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aitiftaa fe*oon#r teis&ftatedj iftlftl t© tee ate the rate af §lBb#00 p#3p annum, sail up®& other lta« «a4 conditions, tee, and the aeaa is hereby, ratified, approved ami ©©mfi«s»€* On notion duly made, second*! and carried* it eae, tey unanimous vote, ftSSOLVKftt ? m i tte# nekton of the President end secretary in executing and delivering agreement, dated Karate K>th, 19891 Los Angeles * Salt take Roilread Company »ad tee Vegas lead and Water Company granting to the letter*, adder certain t o m e ami ©©nditioa#, the right to us# Rail tea* Cenrany*® water fipt line# end ether facilities free tee Vegas triage# artesian well a M other source# in the proximity thereto* to a ©enaeetioa with the pips lime ft the hand and *atai Oempaflf in the City of tee Vegas, Clark County * levad&f lend ami; inter Company to pay to the Jusdlro&d company ae rental Iff§*00 per month for period April 1st to .December Slat, 1989, m& thereafter such monthly rental ea shell he determined upon aooording to relative us#} sold agreement becoming effective April let, 1929, and eentlaaimg until terminated upon not lose than twelve monthe* notice riven by either party to the other, bo, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved end ©oaflrmed* On notion duly made, seconded and carried, It woe, by unanimous vote, ggsotyifti 9bot the actios of the President end secretary in executing and delivering agreenent, dated beptesteev 83sd, 1919, between toils company end Berry h. Beylies, covering silo to the latter of 38,400 eqnnre feet in Union Pacific Industrial Tract fo. I* bo® Angeles, Celifomin (tot# ft isnd 10), con id deration 114,190*00 toalculated et forty (40) cents per apuer* foot), under the terms of which ffrfc or 11,490*00, shell tee p,id upon date of delivery of executed agreenent, iii balaaee, Hi, f44*00, to be paid in ten equal anneal installments, the ftret of wteiete shall he paid on or before one year after date of delivery of agreement, duly mmmted, and subsequent Installments to bo paid f .' 4 ^'.'