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    da m lien duly «eeeaded* it wa# mrnbtmt tilt the isU9A of flee-President I6iek«rid6k«r is e reputing 'end delivering lease* iitid leveeber 89* 1918, |m ! & m of Charles LitUiii for tern of fit* yeara fren iovenbet 10, ISIS* covering citrus peeking house at Qataris* California, at flat roatal of 43*030 par annua* laasaa to par additional roatal of §Ji per annua ea additions to building and if? on addition* to ataehia«ry and* im future* and to aaiataia &aehia«ry; load aad fiatar coapany to pay taro a and ineuraaoo* be aud th* aaao is hereby ratified* approved aad eon-firmed. On notion duly seconded, it ««« iX&QItfiat that the motion of freaideet Jeffers in executing agreeaent* dated ieeeeber II* 1938, with T. 0. Prichard* contractor* for cn*truction of eae-etory wood front addltioa to peeking boat# at ftb aad Via# street** Biveraide* California., together with strengthen* lag aad eaeleamg existing platfora* eoneideratioa fS*QS4,00, belag portion of work Sutherland uador ill of Qooenbef ST* lilt* bo* aad the eane i« hereby ratified* approved and eeaflread. On notion duly seconded, it *ae 9ii&I»ri£tt that tbo motion of Vise-President faieberbeeker in oroeutlag and dtllvering iaaeo* dated January 19* 1911* in favor of ftthere brother** Loo.» eoveriag peeking house at lalnut and Reason i venue a* fullertoa* California* for tern of five year* from February 1* 1911* at flat rental of #3,180 per annua, loeaoo to pay additional rental of ftfS per annua on any additieas to building and 9# per maatan on total teat of ail addition#* alteration* or lapreveaent* to anehia* try and epulpaent* land and inter weep any to pay taroa and ineuranoo* bo* and the anno ie hexaby ratiflbd* approval and eonfirawd. On notion duly seconded* it wap &SiQg»¥&IM that th* notion of flee*^resident iraekea and secretary in. * moating and delivering agreenent* dated loreaber SI* If IS* between Leslie i. it rung and thin eonpany* providing for the leaning to former of ooapany eottege yt SIT math Ird street* lee fegaa* invade* at nontbly rent si #I§*§® payable in advanoe* tom indefinite subject to torn! nation upon three day# written no tie# to lessee, be* and the eane la hereby ratified* approved and confirmed.