifW^^ ; mm m?Σ≤ ^o^qU^B MBBiiMiiigiiii^^ state businesses wh,ch report only a total state figure. Including this would bring the Clark County total transacons to $502,485,382. Clark county's transactions were 49.85 per cent of the entire state total, preceding year*19 P39e 'S 3 de^ailed breakdown ??f transactions by type ??f business, with comparisons to the Page Eighteen SALES AND USE TAX TRANSACTIONS TAXABLE UNDER THE NEVADA SALES AND USE TAX LAW BY TYPE OF BUSINESS FOR CLARK COUNTY % OF YEAR 1962 YEAR 1961 INCREASE INCREASE iiaiflyAii????]i!iiriBliB $ 21,149,809 $ 17,298,847 $ 3,850,962 22.26 General Merchandise Stores ?╟÷?╟÷ |BHRS BB^||1|S BH| Specialty Stores ........ 18,483,611 13,883,789 4,599,822 33.13 Food Stores BBgH&B ^MBEB BK| & DrinkingPlaces.?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ ..... 101,656,530 85,441,246 16,215,284 18.98 Candy & Tobacco Stores ?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ ibhh Bllil Drug Stores ........ 11,694,571 9,997,537 1,697,034 16.97 Stores Stores ........ 5,438,218 3,954,373 1,483,845 37.52 1,068,569 HK||SjB HHSS Bill'd. Farm Implement Stores .?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ -;c 1,919,998 2,108,711 109.80 Garden & Farm Supply Stores ....... 1,549,536 HE||Ii|S Bnl Fuel & Ice Dealers ?√ßMnigT 426,878 71,993 16.87 ........ 3,019,521 BS| Building Materials, Yards & 14,592,756 ' 8,503,383 58 27 Hardware Stores 623,569 w/BgM B78.91 ....... 58,143,569 23,551,966 j||68.09 Trailer, Aircraft, Motorcycle & 5,797,952 56.15 Service Stations & Auto Supply ........ 12,938,790 ^Kp|??ilB 4,268,956 BggB Itinerant Vendors ?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ 2,797,438 Be^BB Garages ....... 5,119,159 1,621,575 46.36 Photographers ?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ BMHHBBH 414,170 mmmm Repairers & Other Personal 5,765,105 1,334,711 30.13 MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALERS, Construction & Special Trade ..... 24,177,013 15^g;85^j SB^SR'r 1 51.89 Manufacturers&Wholesalers?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷..?╟÷. 18,919,077 14,699,397 wmmm Producers & Distributors ?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ ......... 13,678,507 93M^aB 4lli84 . 43.23 All other outlets ?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷ H|^Hl Vi 6,157,528 862,713 ||B ?√ßH HBlfilSB $12iBBS 35.58 J, Does not i ncl ude com pa th a n one cou nty or out of state bu s i nesses. SOURCE: NevadalBB^WBBP^Tes?╟╓and Use Tax Division and Fuels Tax Division.