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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    49 136 INT. KING LOUIE'S BEDROOM NIGHT The King Is gazing out of the window when a KNOCK la heard at the door, KING LOUIE Pall in. The door opens and Samson enters with a note. SAMSON This was just delivered by Western Non-Union. It's from Princess Phona. He hands the note to the King then bowing, exits. , 137 ANOTHER ANGLE as the King starts to open the envelope the MUSIC segues into a ballad introduction as the SCREEN SPLITS to reveal the Princess on the other half, writing the note. The note is the song itself. The words of the song relate she will never see him again. After song the SPLIT SCREEN EFFECT Is taken out. King Louie is Indeed dejected. He drops onto the window seat and gazes out, sadly. Then he turns and picks up his horn and starts to blow a mournful blues passage a cappella style. 138 ANGLE - THE DOOR It parts slowly, revealing the heads of Samson, Winston, Dancelot, Morgan, and Roily. They turn and look at each other then enter, 139 ANOTHER ANGLE As Samson and the Knights walk quietly into the room, confused by the sad tones of the Chief. Finally, the King stops blowing and lowers his head. SAMSON I have never heard such sad tones come from the Royal Horn, KING LOUIE My heart is bugged, SAMSON If your subjects should hear such dismal music from the Palace it would cause a panic. (CONTINUED)